Thanks Arjan -

I have forwarded your suggestions to Mike for consideration.



On Tuesday 20 March 2001 19:33, Arjan Waardenburg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I made some modifications to the and maybe other folks can
> use them.
> The first one is to choose beforehand which port is used for the forwarded
> packets. I used OutPort as keyword and default value is 0 which causes
> Radiator to use a random free port just like the standard
> The reason for this modification is the strict filtering on firewalls or
> routers between our proxy radiusserver and the final radiusserver.
> The second modification is to ensure fast processing of accountingpackets
> by sending a response immediately after receiving an accounting-request.
> This is done using AccountingHandled in combination with a new keyword
> IgnoreAccountingReponse. AccountingHandled takes care of the immediate
> response and IgnoreAccountingResponse silently drops the
> accounting-response from the final radiusserver.
> Here is the diff :
> 72a73
> >     $self->{OutPort} = 0;
> 92a94
> >             'OutPort' => $self->{OutPort},
> 121a124
> >        'OutPort'                    => 'string',
> 126a130
> >        'IgnoreAccountingResponse'   => 'flag',
> 270c274
> <            (0, Socket::inet_aton($bind_address)))
> ---
> >            ($self->{OutPort}, Socket::inet_aton($bind_address)))
> 478,479c482,485
> <               unless $self->{IgnoreReject}
> <       && $p->code eq 'Access-Reject';
> ---
> >               unless (($self->{IgnoreReject}
> >       && $p->code eq 'Access-Reject')
> >
> >       || ($self->{IgnoreAccountingResponse}
> >
> >       && $p->code eq 'Accounting-Response'));
> Regards,
> Arjan
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