RE: [RantauNet] The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles

2000-11-02 Terurut Topik Firdaus Kadir

Assalamua'laikum wr wb.,

Kadang-kadang, kaba buruak semacam ko bisa mambangkik an semangat awak nan 
terkadang acok kandua tu.

Samo jo kami nan taserak ntah dima-dima ko, bagi dunsanak nan lai di ranah 
Minang, mungkin iko bisa dijadi cambuik untuk mampakuat barisan da'wah jo 
sistem nan labiah rapek dan taarah.

Program kritenisasi ko nan kami ketahui iyo rapih, bermetoda baik, punya 
dana luar biasa banyaknya dan didukung oleh banyak politikus kelas dunia.

Sekedar informasi tambahan, katiko adu kasus ank sekolah Man di Padang yg 
kasusnyo sampai kapangadilan. Seorang Mantan President AS menulis ke Gus Dur 
untuk intervensi kerna perkara itu dianggap merugikan usaha mereka.

Semoga Allah s.w.t. selalu memberikan kekuatan iman dan kepekaan akan Islam.


firdaus kadir

From: Syaifuddin Ma'rifatullah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [RantauNet] The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 22:42:03 +0700

Bismillaah, Ar-Rahmaan, AR-Rahiim

Astaghfirullaah, al-Azdhiim 3x.
Kalau hambo indak salah, "The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles" iko adolah 
sebuah profile dari banyak profile nan alah dibuek oleh misi kristenisasi. 
Tantu sajo etnis awak ko dimasukkannyo di dalam daftar target operasi 
mareka. Jadi jan babangga dulu, awak kiniko sadang luruih di ujung sasaran 
tembak kristenisasi. Cubolah baco dan pareso snek ba'a homepage itu bana. 
Sia nan mambuek dan untuak apo.

Semoga iko menjadi peringatan untuak awak kasadono.
Salam jo maoh dari Aceh.
Syaifuddin Ma'rifatullah, Rang Pasaman

At 08:46 02/11/00, you wrote:

kalau saya boleh menambahkan sedikit, mengenai ucapan Uda Rinalvi...
Uda ucapan tsb, itulah yg menjatuhkan orang minang,  karena urang minang
sendiri yg berbicara.
orang minang  pantang putus asa, dima bumi di pijak di sinan bumi di
junjuang, nah.. tunjuak-kan lah di lingkungan uda sandiri bahwa urang 
tuch, orang yg sangat berbudaya ( bahkan mungkin yg tertinggi). dan bukti 
tampak kini, adalah persaudaraan sesama urang awak,  kalau ndak, ma loo 
bisa maota co iko, ( yg taseba di seluruh penjuru dunia ) Hal iko hanyo 
pado urang minang.

(hukum buatan manusia tentu ada yg salah "Adat")
  From: Ma'Dang JoLelo[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 3:02 PM
  Subject:  Re: [RantauNet] The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles
   FYI apa kita mesti bersyukur sebagai orang
   minangkabau ..?
  Asslamau 'alaikum ww
  Pertama, kita sangat bangga dan bersyukur dengan
  keberadaan etnis kita di mata dunia.
  Kedua, kita harus tetap menjaga keutuhan adat, budaya,
  dan agama islam sebagai bahagian dari kehidupan kita.
  Ketiga, dengan semangat otonomi daerah sekarang ini,
  mari kita bangun ranah minang tercinta pada semua
  Keempat, kita pertahankan komunikasi yang harmonis
  antara rantau dan kampung.
  Rang Tiku
  TITLEThe Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles/TITLE
  BODY BACKGROUND="../graphics/bkg5.gif"
  TABLE Border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2
  TR valign=top
  TD width=7%
  TD width=93%
  FONT COLOR=#804000
  BPrayer Profile/BBR
  The Minangkabau of Indonesia
  IMG SRC="../images3/0455.jpg" border=1 align=left
  hspace=5 alt="[IMAGE]" width="144" height="189"
  The Minangkabau are the fourth largest ethnic group in
  A HREF="../c_code/indones.html"Indonesia/A.  They
  live primarily in the tropical mountain regions of
  Sumatra, Indonesia's westernmost island.  Sumatra, the
  sixth largest island in the world, is populated by
  people of fifteen different language groups.
  Minangkabau origins were heavily influenced by
  Hinduism and date back to around 200 AD.  The name
  "Minangkabau" represents a high degree of wit and
  resourcefulness, since it literally means "winning"
  I(minang)/I "water buffalo" I(kabau)/I.  They
  are well known throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia
  for their spicy foods, cultural pride, and  successful
  Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Minangkabau
  culture is that their societies are matrilineal.  This
  means that they recognize descent and inheritances
  through the female line.  The Minangkabau are the
  largest people group in the world to continue this
  practice.  The strength of their culture is that they
  have remained matrilineal while embracing Islam.
  BWhat are their lives like?/BBR
  The majority of the Minangkabau live in Western
  Sumatra.  They are renowne

