Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread erland

Mnyb wrote: 
 The track urls are send up to the server for use in the UI ok
 awkward and a bit silly on the side, but sure it will work in most cases
I suspect the reason they do this is that they want to avoid the bother
the user with server and let him just choose content without having to
know which server that's providing it.
This feature is great and something I've always wanted and it makes the
system easier to use for non technical users.

However, generally I agree with you that the chosen solution is not a
good way to implement it, but it was probably the easiest way to
implement it if they wanted to base it on the source code from the
Squeezebox and LMS. If it had been done the proper way, the UE Smart
Radio would likely not be based on Squeezebox/LMS software at all, and
this would definitely hurt existing Squeezebox users as Squeezebox/LMS
maintenance would be completely ignored. With the chosen solution we can
at least get some benefits since it's fairly easy for Logitech to
backport changes for UE Smart Radio/UE Music Library  to

An advantage with the chosen solution is that the reliability of needs to be a lot better than
reliability has been before, because now it's needed for playback of
local music and for that it's unacceptable that it's suddenly is gone an
hour in the middle of a party. It's annoying if it happens today when
listening to some streaming service but it will be extremely annoying if
it happens for a UE Smart Radio users as they can't use their device at
all if goes down. However, I'm sure Logitech will
provide a solution for this in a future firmware release if/when they
realize they can't ensure the reliability of all ISP's and

Mnyb wrote: 
 But a real concern is privacy is there any privacy statement on what
 Logitech does with this information ? what kind of statistic are
 retained and saved what are used internally is some of it used on behalf
 of third parties in any way .
As already linked by Michael (and me previously in some thread):

It's as clear as any other privacy statement I've seen.

We might look at this as a problem, but it could also be the thing that
differentiate UE Smart Radio from other products if Logitech would
actually start using this data to create mixes, smart playlists, charts
and similar thing that would enhance the music listening experience.
Unfortunately it didn't sound like this is something they plan to do
from a previous reply from Michael, but who knows what will happen in
the future, maybe they realize the value of this information and really
start to use it as they say in their privacy statement: We use the
information you and your product provide to us in order to provide the
Smart Radio service to you and enhance and improve it for you and other
users, to provide content recommendations, ..., which could result in
something similar to what Apple does with their Genius concept.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread Grumpy Bob

yeomanspc wrote: 
 I can sense people thinking .. how ridiculous - whoever heard of an
 Internet connection being down for more than a few minutes..
 Some of us live in 3rd world developing countries like the UK.  In June
 my line was down for 10 days due to water in a connection, and right now
 my Internet has been not working for 3 weeks due to an ISP configuration
 issue.  I use British Telecom, and it is quite common for them to screw
 things so you have no connection for a week or more.  with UE, no
 Internet = no music = no thank you.

When I was with BT, I had quite a few issues like this. I switched to
another ISP with no change in hardware and I've not had a loss of
connection since. And my download speed tripled.

To require internet access to play local music is frankly bonkers in my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread nervoteso

SushiDS wrote: 
 Hi there!
 For me it all started with a SB3 4 years ago. Now I have the SB3, one
 Boom and three Radios (all in daily use). If one Radio dies, it can be
 replaced with another one.
 If my SB3 (I hope never) dies, I'll probably cry! That's why I bought a
 Touch yesterday. To (hopefully never) replace my SB3.
 So when you asked if it could be worth buying one for backup, well it is
 for me! But I don't use music-services. I mostly (99%) hear local music
 and I wouldn't mind if 
 will be gone in a few years. My own server won't.
 So long,

just bought a touch more and 1 radio (this one could be useful one day
to try the new ue service)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread toby10

squsqu wrote: 
 Why do I need access to the Internet to access the music on my local
 server? That is more than ridiculous and a NO GO. Your Internet
 connection is down or you are at a place with no  Internet at all (yes
 this is still possible) - an you want to listen your music? Bad luck

Join the club.  ;)
Not only issues of no internet / down internet, but also of a fall back
to streaming online content.  On a number of occasions when was
having issues, using your local LMS server would resolve these issues. 
How/why?  No idea.  But limiting play back to only one server eliminates
a potential quick fix for many users.  :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] UE Smart Radio and Live Music Archive working ? but not on Squeezeboxes

2012-09-11 Thread dogfood1

Is there any better method of getting to the Logitech/Squeezebox people
to get this fixed? The bug report obviously does nothing, complaining on
this forum has proved useless, the twitter feed hasn't been updated in 6
months, etc

Has the company gone under? Have all the tech people been laid-off?

