Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] A couple of bugbears..

2009-10-13 Thread DigitalMitch

I think Erland's custom clock applet is what you need as a screensaver



2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Sync is very slightly off.

2009-10-19 Thread DigitalMitch


read the following error cases carefully. I can't say that sync is
flawless, but when it is working (99% of the time), I can't spot any
timing difference between my players. The 1% is below ..

Ikabob, Matt,

I also see occasionally sync. issues, which are normally provoked by
some other event and then leave one or more players off by between 0.5
and 2 seconds. The player then stays that way, even if stopped started,
etc. but will re-sync perfectly when power-cycled (via mains for
SB3,Boom and SBR, the Radio via press and hold standby).

Cross-fade is always set to 'none'.

For me, the problem was most noticeable on 7.3.3 and I suspect was
aligned to the rebuffering problem
( which was reduced
by upgrading router firmware and almost eliminated by using Homeplugs
instead of wi-fi.

With 7.4 production, I have mothablled an SBR (and iHome clock radio)
and replaced with a Radio, which is currently running wireless (in
anticipation of battery and mobility). 

When I then use SqueezePlay Beta, I have problems connecting to my
library (some days fine, others awful). Whilst Squeezeplay is trying to
connect the existing sync'd streams stutter (as they do when a new
player is added). Just tried to replicate using Squeezeplay to provoke
but it wouldn't find server and sync was undamaged, will try again

I concur with Matt, in post #15, somehow a player (or more than one)
gets into a state where it is out of sync and is only reset by



2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Sync is very slightly off.

2009-10-20 Thread DigitalMitch

thanks aubuti - beat me to expanding 'power cycling'. Worth noting that
'standby' mode does NOT have the same impac to sync.

general - my sync. issues have been whilst streaming FLAC from SBS to
multiple players. I haven't in the past tended to listen to many radio
stations but have recently started listening more to and BBC
radio 6. Haven't had any sync. occurences when listening to either.



2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Help: Quick Scroll through long artist list?

2009-10-29 Thread DigitalMitch

on the SB3 and Boom, the original IR remote allowed the number buttons
to be pressed to jump to letters, i.e. pressing 5 twice took you to

This functionality is not present on the Radio and instead the numeric
buttons act in the same way as the presets.

Would it be possible to make this an option:-
1. Numeric Remote Buttons always act as presets for Radio and Boom
2. Numeric Remote Buttons always act as 'jump to letter'
3. Numeric Remote Buttons are context sensitive

Option 3 should mean working as option 2 if scrolling a list and as
option 1 elsewhere.

Option 2 means there is no functionality to the numeric remote buttons
unless you are in a list (which I think is the standard SB3


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Help: Quick Scroll through long artist list?

2009-10-30 Thread DigitalMitch

7.5 still works that way, with IR and SB3:-
1A. press numeric in menu - jump to that option number (i.e. '3' in
home menu jumps to 3 of 9 - Internet Radio, in my case)
1B. press numeric in list - jump to that letter (i.e. '3' cycles
through D,E,F)
2.  press and hold numeric - replace playlist with preset
3.  press,hold and keep holding numeric - set preset to current menu
selection (presumably only if it is a playable item).

Option 3 doesn't seem to work well, i.e. the press part of P,H&K moves
you in the menu and therefore you don't save the item you originally
selected!! Never used on previous releases, so not sure if this is a new
problem, but it exists in 7.4.1 and 7.5.

However, if you point the IR at the SB Radio then the top functionality
is gone and you only have preset functionality.

Personally I never used presets with SB3 or Boom but can see the value
(especially with Radio), I think having to use the physical buttons on
Radio and Boom to set the preset would be fine (and overcomes the above
difficulty). Leaving presets as is on SB3 is okay by me, assuming those
that use it will know and raise the problem I have mentioned.

Therefore having the following options for SqueezePlay would enable IR
users to choose to have consistent operation between SB3 and
Radio/Touch. I don't think option 1 need be 'ported' back to SB3.

Option (1) "numerics = preset" Default
Press Numeric = Jump to Preset
Press and Hold Numeric = Set Preset

Option (2) "numerics = navigate"
Press Numeric = Navigate (context specific)
Press and Hold Numeric = Jump to Preset if available.
Press, Hold and Keep Holding = Set preset

Configuring each numeric separately doesn't seem correct but would fit
with the 7.5 'shortcuts' beta option.

I'll raise this as an enhancement and see what Tom makes of it
(and carve out from
which I raised yesterday).


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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[SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-10-30 Thread DigitalMitch

Recently, and possibly around the time of 7.4.1, the auto-dimming of my
Radio permanently makes the display very dim (i.e. for the darkest

Tried switching between auto and manual control with no joy.

Just did a hold + power cycle to reset to factory defaults and its now
behaving, so I'm happy but curious.

Any idea what could have caused this?
I'll watch and post if it recurs.


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4.1 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto dimming changed and too dim

2009-11-02 Thread DigitalMitch

FredFredrickson;479703 Wrote: 
> I like how dark the touch gets at night, but then in the morning, it
> never gets bright again. I can't see it all day. I have to get close and
> squint to set it back to manual!