Re: [RantauNet] The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles

2000-11-01 Terurut Topik Ma'Dang JoLelo

 FYI apa kita mesti bersyukur sebagai orang
 minangkabau ..?
Asslamau 'alaikum ww
Pertama, kita sangat bangga dan bersyukur dengan
keberadaan etnis kita di mata dunia.
Kedua, kita harus tetap menjaga keutuhan adat, budaya,
dan agama islam sebagai bahagian dari kehidupan kita.
Ketiga, dengan semangat otonomi daerah sekarang ini,
mari kita bangun ranah minang tercinta pada semua
Keempat, kita pertahankan komunikasi yang harmonis
antara rantau dan kampung.
Rang Tiku
TITLEThe Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles/TITLE
BODY BACKGROUND="../graphics/bkg5.gif"
TABLE Border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2
TR valign=top
TD width=7%
TD width=93%
FONT COLOR=#804000
BPrayer Profile/BBR
The Minangkabau of Indonesia
IMG SRC="../images3/0455.jpg" border=1 align=left 
hspace=5 alt="[IMAGE]" width="144" height="189"
The Minangkabau are the fourth largest ethnic group in
A HREF="../c_code/indones.html"Indonesia/A.  They
live primarily in the tropical mountain regions of
Sumatra, Indonesia's westernmost island.  Sumatra, the
sixth largest island in the world, is populated by
people of fifteen different language groups.
Minangkabau origins were heavily influenced by
Hinduism and date back to around 200 AD.  The name
"Minangkabau" represents a high degree of wit and
resourcefulness, since it literally means "winning"
I(minang)/I "water buffalo" I(kabau)/I.  They
are well known throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia
for their spicy foods, cultural pride, and  successful
Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Minangkabau
culture is that their societies are matrilineal.  This
means that they recognize descent and inheritances
through the female line.  The Minangkabau are the
largest people group in the world to continue this
practice.  The strength of their culture is that they
have remained matrilineal while embracing Islam.
BWhat are their lives like?/BBR
The majority of the Minangkabau live in Western
Sumatra.  They are renowned among scholars and
throughout Indonesia for their prominence in business.
 In fact, they are one of the few ethnic groups that
can compete successfully with the Chinese.
The Minangkabau who live in villages have become
highly skilled in several home industries.  Their
businesses include weaving, blacksmithing, and
carving.  Those who live scattered throughout the
rugged, fertile countryside work primarily as wet rice
Known as the world's largest matrilineal people,
Minangkabau properties and family names are passed
down through the women.  Marriages are usually
arranged by a representative of the family.  Young
married couples usually live with the wife's mother or
another of the wife's relatives.  The woman is
expected to manage both a career and the home. Land is
owned collectively and centers around the
great-grandmother.  Decisions regarding land usage are
 made by consensus with an elected male elder
presiding. Many Minangkabau men leave home seeking
wealth and respect.  Perhaps this explains why divorce
is a very common occurrence.
The Minangkabau possess a wide variety of cultural
abilities.  Worldwide attention has been given to
their distinct styles of art, music, architecture,
poetry, and literature.  They also enjoy times of
celebration, such as holidays, Islamic pilgrimages,
weddings,  circumcisions, and house dedications.
Their native  language, Minangkabau, is distinct, yet
related to the language of the Malay and similar to
BWhat are their beliefs?/BBR
The Minangkabau are 99%
A HREF="../a_code/islam.html"Shafiite Muslims/A.
They are among Indonesia's most devoted Muslims, with
many holding important positions in leadership. 
Religious services are well attended.  The five
pillars of Islam are diligently practiced, and pigs
and pork are detested.  Although some folk religions
are in existence, they are generally looked down upon.
It is very interesting that the mythology concerning
their origin includes the story of a worldwide flood
and three brothers who survived on a boat!
The Minangkabau take great pride in their ancestry,
claiming to have descended from Alexander the Great. 
They have had an impact on nearly every aspect of
Indonesian life, including the government, the arts,
and various  professional ventures.  Unfortunately,
these things have given them a false sense of 
security, and they appear to have no need for the
Gospel.  However, loss of old traditions and increased
migration into the cities may provide inroads for the
Gospel into this tightly knit group.
BWhat are their needs?/BBR
There are currently eight missions agencies targeting
the Minangkabau; however, little progress has been
made among them.  The New Testament, the IJesus/I
film, and Christian radio and 