Why is something that's as simple as changing a couple lines of code
still not done after 6 months?

I doubt anyone from Logitech is reading this, but for god sakes, what is
do damn difficult about making customers happy?

I used to rave about my Squeezebox. Now...not so much.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread hstevenson

Sorry to briefly hijack this thread. I got here because the Live Music
Archive app has not worked for six months! There are at least 2 reported
bugs on this issue in bugzilla, but no one has responded to them.  I
recently tried the Customer Support route. They suggested that I could
upgrade to the UE Radio firmware (which does work with LMA).  Thanks for
answering my question about whether I could use a local non-Internet
connected server.  Clearly, I can't go the upgrade route.

Based on an earlier note from Micheal, though, I'm hoping that some
developer time may now be available for bug fixes, and would love to see
this one prioritized.  Based on the information below (from one of the
bug reports), this could be as simple as a 1 line change in the app
source code.  Any recommendations on how to get Logitech's attention?

From Live Music Archive:

We switched our domain from to If that
application is looking for the www that could explain it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread Mnyb

mherger wrote: 
  But a real concern is privacy is there any privacy statement on what
  Logitech does with this information ? what kind of statistic are
  retained and saved what are used internally is some of it used on
  of third parties in any way . (linked at the footer of

Clear as mud :) but thanks anyway for trying.

If we try with a very simple example, if I play one local track what
happens ? In the context of data harvesting.

If I read the statement correct this info is kept as long I have my
account , and the redacted info freely shared to affiliates consist of
what exactly ? artist, album, song ,some user stats like age and gender
a file hash ? Fill in the blanks .
And who are affiliates ?

A gues is that one use for the stats could be figuring out stuff like 
middle age men from Sweden listen to Bruce Springsteen  which is no
surprise but an example :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread pippin

Mnyb wrote: 
 If we try with a very simple example, if I play one local track what
 happens ? In the context of data harvesting.
You scrobble to anyway, don't you?
 If I read the statement correct this info is kept as long I have my
 account , and the redacted info freely shared to affiliates consist of
 what exactly ? artist, album, song ,some user stats like age and gender
 a file hash ? Fill in the blanks .
 And who are affiliates ?
Without knowing it I'd bet they keep the info exactly until you delete
the track from your current playlist.
 A gues is that one use for the stats could be figuring out stuff like 
 middle age men from Sweden listen to Bruce Springsteen  which is no
 surprise but an example :)
And that would be of value to Logitech exactly how? Are you aware of the
effort it takes to create useful information out of just the NowPlaying
information used here?

Sorry, all of what I'm seeing on the UE Smart Radio has this is what we
could do on the short with the few resources we had left written all
over it and now you wonder whether they are pulling off a grand
google-esce data mining scheme???
No way, Logitech is still busy looking through all the videos they grab
from that little camera at the front of the Touch :rolleyes_

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread erland

Mnyb wrote: 
 Clear as mud :) but thanks anyway for trying.
 If we try with a very simple example, if I play one local track what
 happens ? In the context of data harvesting.
 If I read the statement correct this info is kept as long I have my
 account , and the redacted info freely shared to affiliates consist of
 what exactly ? artist, album, song ,some user stats like age and gender
 a file hash ? Fill in the blanks .
 And who are affiliates ?
Have you taken a look at how the privacy policies look for other cloud
services ?
I suspect most have one that's more or less similar to Logitech's.

Mnyb wrote: 
 A gues is that one use for the stats could be figuring out stuff like 
 middle age men from Sweden listen to Bruce Springsteen  which is no
 surprise but an example :)
As far as I know I've never registered my age nor my sex at, so I can't see how they could know that you are a
middle age man or that the person using the Radio is the same as the
person who have registered on But they could see what
people using their UE Smart Radio in Sweden is most interested in
listening to.

