For those San Diego folks.. 3ish hours old.

Sad news about good buddy Nick Sigmon. Who was on his first bike tour on 
his one month year old Fuji Touring bike.

"Friends, I have some sad news to share: yesterday in Long Beach, my bike 
(Rosa) and much of my gear were stolen, so I will be completing my trip to 
SD via Greyhound. Fortunately I had my wallet, keys, phone, ipad, Garmin, 
and (thank goodness) my journal with me when it happened. I still had such 
a wonderful trip these past few days, so much more fun than I even 
anticipated, I would not trade it for anything. There were always some 
serious risks with a trip like this and I am very thankful to be alive and 
well. Plus I was fortunate to be in Long Beach with my cousin Kyle 
<>, who has been taking care of me (food, 
shelter, and clothing, since all I had was the cycling kit I was wearing). 
The stuff can all be replaced, though the sentimental value is what really 
hurts. I definitely do not intend to let this taint my incredible 
experience. I absolutely intend to get another touring bike and do this 
trip again, and other touring trips, perhaps every summer; it has probably 
been the most enjoyable experience of my life, and that is saying 

More info about the information.
" Some details about the theft: I was at a Von's for awhile writing in my 
journal while my cousin was cutting hair. I locked my bike right out front, 
in broad daylight, under a sign that said the area was under video 
surveillance. When I came out it was gone. The video saw a guy come up on a 
bike, chop my lock, ride off on my bike, then come back for his (which 
makes it sound more like a drug addict than a professional bike thief). The 
cops do sound surprisingly hopeful that it may show up eventually, either 
at a pawn shop or under someone who does not look like they should have 
such a nice bike. I lost the headlamp that my father had given me; the 
solar panel and energy bank that my brother had given me; Tamra 
<>'s copy of the book 
Thrive, which I was borrowing; the tarp that had sheltered me for 3 epic 
nights; a sweatshirt that I had won in a race; a $50 giftcard to movin' 
shoes that I had won from a race; four pairs of cycling shorts and a jersey 
that I had been given from sponsors; my tomtom one that I had gotten many 
years ago after staying out all night with my cousin and brother at Black 
Friday, which had been my only companion on too many trips to count; and of 
course my 1-month old bike, Rosa, whom I had grown to love dearly. I 
usually try not to get attached to material possessions, but I struggle at 
that when it comes to bicycles. Maybe that is the lesson here: perhaps I 
should not name my bikes and talk to them so much. I really like that bike 
model (Fuji Touring) and would want to get the same one, but I could never 
ride that bike again without thinking of Rosa (and feeling like I let her 
down by not keeping her safe). But again, I am just so grateful to be alive 
and well, and I feel so incredibly fortunate to have had such a wonderful 
trip! So many people showed me incredible kindness, including strangers; 
overall my faith in the goodness of mankind in general still increased from 
this trip. I will not let the actions of one poor, messed up guy upset me. 
I honestly feel bad for anyone who would steal (especially a loaded touring 
bike with a Micky Mouse stuffed animal sitting on the back -- a road token 
I had found just before I stopped the first night, which made for an 
excellent pillow). I wish them no ill-will; I do wish them all the best, 
that they might be able to find happiness in life. I sincerely hope that 
stealing my bike can somehow help them to do so."

For those folks around the area please keep an eye out. 

Here's a picture of his bike unloaded:

Here's a picture of his bike loaded:

Contact me if you get any info.


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