Re: [Rcpp-devel] Detecting Singular Matrices in RcppArmadillo

2022-01-28 Thread Neal Fultz
There's an R object that has the machine precision, which could be a
reasonable threshold.


I believe there is a similar constant in the C++ standard library.

You might also try checking the condition of the matrix instead of the
determinant, but you might take a performance hit. EG:

- Neal

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 8:54 AM Alex Ilich  wrote:

> Hi, I have some code I've written to calculate regression parameters using
> ordinarily least squares using RcppArmadillo. This is meant to be performed
> iteratively over many small subsets (sliding window over spatial raster
> data) so I'd like to automatically detect when the regression can't be
> performed and just return a vector of NA's. Currently I check to see if the
> determinant is 0 in order to see if the XtX matrix can be inverted and it
> seems to work in the vast majority of cases but I did run into a case where
> a small amount of precision error was introduced and for some reason this
> causes the determinant to be non-zero in C++ however, the matrix still is
> considered singular (uninvertible) leading to an error. I was wondering if
> anyone had any suggestions? Maybe there's a minimum value non-zero value
> where it's considered essentially singular that I could use instead of 0,
> or maybe there's a way to return a vector of NAs if an error is detected
> rather than stopping execution and printing an error message. I've also
> seen that pinv can be used, but from some tests I ran it's substantially
> slower, so I'd like to avoid using that. I've included some example code
> below. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> library(Rcpp)
> cppFunction(depends="RcppArmadillo", "NumericVector C_OLS(arma::mat X,
> arma::mat Y){
>   arma::mat Xt = trans(X);
>   arma::mat XtX = Xt * X;
>   double d = det(XtX);
>   Rcout << d; //print determinant
>   if(d==0){
> NumericVector B2(X.n_cols, NA_REAL);
> return B2;
>   } else{
> arma::mat XtX_inv= inv(XtX);
> NumericVector B = Rcpp::as(wrap(XtX_inv * (Xt *
> Y)));
> return B;
>   }}")
> X<- matrix(data=c(-250, -250, -250, -250, -250, -250, 250, 200, 150,
>   100, 50, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), ncol=3, nrow=6)
> X2<- X
> X2[1,2]<- X[1,2] + 5.684342e-14 #Add a slight numeric precision issue
> Y<- matrix(1:6, ncol=1)
> #Determinant of XtX in R is 0 for both
> det(t(X) %*% X) ==0 #TRUE
> det(t(X2) %*% X2) ==0 #TRUE
> C_OLS(X,Y) #Determinant is 0 in C++ and correctly returns a vector of NA's
> #0[1] NA NA NA
> C_OLS(X2,Y) #Determinant is not 0 in C++ so the if statement is not
> triggered but the matrix is still uninvertible
> # 4.57764e-05
> # error: inv(): matrix is singular
> # Error in C_OLS(X2, Y) : inv(): matrix is singular
> ___
> Rcpp-devel mailing list
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Re: [Rcpp-devel] Rcpp - libtorrent

2019-02-10 Thread Neal Fultz
Rcpp should make this very straightforward; assuming you are putting this
in a package (because why wouldn't you?) you would just need to set some
flags in src/Makefile so that the external library gets picked up correctly
by R, and write a few Rcpp wrapper functions for interacting with it.

See also Writing R Extensions for "offical" docs and Dirk's book for plain
english explanations.

Feel free to share a link eg if you get something up on github - I've
wanted to share data via torrent before and didn't find a nice solution.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 11:21 AM Morgan Morgan 

> Hi All,
> I hope you are well.
> I wanted to have your view regarding the feasibility of a project.
> There is c++ library called libtorrent. I was wondering if it would be
> possible to use Rcpp in order to call some of libtorrent's functionality
> from R.
> It seems that there are some python bindings for this library however
> nothing for R.
> Do you think it would be something possible? Is it difficult from your
> point of view?
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Morgan
> ___
> Rcpp-devel mailing list
Rcpp-devel mailing list

Re: [Rcpp-devel] Manipulating json with Rcpp

2018-10-11 Thread Neal Fultz
(Resending to list, sorry)

| I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to make a header-only package
> | (by cannabalizing BH and copying the hpp file to inst/include).
> Why?  Is LinkingTo: BH not good enough?

I'm not using Boost for json, instead using this for the
syntax sugar.

But I wanted to start with something that was working instead of starting
from scratch, in case
there were package configuration that had to be set to make //
compile correctly. But Rcpp::depends seems to find everything
automatically, it "just works".

> | Maybe someone else will find this useful some day.
> There are also R (at least) cpp-using package ndjson and validatejsonr on

Those are good finds. Not sure if you can use them from inside C++ though.

It looks like Bob Rudis is also using the nlohmann/json.h, maybe I can ask
him to
move json.h from src/ to inst/include for his next release. I think that's
all that needed
to make Rcpp::depends / LinkingTo work.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 12:18 PM Dirk Eddelbuettel  wrote:

> On 11 October 2018 at 11:50, Neal Fultz wrote:
> | I recently needed to deal with json on the C++ side of things, and found
> | the nlohmann json library.
> |
> | I made a small wrapper package:
> Cool.
> | I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to make a header-only package
> | (by cannabalizing BH and copying the hpp file to inst/include).
> Why?  Is LinkingTo: BH not good enough?
> |
> | Maybe someone else will find this useful some day.
> There are also R (at least) cpp-using package ndjson and validatejsonr on
> Dirk
> --
> | @eddelbuettel |
Rcpp-devel mailing list

[Rcpp-devel] Manipulating json with Rcpp

2018-10-11 Thread Neal Fultz
Hi all,

I recently needed to deal with json on the C++ side of things, and found
the nlohmann json library.

