Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-23 Thread POMdev

frankd wrote: 
> ...The original version of the script restarted the network multiple
> times, but failed one time in 24h. However when the radio was
> synchronized, the music was interrupted two times (disconnect from
> network and reconnect to the network) each time when the wifi was
> restarted. 
> I am currently experimenting with several parameters (only 3 failed
> pings with 1 second time gap instead of 6 pings with 2 seconds time gap 
> to trigger the restart, but allowing 8 seconds instead of 5 seconds for
> the restart. 
> So far the adapted parameter seem to help, but if somebody develops a
> plugin, these parameters need to be adjustable in the plugin (as well as
> hardcoding a gateway like I did).

Thank's for digging into this. What happened after the failure, did you
have to reboot? How long was the music interruption? On what service? We
sometimes notice a couple of second interruptions here, but have
experienced that for many years.

A user PMd me (last month) and noted that there were two (v 0.6.3) bugs
on lines 515 & 584 when using -x (no TCPLOG). I replied:
> Oh, dear. That -x is supposed to clear the TCPLOG variable, but the
> conditionals on line 515 and 584 don't work:
> if [[ -n TCPLOG ]] ; then
> should be
> if [[ -n "$TCPLOG" ]] ; then
> like on line 252. Sorry for the bug and thanks for the bug report. 
A new version 0.6.4 (not finished) has these fixed in two places. You
should fix yours (to, it might improve your results

Before uploading a new version, I am wondering if I should add new
command line switches to assign values to variables which would replace
the three constants you mentioned: 'Seconds between Tests', 'Failure
Limit', and 'Restart Wait Seconds', or something else. I would like your
and others opinions before continuing. Keep in mind any change might add
yet new bugs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-23 Thread staresy

Interesting thread, as mentioned earlier, same problems as many of you.
I have 2 locations each with LMS and multiple devices. One site is
fairly isolated and has minimal neighbouring WIFI - I've never had any
issues here with Radios or Receivers here. The other site is in an
apartment in a city centre - over the last year or so radios and
receiver regularly drop of the NW. So I assume it's my neighbour's WIFI
to blame.

Anyway, as I see it there are two issues here, one is why does it happen
in the first place, this is no doubt going to be tricky to pin-point and
even trickier to resolve given that the WIFI hardware is pretty old (and
unsupported now?).

The other issue is how the radio's and receivers behave in the event of
an error. The recovery process seems very hit and miss and I suspect
there are a number of bugs and blind alleys in the code here.
Understandable because, in the past, the WIFI was pretty rock solid and
never need revisiting once set. So I think the "RF" issue is
highlighting some weaknesses in the recovery/reconnect code. The good
news (I hope), is that surely that can be improved by the people who
know about this stuff?

Sometimes, my system gets so confused (lost NW, can't reconnect,
spinning blue circle, can't find NW, reboot device, reboot router,
factory reset device is the only cure). This is very annoying when you
get home and all you want to do is play some music, and you are forced
down a reboot/factory reset cycle.

A more robust recovery/repair procedure would be a great step forward,
at least then a easy re-connection would be an option.

Anyway, I'm pleased to see that this is getting some attention here,
keep up the good work, much appreciated.

location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-23 Thread frankd

POMdev wrote: 
> I'm not an SB developer, just a user albeit with instrumentation. I
> don't dare to intrude on the development forum. I am unfamiliar with and
> therefore cannot write an automated install and configuration patch, or
> plugin, app, or whatnot. I was hoping one of the senior members on the
> 'Community-Build-Radio-Firmware/'
> (
> would volunteer to do so, but these participants are experienced people
> who just install and configure the script, and that's it. (One fellow
> did, however, develop a clever analysis and 'display package'
> (
> to graph connection failures, but that has been it so far.) They also
> seemed busy with new firmware releases, and my latest requests got lost
> in the subsequent excitement. 
> Regarding needing a patch to the firmware, this might work, but what
> about the configuration, and who could or would do it? The script was
> designed for troubleshooting the wireless connectivity issue. I suppose
> an automated install appropriate for many users would by default disable
> remote logging. SSH access would be needed to configure remote logging
> for troubleshooting, or to modify the script. Could be OK.
> In any event, I am happy to provide support in this forum in this, the
> Community Build, or other topics. For example, I can try to help you
> install the package as it is now.