What's more interesting is services like:
- Most popular artists this month
- Most popular new album this month
- Top listened songs in Sweden this month
- Your favorite songs
- Top listened songs in Sweden which you have access to either in your
local library or through streaming services you subscribe to
- Songs you haven't listen to for a long time
- Other users in your region which like similar songs as you

Basically what LastFM and similar sites provide and also similar to what
TrackStat provides but with the possibility to both look at your own
statistics and statistics for people in your region. The problem is that
at the moment it sounds like Logitech don't plan to do anything like
this, they just plan to scrobble to LastFM and rely on LastFM to offer
any features, which results in that the statistics is restricted to
LastFM subcribers and countries where LastFM streaming is available. The
result is that it doesn't become any better than what we currently have
and then it's not justified to collect statistics like this. If they
want me to send them statistics I prefer that they use it to offer
interesting features and not just pass it to third parties.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread erland

pippin wrote: 
 No way, Logitech is still busy looking through all the videos they grab
 from that little camera at the front of the Touch :rolleyes:
I wonder how many people that know that there is a microphone in the
Touch, I've tried it and it works.
I assume it's used to collect feedback from users, so I always talk nice
to my Squeezebox and make sure to never shout at it when it doesn't do
what I like :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread pippin

But they need the clause in the privacy policy because they can't
control what statistics e.g. Spotify collects on what you are playing
(using their service) though Not even talking about

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread Mnyb

pippin wrote: 
 You scrobble to anyway, don't you?
 Without knowing it I'd bet they keep the info exactly until you delete
 the track from your current playlist.
 And that would be of value to Logitech exactly how? Are you aware of the
 effort it takes to create useful information out of just the NowPlaying
 information used here? Without even knowing your age and being sure
 about the country you are from? Or actually ANY personal data?
 Sorry, all of what I'm seeing on the UE Smart Radio has this is what we
 could do on the short with the few resources we had left written all
 over it and now you wonder whether they are pulling off a grand
 google-esque data mining scheme???
 No way, Logitech is still busy looking through all the videos they grab
 from that little camera at the front of the Touch :rolleyes:

yea I wrap my radio in tinfoil ;) but if you don't ask you will ever
know .
( but maybe the tin foils goes around the Touch ,was it not thought to
respond to motions( gestures ) in beta )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread ply3908

pippin wrote: 
 ...No way, Logitech is still busy looking through all the videos they
 grab from that little camera at the front of the Touch :rolleyes:

erland wrote: 
 I wonder how many people who know that there is a microphone in the
 Touch, I've tried it and it works.
 I assume it's used to collect feedback from users, so I always talk nice
 to my Squeezebox and make sure to never shout at it when it doesn't do
 what I like :-)

They much having a lot of fun.  Many people have the touch by their

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread justwords

Drongo wrote: 
 I am also an XBMC fan and I will get one of the new ANDRIOD boxes and
 install XBMC on it and use this as a fallback for the duets if and when
 the hardware dies.

Does XMBC include a Squeezebox-Server?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread castalla

justwords wrote: 
 Does XMBC include a Squeezebox-Server?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread justwords

Will Napster and Spotify still work via LMS if MySqueezebox is shut
down? That is the most important feature for my kids and the reason I
bought two duet and four controllers which are also used as players in
the kids rooms.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread garym

justwords wrote: 
 Will Napster and Spotify still work via LMS if MySqueezebox is shut
 down? That is the most important feature for my kids and the reason I
 bought two duet and four controllers which are also used as players in
 the kids rooms.

with duet's the only way Spotify is working now is because you must be
using Triode's 3rd Party Spotify plugin.  that will work without  Don't know about Napster.  Does it even exist (I thought
Rhapsody bought it). Anyhow, I suspect your kids will be grown before
they shut down

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread justwords

I forgot, I meant Rhapdsody which in Europe is called: Napster (but uses
Rhapsody tech - by the way does anyone know why all my controllers
display Napster while one of them changes the name of the Napster app to
rhapsody as soon as I place the app on the home screen. Drives my son
mad.) sorry for spotify, I did not use it until now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread sebp

erland wrote: 
 As already linked by Michael (and me previously in some thread):
 It's as clear as any other privacy statement I've seen.
IIRC, once used a very similar privacy policy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread Michael Herger

They much having a lot of fun.  Many people have the touch by their

Unfortunately our research showed that most Touches are set up in boring  
living rooms :-).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-11 Thread pippin

Mine is in the exciting bathroom. But it's installed right above the
toilet to scare you away :P

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