> Dear Dachtar
>Why? You have problem with that?
Eh..eh, of course not. My only problem was the comparison you
made about selling book. I hope you are right about what you
know. Unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough to get to know him as
you are. But all I know is if somebody came up from nowhere (at
least, it was based on my knowledge about him) advertising
something incredible he wrote after his silly argument about
ethnical cycle was critized, the only posibility I could think of were
either he would say: "Hi man, who do you think you are?"
(considering that I'm a Minang Kabau person) or after being stung,
he felt obliged to offer us something valuable that we needed to
know (positive thinking). You see, it's got nothing to do with selling
books and you see, that was definetely my own opinion and I
wasn't representing anybody and never.
>Do not underestimate him. You do not really know him.
You'd better know that I'm not in position to underestimate or
overestimate anybody, not in RN not anywhere. All I'm interested in
is what I read. Sometimes, I reply an e-mail without knowing the
name of the sender at all.
>He is not like the rest of RN members, touchy and ego-maniac. I
believe I do know him better than you. Trust me for this matter.
You may keep it for yourself. I'm not big enough to judge anybody,
as I said I'm more interested in what I read.
>Please, as an educated man,
Believe it or not, this is one of sentences I hate most from the very
bottom of my heart.
>I believe you know that speaking on behalf of others to judge
another is flamming and out of order fashion. You do not have to
stand for anyone. You'd better start to stand by your own onion. I
respect that more. You could've written better than what you wrote
below. I know what I am doing. And I know what I am writing. What
about you? you do?
And again, I leave it to you.
Have a good time
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