Re: [RantauNet.Com] HOT NEWS-BALI

2002-10-18 Terurut Topik Sutan Lavy
Sanak kasadonyo,
Alangkah herannya ambo, masih ado yang sanang hati jo tragedi di Bali. Bukan salahnyo urang Bali kalau inyo ba namo MADE. Kok garah, yo garah baruak iko namonyo. Paliang ndak, kito punyo raso jo pareso lah jo penderitaan nan sanak awak di Bali. 
Nan jadi korban, bukan sajo bule atau asing lainnyo, tapi sanak kito sabangso, baik itu Bali atau etnik lainnyo, turuik jadi korban. Tapi di vberita, baik di Parancih ko sarato di Tanah Air, indak ado nan manyabuik bara korban urang lokal. Garuda manuruik berita koran maagiah 2 tiket gratis ka keluarga Inggeris nan punyo keluarga nan maningga di Bali jo hotel perai salamo 10 hari di Bali. Baa jo urang awak? Kabanyo , untuk maambiak jenazah sajo, harus mambaia? Apo batua tu sanak nan di Tanah Air? 
Ma Angah

Darul Makmur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Original Message-From: Ajie KusumantoroSent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:22 AM
Hot news dari serpihan bom di Bali, ditemukan bukti bahwa pelakunya adalah orang Bali sendiri yang tinggal di USA.
Pelaku tersebut terdeksi bernama , MADE IN USA.

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Re: [RantauNet.Com] HOT NEWS-BALI

2002-10-18 Terurut Topik Ma'Dang JoLelo
Caliek ju pandapek sanak awak ko

--- Darul Makmur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Ajie Kusumantoro 
 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:22 AM
 Hot news dari serpihan bom di Bali, ditemukan bukti
 bahwa pelakunya
 adalah orang Bali sendiri yang tinggal di USA.
 Pelaku tersebut terdeksi bernama , MADE IN USA.
 Privileged/Confidential information may be contained
 within this message. If you are not the intended
 recipient, you must not use, copy, retain,
 distribute, or disclose any of its content to
 others. Instead, please notify the sender
 immediately and then delete this e-mail entirely. We
 have checked this e-mail for any viruses and harmful
 components however; we cannot guarantee it to be
 secured or virus free. PT Perusahaan Pelayaran
 EQUINOX does not accept any responsibility for any
 damages or any consequences therefrom.

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