No Subject

2001-01-01 Thread Jeff Baldwin

oes anyone know who vendor 529 is and where i can get a dictionary addin to
cover that vendor?

Mon Jan  1 13:54:08 2001: ERR: Attribute number 93 (vendor 529) is not
defined i
n your dictionary

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No Subject

2000-08-04 Thread Jeff Baldwin

I need to accept authentication from clients with 2 different secrets.
Can a client have more than one secret? when i list the same ip twice with 2
different secrets the packets donot get forwarded back to the nas correctly.
Another option would be setting up each realm with their own clients list
they would all be the same ip's but  with diferent secrets?


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No Subject

2000-06-27 Thread Jeff Baldwin

When i proxy radius to another radius server what do i need to do to forward
accounting records and also keep a copy local?

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(RADIATOR) chap to pap

2000-05-24 Thread Jeff Baldwin

I need help with accepting a chap request from a nas and sending a proxy
request to another machine that can only take pap requests.
all my realm currently authenticate through chap but this new realm is using
unix passwd authentication withradiator as the radius server.
this is how i have the new machine setup. like all the others but i dont
know what to add to change the authentication type.

Secret  xxx
AuthPort 1645

# Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
AcctLogFileName %L/detail

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No Subject

2000-05-18 Thread Jeff Baldwin

If I am proxying radius to a new machine and all 
the realms im currently clearing for are chap but i need to proxy for a realm 
and have it clear using unix password for this one realm.  I couldnt find 
anything on this

No Subject

2000-02-29 Thread Jeff Baldwin

I am having major problems with a ascend filter issue with uunet.  I am not
running the nas but buying wholesale dialup and clearing radius myself.  I
am using the default dictionary wich contains a 242 Ascend atribute but they
say they are not recieving anything from me on the 242

Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 1645 
Code:   Access-Request
Identifier: 3
Authentic:  (<146><1>fQ<188>\&C<245><152><151>_Dq>
CHAP-Password =
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1645
Proxy-State =
0><0><0><0><1><0>T9<193>K<7><7>V <239>wmYO`T<194>"

Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Deleting session for [EMAIL PROTECTED],
.113, 1645
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: ERR: Attribute number 211 (vendor ) is not defined
your dictionary
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT:
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Access accepted for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: WARNING: No such attribute Framed-Address
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: WARNING: No such attribute Framed-Netmask
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: WARNING: No such attribute Ascend-Data-Filter
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: WARNING: No such attribute Ascend-Data-Filter
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: WARNING: No such attribute Ascend-Data-Filter
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: WARNING: No such attribute Ascend-Data-Filter
Mon Feb 28 14:49:39 2000: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 1645 
Code:   Access-Accept
Identifier: 3
Authentic:  (<146><1>fQ<188>\&C<245><152><151>_Dq>
Proxy-State =
0><0><0><0><1><0>T9<193>K<7><7>V <239>wmYO`T<194>"
Service-Type = Framed-user
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Address =
Framed-Netmask =
Ascend-Data-Filter = ip in forward tcp est
Ascend-Data-Filter = ip in forward dstip
Ascend-Data-Filter = ip in drop tcp dstport = 25
Ascend-Data-Filter = ip in forward

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No Subject

2000-02-25 Thread Jeff Baldwin

Is it possible to have diferent dictionary files userd for diferent clients
and have atributes asigned by the client insted of by the realm?
I am using multiple backbone providers that i would like to clear radius for
on one machine with flat user files.  One backbone is using acsend and the
others are not so i need the acsend dictionary for them and the default for
the others?
Jeff Baldwin

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No Subject

2000-01-25 Thread Jeff Baldwin

Im not sure what this means  I get this cycle 
off some logins but not others.
Thu Jan 20 22:13:40 2000: ERR: Attribute number 211 
(vendor ) is not defined inyour dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:13:41 2000: ERR: 
Attribute number 211 (vendor 61) is not defined in your dictionaryThu 
Jan 20 22:13:41 2000: ERR: Attribute number 12 (vendor 307) is not defined 
in your dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:13:41 2000: ERR: Attribute number 222 
(vendor 61) is not defined in your dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:13:41 2000: 
ERR: Attribute number 223 (vendor 61) is not defined in your 
dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:13:41 2000: ERR: Attribute number 211 (vendor ) is 
not defined inyour dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:13:47 2000: ERR: Attribute 
number 211 (vendor ) is not defined inyour dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:14:00 
2000: ERR: Attribute number 211 (vendor ) is not defined inyour 
dictionaryThu Jan 20 22:14:01 2000: ERR: Attribute number 211 (vendor ) is 
not defined inyour dictionary

No Subject

1999-12-01 Thread Jeff Baldwin

Is their a way to set up a default reply for user 
profiles on a per client basis?
client 1    needs  
User-Service-Type = Framed-User
client  2   needs  Service-Type = 
any help is usefull

No Subject

1999-11-30 Thread Jeff Baldwin

I was wondering if you know of any software that 
would be good for reading the radius logfile.   I need two do two 
one i need to count origional logins by realm and 
two i need to record time online from sertain clients for example the user may 
log in from radius client one but that is part of their account but client two 
is a bonus or maybee like 800 dialup so i need to track the users time online 
only from that client. any help with a good way to get this info would be 
Thanks in Advance

No Subject

1999-10-22 Thread Jeff Baldwin

I am wishing to run radiator so I can authenticate 
from multiple user files dependent on realm 
my wholesale dial-up in order to offer and ip/ip 
tunneling solution that I also need they say one of us needs to be running 
Livingston radius and they are running merit. The following user profile 
contains the variables they need back and I need to find out what I can do to 
edit the dictionary file so I can pass back a Livingston variable from radiator 
or if it can be done at all.
DEFAULT Auth-Type = 
System    Service-Type = 
Framed-User,    Framed-Protocol = 
PPP,    LE-IPSec-Outsource-Profile = 
"xstop",    Framed-IP-Address =,    Framed-IP-Netmask 
=,    Framed-Routing 
= None,    Idle-Timeout = 
600,    Session-Timeout = 

No Subject

1999-10-21 Thread Jeff Baldwin

if i need to remove radiator completely from the 
system is there a make clean?