Fred, that's what I experienced and a 'reset to factory defaults' fixed
it. Could you try and see if that improves it for you (unplug, press and
hold + then plug back in - will lose some of your settings though).

I'm adding my experience to the bug


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4.1 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Help: Quick Scroll through long artist list?

2009-11-02 Thread DigitalMitch

I've now raised this as an enhacement request.

I think this is a distinct option from the Beta 'text mode' as that
works with scroll wheel and this enhancemnt request is for IR.


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4.1 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can you use your own Backgrounds, Yes you can.

2009-11-04 Thread DigitalMitch

or simply use the web-ui to SBS and add the "customise controller"

then, still within web-ui, you can use Advanced/Customise Controller
and browse to your wallpapers

This works with controller and radio on 7.4.1 and looks configured to
work with Touch.

not sure what impact has on this.

I think that the plug-in name is not obvious for Radio owners that
didn't previously do this on a controller!!!



2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4.1 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can you use your own Backgrounds, Yes you can.

2009-11-04 Thread DigitalMitch

adding some via extension downloader

and other threads with content


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4.1 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Stream from the Squeezebox radio to the Squeezebox receiver

2009-12-14 Thread DigitalMitch

since the receiver is 'dumb' you need to use another control device to
program the alarms into the server.

This could be a controller (bundled with receiver as 'duet'), the web
GUI,SB Radio, SB touch or iPeng.

You'd need a controller or Touch to configure a receiver, or use the
Net:UDAP function (search for this as I'm not familiar).


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4.1 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simple setup - Loud burst before fade in

2010-01-22 Thread DigitalMitch

I'm also running SBS on an always on WHS. with latest nightly builds, so
server availability can't be my cause - all wired via homeplugs.

Two days ago, alarm starts with loud burst.

This morning, first alarm (just added) fades up nicely but then second
alarm starts with loud burst -original stream was still playing up to
that point.

I've looked at both alarms and they are the same except the new one is
everyday and the original is set Mon to Fri only.

I'll try and make notes as to whether that is fluke or consistent
during next week.


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.5.0 Beta running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470) upgraded to 2G RAN

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 2 SB radios stutter when sync`d

2010-04-27 Thread DigitalMitch

this is probably a local issue - I stream sync'd to 4/5 players
consistently from WHS - so the system works.

I have seen stuttering in the past and the following changes have
eliminated it:-

1) moved from wifi to Homeplug (though Boom remians wireless and
doesn't affect performance
2) upgraded (and then replaced) router
3) upgraded memory in WHS box (the original HP MediaSmarts have just
enough memory to run WHS but not an extra services).

High signal strength doesn't guarantee good bandwidth - if a nearby
channel also has high strength, it can 'interefere'. Try 'netstumbler'
to see what is heppening in your wifi neighbourhood or temporarily wire
both Radios (if they work okay wired then you have your culprit).


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio and 1 * Touch
controlled by IR, SBC [and iPeng on iPhone - wifi died!!]
7.5.0 on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470) upgraded to 2G RAM

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Static IP on Radio?

2010-06-07 Thread DigitalMitch

these are on the logitech site (and don't seem to be obviously connected
to the Squeeze wiki and I found them by accident after raising a support
ticket on an unrelated issue).§ion=troubleshoot&crid=439<_product_id=5745&tabs=1,3,2,4,5&p_search_text=Squeezebox%20%20Touch

I recall another thread checking that the same process will work with
the Radio as well (though the screenshots would be different).


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio and 1 * Touch
controlled by IR, SBC [and iPeng on iPhone - wifi died!!]
7.5.0 on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470) upgraded to 2G RAM

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Static IP on Radio?

2010-06-08 Thread DigitalMitch

SRS-EKern;553405 Wrote: 
> Yes, but this required a DHCP server not to be present. I'm looking to
> setup a static IP on a network that has a DHCP server present and
> enabled without having to temporarily turn *it* off to do so.
> .

Not sure if your *it* is the Radio or DHCP server/router, Either way
what is the restriction on temporary turning *it* off?

You don't need to turn DHCP off, but some device (p/c or laptop) needs
to be temporarily disconnected from the network so it can configure the
Radio, then both can be connected back to the network. Any 'dynamic'
devices will still be allocated addresses by the DHCP server but the
Radio IP address will hold in absence of the router.

You will need to ensure that the static IP, which you have chosen, is
outside the 'IP pool' which the DHCP server uses. This will prevent the
DHCP server allocating that IP to any other devices and causing IP
conflicts. You can do this either by choosing a completely different
set of addresses (e.g. 192.168.*2*.XX if the router is 192.168.*1*.xx)
or editing the DHCP server to start giving out addresses from a higher
number (xx.xx.xx.10 leaving xx.xx.xx.2 - 9 'clear' for you to use).

AFAIK, there is no easy way to configure between dynamic/static on the


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio and 1 * Touch
controlled by IR, SBC [and iPeng on iPhone - wifi died!!]
7.5.0 on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470) upgraded to 2G RAM

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