[RantauNet] The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles

2000-10-31 Terurut Topik RINALVI

FYI apa kita mesti bersyukur sebagai orang minangkabau ..?
Title: The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles

Prayer Profile

The Minangkabau of Indonesia

The Minangkabau are the fourth largest ethnic group in Indonesia.  They live primarily in the tropical mountain regions of Sumatra, Indonesia's westernmost island.  Sumatra, the sixth largest island in the world, is populated by people of fifteen different language groups.

Minangkabau origins were heavily influenced by Hinduism and date back to around 200 AD.  The name "Minangkabau" represents a high degree of wit and resourcefulness, since it literally means "winning" (minang) "water buffalo" (kabau).  They are well known throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia for their spicy foods, cultural pride, and  successful businesses.

Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Minangkabau culture is that their societies are matrilineal.  This means that they recognize descent and inheritances through the female line.  The Minangkabau are the largest people group in the world to continue this practice.  The strength of their culture is that they have remained matrilineal while embracing Islam.

What are their lives like?
The majority of the Minangkabau live in Western Sumatra.  They are renowned among scholars and throughout Indonesia for their prominence in business.  In fact, they are one of the few ethnic groups that can compete successfully with the Chinese.

The Minangkabau who live in villages have become highly skilled in several home industries.  Their businesses include weaving, blacksmithing, and carving.  Those who live scattered throughout the rugged, fertile countryside work primarily as wet rice farmers.

Known as the world's largest matrilineal people, Minangkabau properties and family names are passed down through the women.  Marriages are usually arranged by a representative of the family.  Young married couples usually live with the wife's mother or another of the wife's relatives.  The woman is expected to manage both a career and the home. Land is owned collectively and centers around the great-grandmother.  Decisions regarding land usage are  made by consensus with an elected male elder presiding. Many Minangkabau men leave home seeking wealth and respect.  Perhaps this explains why divorce is a very common occurrence.

The Minangkabau possess a wide variety of cultural abilities.  Worldwide attention has been given to their distinct styles of art, music, architecture, poetry, and literature.  They also enjoy times of celebration, such as holidays, Islamic pilgrimages, weddings,  circumcisions, and house dedications.

Their native  language, Minangkabau, is distinct, yet related to the language of the Malay and similar to Indonesian.

What are their beliefs?
The Minangkabau are 99%
Shafiite Muslims.
They are among Indonesia's most devoted Muslims, with many holding important positions in leadership.  Religious services are well attended.  The five pillars of Islam are diligently practiced, and pigs and pork are detested.  Although some folk religions are in existence, they are generally looked down upon.

It is very interesting that the mythology concerning their origin includes the story of a worldwide flood and three brothers who survived on a boat!

The Minangkabau take great pride in their ancestry, claiming to have descended from Alexander the Great.  They have had an impact on nearly every aspect of Indonesian life, including the government, the arts, and various  professional ventures.  Unfortunately, these things have given them a false sense of  security, and they appear to have no need for the Gospel.  However, loss of old traditions and increased migration into the cities may provide inroads for the Gospel into this tightly knit group.

What are their needs?
There are currently eight missions agencies targeting the Minangkabau; however, little progress has been made among them.  The New Testament, the Jesus film, and Christian radio and television broadcasts are  available in their language.  Yet, there are only about 1,000 known believers.  The Islamic religion is very difficult to penetrate.  Christian laborers who are sensitive to the Muslim culture are needed to live and work among these living in spiritual darkness.

Prayer Points

Ask the Lord to call people who are willing to go to Indonesia and share Christ with the Minangkabau.
Ask God to strengthen, encourage, and protect the small number of Minangkabau Christians.
Pray that the Minangkabau believers will be credible witnesses among their own people.
Pray for the completion of Bible translation, publication, and distribution among the Minangkabau.
Ask the Holy Spirit to soften their hearts toward Christians so that they will be receptive to the Gospel.
Pray for God to stir up a desire within the native Indonesian church to reach their Muslim neighbors with the Gospel.
Ask the Lord to raise up a strong local church among the Minangkabau by the year  2000.