Dear Lori,

With a great sympathy  we in Rantaunet Mailing list have followed the message 
about the missing of your husband from home in Roxbury, New Jersey, USA. We 
have spread the news and some of our members in communication with you have 
found that your husband is alive and well, arrived safely in Jakarta reuniting 
with his Mom, and an on to his folks Padang,West Sumatra.

With the news about his safety we will close the long thread of subject in 
Rantaunet: "Urang Awak hilang di USA". We wish you will manage to follow up 
your communication with your husband and his folks in Padang.

It has been a long week for all of us since Monday (the report of missing 
husband) until today the found of lost husband in Padang.  While we're puzzling 
about the intention of your husband, our sympathy is now with you and your baby 
left by the husband and daddy without saying good bye. We hope you will manage 
to take care of yourself and the lovely baby and to solve the family problem 
with patience and persistence.

Best Wishes,
Sjamsir Sjarif
Santa Cruz, California

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