Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] no sound when using battery

2021-12-14 Thread M8G

opened the unit yesterday. Measured the voltage coming from adapter
power to speaker and it was all fine. 

When I did the same from battery power to speaker, it was totally no
voltage at all. I assume its some blocking between connectors. 

PCB unit doesn't look to have any damage or sign of defect components. 

Must be hardware issue or do we have anything else in the loop?

U where talking about switch, do u know where it can be located on the
PCB? can it be forced by any config file or manipulated by voltage
I did inserted the adapter plug and run it on the battery too, to secure
the switch problem. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] no sound when using battery

2021-12-13 Thread M8G

KeBul wrote: 
> It's because UE Smart Radios were shipped with a battery - the
> additional circuitry allows for the battery to be "disconnected" in
> storage/transit prior to first use by a pull out plastic tab that sits
> between contacts in the battery door. (Credit Michael H who pointed this
> out in another thread)
> SB Radios were not shipped with batteries so didn't have this.
> Kev
> Edit: Found it in the manual:
> 36436
> Edit2:
> Re: your actual problem - I while back purchased a secondhand UE Smart
> Radio that had no sound from the speakers, but the headphone socket did
> work. I cannot remember if that was on mains or battery, it could have
> been either (or more likely both). I took it back and the seller
> replaced it with another unit for me, but then they contacted me a
> couple of days later asking if I wanted to buy the now working original
> one... Apparently, it was dirty contacts on the headphone socket, their
> repair man sprayed switch cleaner into the socket and worked a headphone
> plug in and out of the socket and the speakers started working when the
> headphones socket wasn't being used.
> Logic tells me that mains power or battery power shouldn't affect this
> as a fault, but possibly worth a try - at the most it will cost you a
> small can of switch cleaner if you haven't got any.

I have tried both SB and UE versions with the same issue. So I guess it
somewhere a hardware problem.  If it's the headphone socket I dont know
but I have sprayed it with no positive result yet. Its quite annoying
and I am considering opening up the unit and seeing if I can force the
unit to "speak"er up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] no sound when using battery

2021-12-13 Thread M8G

Redrum wrote: 
> sorry to hear..just to clarify (and perhaps attract someone with another
> idea):
> Again, I don't know the design of the radio, no schematics are
> available, but anything I might suspect is eliminated because everything
> works while on line power (e.g. faulty headphone jack switch)
> So, maybe someone else has an idea, but until then, here's a couple
> things I might try...
> 1) If you are running as a UE radio, try switching to a sb radio
> (firmware) - it's in settings->advanced  radio available>..
> 2) I assume you did a factory reset.
> 3) There is community software for the radio and touch that you could
> try. It all started as a "bass missing" problem
> and then developed into new firmware
> 4) In the two threads above, maybe you can look through them and see if
> there are any similarities. If you see something, maybe quote reply in
> that thread with your issue.
> I am really sorry I couldn't help more, I'm just a happy sb user, not
> one of the developers. Maybe we can attract their attention.
> Jim

yes its correct, no sound on battery. 

I have checked all ur suggested links and tried provker and Alsa amp
with no result when using the battery. 
Have also tried to update to 7.8.0 version. Didn't manage to make a
firmware update. Do u have better guide? and which files should be used
for 7.3.3 version? 

i dont know if someone can explain why i have by-pass connection to my
unit? I have connected the battery directly and doesn't make any
differences if u by-pass connect or not. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] no sound when using battery

2021-12-07 Thread M8G

Redrum wrote: 
> let us know how it goes! 
> Jim

ok, i have tried with another battery pack, and it's the same issue. No
sound when running the radio from battery power. 
Can it be any faulty switch inside the board or bug in the firmware?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2021-12-02 Thread M8G

works like a charm. i Have been running my unit for almost 8h now.
switching between, radio and spotify. Not a single restart och
disconnecting WIFI.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] no sound when using battery

2021-12-02 Thread M8G

Redrum wrote: 
> I have never seen this, but I'll take a stab at it, a couple guesses,
> for what it's worth.
> First, do you get sound out of the headphone jack while on battery?
> Here's what I am wondering (again, a guess). Perhaps the battery is
> weak. The batteries might measure ok in open circuit, but when they are
> asked to supply current, they cannot, or, if your do, the voltage drops
> lower than fresh cells. Maybe it can power the processor, UI, etc (lower
> current draw) but it cannot supply the audio amplifier in addition
> (additional current draw) or the audio amp has a "turn on threshold"
> (voltage) of sorts that is not met because the supply droops.
> My thought is Maybe the low level signal output of the headphone is
> prior in the signal path.
> Again, I know nothing of the design of the radio, just thinking "what
> can happen".
> If you have another battery, or are willing to get another one, it would
> be worth a try. Even if, say you got one from amazon, made no
> difference, and you returned it.
> Another thought (again, no experience) is if you use an ethernet
> connection, does this use less power than wifi? Others might know.
> Jim

hello Jim
thanks for ur great evaluation. I guess u are right with ur points. 
I have checked to run it with battery and sound coming from the
headphone jack. So there's nothing wrong with the out-put sound from
there. I guess its related to old battery voltage. I'll grab a new
battery pack and see if the speaker comes to live again.

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[SlimDevices: Radio] no sound when using battery

2021-11-30 Thread M8G

I recently purchased second hand unit of squeezbox. 
Its a UE version and running 7.7.3-r1667

when my squeezbox radio is connected directly with the power adapter
then everything works fine. I get sound and music plays as normal. 
But the strange thing happens when I unplug the power adapter and start
using it with battery power then there's no sound, I have checked all
settings, and it's not muted, tried full volume. Even booted up with
battery, wif connects and everything is normal beside there's no sound
coming from the box when using the battery. 

I have been running it on battery for hours and looks to be in good

Has anyone faced the same issue or have a better solution to the

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