First of all thanks for developing this script. 
I am currently trying out the script with the most affected radio (in
parallel to testing 2 Vonets with two other Radios).
So far my experience: 
The original version of the script restarted the network multiple times,
but failed one time in 24h. However when the radio was synchronized, the
music was interrupted two times (disconnect from network and reconnect
to the ntework). 
I am currently experimenting with several parameters (only 3 failed
pings with 1 second time gap instead of 6 pings with 2 seconds time gap 
to trigger the reboot, but allowing 8 seconds instead of 5 seconds for
the restart. 
So far the adapted parameter seem to help, but if somebody develops a
plugin, these parameters need to be adjustable in the plugin (as well as
hardcoding a gateway like I did).
I am monitoring the situation and keep you updated. 

P.S.: The Vonets for the other radios work well, still survived several
days despite of the higher voltage. However the LEDs are very

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My Squeezebox radio

2021-02-23 Thread toby10

Try swapping locations?  Problem stay with the hardware or with

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-23 Thread frankd

P Nelson wrote: 
> Here is my set-up at home, two Radios and a Touch.  Red Radio (LMS
> reports 100% signal strength as it located on other side of the wall
> from the router) is connected to my primary Arris NVG468MQ.  Black Radio
> (LMS reports 90-83% signal strength) and the Touch (LMS reports 100%
> signal strength which is 2 feet away from the router) are connected to a
> second access point using an older NetGear router.  I do not have wifi
> problems with the Black Radio or the Touch.  I have replaced the Arris
> provided by the internet provider, and the problem still occurs.
> The Red Radio will drop the Wifi connection either in standby or while
> streaming music.  Switching Red Radio to the secondary access point
> results in a LMS reported signal strength of 68-73%, but it drops the
> Wifi more frequently so the primary access point works better.  If I
> take Red to my office the problem disappears.  If I move Black to where
> Red is located the problem occurs on the Black radio.  
> I suspect the problem is due to my neighbor installing a wifi extender
> as the problem appeared about the time he installed the extender.  We
> coordinated on Wifi channels, so we are not using the same or
> overlapping channels, but the problem still exists.  Using a Wifi
> analyzer I also see a mesh network that is using a wide band (channels
> 2-10) that overlaps my primary router on channel 1, but the signal
> strength is less than -85 dBm.  
> When the red symbol appears, the Repair Network will not fix the
> connection and trying to select my secondary access point network will
> not work.  I have to reboot to clear the problem.  
> Thus based upon my experience, even with a very high signal strength the
> problem will occur at least daily.  If I move Red to other locations and
> the signal strength weakens then the problem occurs more frequently.  I
> moved Red to my bedroom which is close to my neighbor and it would drop
> within an hour or so.
> I hope this helps.  If any other information would be helpful, please
> let me know.  If you need logs, then I will need some education on how
> to do that.
> Paul

This is exactly my situation (also concerning the switching of radio
locations...), thus probably exactly the same issue...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-23 Thread frankd

mrw wrote: 
> Is this particular element of the problem exclusive to the Radio running
> the Community firmware ?
> I ask, because:
> a) I believe that your Red Radio is (or was) running Community firmware,
> but perhaps your Black Radio is not.
> b) I believe that I have located a problem within the Community firmware
> that could cause it to fail to reconnect in this circumstance. The stock
> firmware does not have the problem I have identified, so I would not
> expect it suffer this additional annoying impediment.

I tried both firmwares - The community firmware and the original
firmware using the same radio at the same location and both have exactly
the same problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-23 Thread mrw

P Nelson wrote: 
> When the red symbol appears, the Repair Network will not fix the
> connection and trying to select my secondary access point network will
> not work.  I have to reboot to clear the problem.

Not exactly the order of events that you describe above, but might be

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