Thursday, August 4, 2022

Tip of the Day: Maintaining Efficiency with QualKeys in Foreign Data Sources
Product.......: R:BASE X.5 and R:BASE X.5 Enterprise (Version 10.5)
Build.........: or higher
Sections......: ODBC
Keywords......: SATTACH, QualKey, QUALCOLS, DSN, Data Source

Adding foreign data sources to an R:BASE database allows applications to access tables from multiple databases simultaneously.

When you access other databases, you are working with the actual data, not a copy. Not only can you view information from other databases, but you can modify and add information, depending on the access rights provided.

The first steps in attaching foreign data sources include being connecting to the R:BASE database, establishing the data source, and then connecting that DSN (data source name). In doing so, multiple data sources may be connected to concurrently.

Attaching foreign data source tables may be done with the SATTACH command or selecting "Utilities > Attach SQL Database Tables" from the main menu bar. It is with the table attach/SATTACH where the method and R:BASE settings must be considered to maintain ideal performance with the foreign data source.

When tables are attached, a QualKey column definition is assigned for columns that uniquely identifies a row, similar to a primary key or unique key. The QualKey is assigned based upon the method the table is attached to the database, and is used by R:BASE to link server data.

There are three different methods in which QualKeys are specified when tables are attached, and are ordered below by efficiency:

SATTACH TableName USING ColumnList - uses the specified column(s) to assigned the QualKey that uniquely identify the rows. The ColumnList is not limited to a single column, but the more columns that are specified, then those column values must also match in WHERE clause conditions. A primary key should be specified as the ColumnList value.

SATTACH TableName - automatically inquires with the foreign data source to find the optimal primary key column defined for the table being attached. If the column inquiry fails or does not find a primary key column, then QualKeys are defined based on the value for the QUALOCOLS setting, starting with the first column of the table. The number of columns assigned a QualKey is limited by the QUALCOLS value.

SATTACH TableName USING ALL - assigns all columns as QualKeys

When performing a direct UPDATE to the foreign table, the USING ALL approach is the slowest in processing, which means that to qualify a row for updating, all of the column values must match. Rather, if a primary key exists, specify the column with USING PrimaryKeyColName instead, as this way, only the primary key value must match (which is all that should be needed). When updating a row on the foreign table, R:BASE must count how many rows match that row, and there should only be one matching row.

The origin of the QUALCOLS setting came into being when R:BASE first started attaching foreign data sources. QUALCOLS specifies the number of QualKeys to assign to SQL attached tables.

If a primary key was not found for the SATTACHed table, and a USING ColumnList was not specified for what columns uniquely identify a row, then R:BASE assigns a set of columns to identify that row starting with the first column of the table. The number of columns used was limited by the value for QUALCOLS. The word was derived by knowing that R:BASE could QUALify a row by using a set of COLumnS.

As noted, QUALCOLS is only used when 1) no primary key can be found for the table or 2) the attach process does not specify a USING clause in the SATTACH command.

As is it more likely for a primary key to be located at the beginning (first or second column) of a table structure, setting QUALCOLS to 2 would assign QualKeys to the first two columns. The following command sets QUALCOLS to 2:


To determine what columns have been assigned a QualKey for foreign data sources, use the LIST TABLE command. QualKeys are defined in the column attributes.


   Table: albums               No Lock(s)
   Descr: Server table - Albums BluzVan
   Last structure modification: 08/03/2022 11:39 AM

 No. Column Name        Attributes
 --- ------------------ -----------------------------------------
   1 Album_ID           Type   : INTEGER  QualKey
   2 AlbumTitle         Type   : TEXT 40
   3 ReleaseDate        Type   : DATE
   4 RecordLabel        Type   : TEXT 30
   5 Artist_ID          Type   : TEXT 10
   6 MusicType          Type   : TEXT 10
   7 Comments           Type   : NOTE 4092
   Current number of rows:    SERVER

The Albums table was attached from a DSN assigned to the BluzVan sample database. The "SATTACH Albums" command was used, and R:BASE was able to determine the Album_ID column as the primary key, and assign the QualKey accordingly.

For additional information on working with foreign data sources, please review the "Using SQL Data Sources" technical document:

From The Edge:
Article Title: Using SQL Data Sources in R:BASE X.5 and R:BASE X.5 Enterprise (Version 10.5)

Chapters include the following topics:

. Foreign Data Sources and ODBC
. How ODBC Works
. ODBC Commands
. Setting Up Data Sources
. Connecting Data Sources and Tables
. Working with Data Sources
. Disconnecting Data Sources and Tables

Very Best R:egards,


R:BASE Technologies, Inc.

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