[Radiant] Articles extension

2008-11-13 Thread Philip Arndt

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a site at the moment where the next thing I'll need to  
build is an extension to have "articles"
These are pretty much the same as pages but need to have different  
groupings etc.

Does anybody know of any existing extension that will do this or most  
of this and could be added to?
Otherwise, once I'm done, I'll see if I can make what I get done  
public.  But it'd be nice if somebody has already done that!

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Re: [Radiant] Conflict with Radiant Gallery?

2008-11-12 Thread Philip Arndt


I also noticed that!
I have since removed gallery, but it seems that the problem remains.   
It is a test site so I will eventually start afresh and will post back  
if the same symptom occurs next time too.

Let me know if you figure out how to fix this without a reinstall.


On 12/11/2008, at 9:00 PM, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

I can't fully confirm if that's the cause, but it seems that since  
I've added the Gallery extension, there seem to be validation errors  
whenever I create a new page.  Basically, the slug and breadcrumb  
fields don't get automatically populated any more, so every time you  
do a save, Radiant throws up an error saying just that!  Enter the  
fields manually and it's good to go!

Anyone else noticed that?

11/12/2008 | 3:59 PM.

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