[R@ntau-Net] Re: [Keluarga POLRI] Dokter ahli Penyakit Kanker

2015-04-17 Terurut Topik 'Jacky Mardono Tjokrodiredjo' via RantauNet
Dr Anton Castilani Ysh.
Tidak sampai satu jam setelah saya meneruskan berita tentang dokter yang 
kabarnya spesialis kanker,saya dapat informasi dari seorang dokter,bahwa berita 
tersebut adalah hoax.
Berita langsung saya sebarkan kepada mereka yang pernah saya kirim,termasuk 
milis KBP.
Jacky Mardono.


Dibawah ini adalah bantahan terhadap berita yang baru saja saya kirim.Ada yang 
bisa memberi tambahan informasi ?

Jacky Mardono (80+)


1. Indonesian Health Minister Clarifies this Event
 By Puskom
 11:21 P.M.  Sept. 11th , 2011
      Indonesian health minister clarified false advertisements in Indonesia:
 A doctor from Bandung Indonesia has made false advertisements in virtual 
world through telecom and network platform, which makes people of all circles 
uneasy. In the advertisements, celebrities like Korean Ambassador and 
Indonesian Health Minister were treated by him, and the false promoting is all 
for seeking excessive profits. What~s worse, this behaviour also brings shame 
on medical advertisements. We called the published telephone number for 
consultation but it turned out to be a dead number. It~s said in the 
advertisement that a doctor from Bandung claims that he can heal cancer 
patients. His name is Dr. Maxiu, with an address of No. 62, JL. Sarimadu 
Street, Bandung. However the truth is, no doctor would make a promise that he 
could cure cancer by so far. Is Dr. Maxiu in the advertisement a real expert? 
We can~t confirm that,but what we are definitely sure is that Korean Ambassador 
and Indonesian Health Minister never have consultation with this doctor.
 Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih had expressed her strong 
condemnation on this irresponsible false advertisement and remind the public 
not to be cheated. It~s not allowed and also a lack of medical ethics that to 
promote advertisement of a doctor or a hospital with the treating of 
 In an open society, news can be transferred via all kinds of media which will 
make us hard to tell true or false. False advertisements will make people 
uneasy. For this kinds of news, we need to be more careful to identify the 
authenticity and do not spread the news without exact sources or reliability.  
 2. Playing Back: International Daily in Indonesian had Published an Article of 
Indonesian Health Minister To Learn the Innovative Spirit from Chinese 
 On Feb. 16th, 2011, International Daily in Indonesian had Published an Article 
of Indonesian Health Minister To Learn the Innovative Spirit from Chinese 
Hospitals which expressed her feeling while she was having treatment in our 
hospital. She had prefaced the Indonesian Version of the book Nothing but the 
Truth by President Kecheng Xu. 
 The details of the article are as follows:
 To Learn the Innovative Spirit from Chinese Hospitals 
 Health Minister of Indonesia prefaced Professor Xu Ke Cheng~s new book
  I am a researcher on infectious diseases and a health minister as an 
additional post. As a researcher, I used to meet with Chinese doctors for 
several times to do some research together. In all, what they impressed me most 
was that they were very confident, and had the courage to try new things. Since 
the medical field treats Europe and America as a standard, Chinese doctors~ 
research results are usually not accepted by medical field. However, as a 
researcher, I never had a chance to visit any Chinese hospital. 
 The fate told me that I would suffer from cancer, which was even an advanced 
stage. Time had become a luxury for me because I didn~t get much. My husband 
and I had considered every medical treatments and the locations. Combined with 
the opinions come by my colleagues who concerned about me, we finally chose 
Guangzhou Fuda Hospital and Professor Xu Ke Cheng and his medical team. 
 I was not going to talk anything about my disease and the therapy. Everything 
had just started and it was too early to discuss the result of treatment. I was 
here to mainly talk about how I felt during my treatment at Guangzhou Fuda 
 What impressed me most was the democratic atmosphere in the hospital. My 
husband and I were invited to every discussion held by Professor Xu and his 
medical team to better study my disease and therapeutic methods. All doctors 
(they were much younger than Professor Xu) described their own opinion with no 
hesitation. Doctor Barlian translated all the discussion for me. It was a 
heated discussion and not only therapeutic methods were talked about, but also 
the therapeutic procedures. I felt admiring because 

[R@ntau-Net] Re: [Keluarga POLRI] Dokter ahli Penyakit Kanker

2015-04-15 Terurut Topik 'Jacky Mardono Tjokrodiredjo' via RantauNet
Dibawah ini adalah bantahan terhadap berita yang baru saja saya kirim.Ada yang 
bisa memberi tambahan informasi ?

