Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Tip of the Day: Display a Hour Glass Cursor when Filtering Enhanced DB Grids
Product.......: R:BASE X.5 and R:BASE X.5 Enterprise (Version 10.5)
Build.........: or higher
Sections......: Forms
Keywords......: Enhanced DB Grid, Filter, Cursor, Hour Glass

Did you know that a hour glass may be assigned to the mouse cursor when filtering records for Enhanced DB Grid controls?

A new "Hour Glass Cursor On Filter" setting is now available for the Enhanced DB Grid control, where the cursor icon will change when filtering records.

The PROPERTY command may also be used to enable the setting:


The setting is helpful in that end users are aware that R:BASE is still processing in the background. The cursor change should prevent users from closing the application prematurely when thinking the program is not responding.

Very Best R:egards,


R:BASE Technologies, Inc.

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