I also bought a Squeezebox Boom to wake up my wife 3 days a week and
didn't succeed to have it work (I even returned the first device and got
an other one under warranty with the agreement of Logitech Hot Line).

1/ There are 3 ways to set up the alarm: SB server, mysqueezebox, front
panel. Most of the time, the alarm setup vanished although no further
action is made (no reset, no unplug, no other setups...) whatever way
would be used.

2/ My network works perfectly fine (I am a professional software
developper and i work at home), when we are lucky, we get get the beep
sound (even with a wired ethernet connexion and a fixed IP address),
very often we get nothing: no more alarm in the parameters.

I think i tried all the combinations of connecting (wifi, wire) to a
server (local SB server, mysqueezebox) with an alarm programmed through
one of the three interfaces. From time to time, I get it working
(especially in test condition: alarm to fire 10 minutes after) but most
of the time it just disappears.

Just because of remark #1, I am pretty sure there is a bug somewhere in
the alarm module and many people seem to encouter difficulties with this

Does Logitech recognize there is a bug in there ?
Is somebody working on it ?

JM / Lyon / France

jmhusson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34259
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