Jacky Mardono (80+)


1. Indonesian Health Minister Clarifies this Event
 By Puskom
 11:21 P.M.  Sept. 11th , 2011
      Indonesian health minister clarified false advertisements in Indonesia:
 A doctor from Bandung Indonesia has made false advertisements in virtual 
world through telecom and network platform, which makes people of all circles 
uneasy. In the advertisements, celebrities like Korean Ambassador and 
Indonesian Health Minister were treated by him, and the false promoting is all 
for seeking excessive profits. What~s worse, this behaviour also brings shame 
on medical advertisements. We called the published telephone number for 
consultation but it turned out to be a dead number. It~s said in the 
advertisement that a doctor from Bandung claims that he can heal cancer 
patients. His name is Dr. Maxiu, with an address of No. 62, JL. Sarimadu 
Street, Bandung. However the truth is, no doctor would make a promise that he 
could cure cancer by so far. Is Dr. Maxiu in the advertisement a real expert? 
We can~t confirm that,but what we are definitely sure is that Korean Ambassador 
and Indonesian Health Minister never have consultation with this doctor.
 Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih had expressed her strong 
condemnation on this irresponsible false advertisement and remind the public 
not to be cheated. It~s not allowed and also a lack of medical ethics that to 
promote advertisement of a doctor or a hospital with the treating of 
 In an open society, news can be transferred via all kinds of media which will 
make us hard to tell true or false. False advertisements will make people 
uneasy. For this kinds of news, we need to be more careful to identify the 
authenticity and do not spread the news without exact sources or reliability.  
 2. Playing Back: International Daily in Indonesian had Published an Article of 
Indonesian Health Minister To Learn the Innovative Spirit from Chinese 
 On Feb. 16th, 2011, International Daily in Indonesian had Published an Article 
of Indonesian Health Minister To Learn the Innovative Spirit from Chinese 
Hospitals which expressed her feeling while she was having treatment in our 
hospital. She had prefaced the Indonesian Version of the book Nothing but the 
Truth by President Kecheng Xu. 
 The details of the article are as follows:
 To Learn the Innovative Spirit from Chinese Hospitals 
 Health Minister of Indonesia prefaced Professor Xu Ke Cheng~s new book
  I am a researcher on infectious diseases and a health minister as an 
additional post. As a researcher, I used to meet with Chinese doctors for 
several times to do some research together. In all, what they impressed me most 
was that they were very confident, and had the courage to try new things. Since 
the medical field treats Europe and America as a standard, Chinese doctors~ 
research results are usually not accepted by medical field. However, as a 
researcher, I never had a chance to visit any Chinese hospital. 
 The fate told me that I would suffer from cancer, which was even an advanced 
stage. Time had become a luxury for me because I didn~t get much. My husband 
and I had considered every medical treatments and the locations. Combined with 
the opinions come by my colleagues who concerned about me, we finally chose 
Guangzhou Fuda Hospital and Professor Xu Ke Cheng and his medical team. 
 I was not going to talk anything about my disease and the therapy. Everything 
had just started and it was too early to discuss the result of treatment. I was 
here to mainly talk about how I felt during my treatment at Guangzhou Fuda 
 What impressed me most was the democratic atmosphere in the hospital. My 
husband and I were invited to every discussion held by Professor Xu and his 
medical team to better study my disease and therapeutic methods. All doctors 
(they were much younger than Professor Xu) described their own opinion with no 
hesitation. Doctor Barlian translated all the discussion for me. It was a 
heated discussion and not only therapeutic methods were talked about, but also 
the therapeutic procedures. I felt admiring because Professor Xu and his 
medical team even asked our opinions. It~s much more democratic here than that 
in Indonesian hospital. 
 I had no idea about my focus—whether it was easy to control or not. The only 
thing I was sure about was that the therapeutic method was not simple at all. 
Professor Xu and his medical team knew everything about my condition and kept 
explaining the 

[R@ntau-Net] Re: [Keluarga POLRI] Dokter ahli Penyakit Kanker

2015-04-15 Terurut Topik Sjamsir Sjarif
Saya teruskan posting dari bpk Ketut Untung Yoga,
seorang Pati Polri.
Semoga posting bpk Untung Yoga bermanfaat bagi mereka yang membutuhkan.


Jacky Mardono.

Saya kira bujukan pengiklanan Kentut Untung Yoga Pati Polri itu memang 
kedengarannya berkelebihan, malah terasa omong kosong, merusak, tak bermanfat.
-- Nyit Sungut

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