I made a small wrapper package:

I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to make a header-only package
(by cannabalizing BH and copying the hpp file to inst/include).

Maybe someone else will find this useful some day.


Neal Fultz
Rcpp-devel mailing list

Re: [Rcpp-devel] rwishart Rcpp implementation

2015-06-11 Thread Neal Fultz
I had ported the bayesm version a while a back, here it is:

List rwishart(int nu,  NumericMatrix const& V){// function to draw
from Wishart (nu,V) and IW// // W ~ W(nu,V) E[W]=nuV// // WI=W^-1
  RNGScope rngscope;  int m = V.nrow();mat Vm(V.begin(), m, m,
false);// Can't vectorise because Rcpp-sugar rchisq doesnt
vectorise df argument  // T has sqrt chisqs on diagonal and normals
below diagonal and garbage above diagonal  mat T(m,m);for(int i =
0; i < m; i++) {T(i,i) = sqrt(R::rchisq(nu-i));  }  for(int j = 0;
j < m; j++) {for(int i = j+1; i < m; i++) {  T(i,j) =
R::norm_rand();  }}// explicitly declare T as triangular  // top
triangular is NaN ###  mat C = trans(trimatl(T)) * chol(Vm);  mat CI =
C.i();// C is the upper triangular root of Wishart // therefore, W=C'C
 this is the LU decomposition // Inv(W) = CICI'this is the UL
decomp *not LU*!// W is Wishart draw, IW is W^-1  return List::create(
   _["W"] = trans(C) * C,_["IW"] = CI * trans(CI),_["C"] = C,
  _["CI"] = CI);}

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Yue Li  wrote:

> Dear List,
> I wonder if anyone could share their Rcpp code for an equivalence of
> rWishart. I’ve come across a similar question in the forum:
> Based on Dirk’s suggestion, I have my following attempt:
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> mat mvrnormArma(int n, vec mu, mat sigma) {
> int ncols = sigma.n_cols;
> mat Y = randn(n, ncols);
> return repmat(mu, 1, n).t() + Y * chol(sigma);
> }
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> mat rWishartCpp(mat sigma, int n) {
> mat X = mvrnormArma(1, zeros(sigma.n_rows), sigma);
> return X.t() * X;
> }
> But this implementation does not take into account the degree of freedom.
> In fact, I’m very fuzzy on how to incorporate df into the sampling process:
> I also checked the R code from baysm, namely rwishart, which samples from
> rchisq instead (code pasted below). But I’m not sure how to relate the
> simple naive code I have above with the baysm code below …
> function baysm_rwishart(nu, V)
> {
> m = nrow(V)
> df = (nu + nu - m + 1) - (nu - m + 1):nu
> if (m > 1) {
> T = diag(sqrt(rchisq(c(rep(1, m)), df)))
> T[lower.tri(T)] = rnorm((m * (m + 1)/2 - m))
> }
> else {
> T = sqrt(rchisq(1, df))
> }
> U = chol(V)
> C = t(T) %*% U
> CI = backsolve(C, diag(m))
> return(list(W = crossprod(C),
> IW = crossprod(t(CI)), C = C,
> CI = CI))
> }
> Yue
> ___
> Rcpp-devel mailing list
Rcpp-devel mailing list

Re: [Rcpp-devel] rwishart Rcpp implementation

2015-06-11 Thread Neal Fultz
I had ported the bayesm version a while a back, here it is:

List rwishart(int nu,  NumericMatrix const& V){// function to draw
from Wishart (nu,V) and IW// // W ~ W(nu,V) E[W]=nuV// // WI=W^-1
  RNGScope rngscope;  int m = V.nrow();mat Vm(V.begin(), m, m,
false);// Can't vectorise because Rcpp-sugar rchisq doesnt
vectorise df argument  // T has sqrt chisqs on diagonal and normals
below diagonal and garbage above diagonal  mat T(m,m);for(int i =
0; i < m; i++) {T(i,i) = sqrt(R::rchisq(nu-i));  }  for(int j = 0;
j < m; j++) {for(int i = j+1; i < m; i++) {  T(i,j) =
R::norm_rand();  }}// explicitly declare T as triangular  // top
triangular is NaN ###  mat C = trans(trimatl(T)) * chol(Vm);  mat CI =
C.i();// C is the upper triangular root of Wishart // therefore, W=C'C
 this is the LU decomposition // Inv(W) = CICI'this is the UL
decomp *not LU*!// W is Wishart draw, IW is W^-1  return List::create(
   _["W"] = trans(C) * C,_["IW"] = CI * trans(CI),_["C"] = C,
  _["CI"] = CI);}

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Yue Li  wrote:

> Dear List,
> I wonder if anyone could share their Rcpp code for an equivalence of
> rWishart. I’ve come across a similar question in the forum:
> Based on Dirk’s suggestion, I have my following attempt:
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> mat mvrnormArma(int n, vec mu, mat sigma) {
> int ncols = sigma.n_cols;
> mat Y = randn(n, ncols);
> return repmat(mu, 1, n).t() + Y * chol(sigma);
> }
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> mat rWishartCpp(mat sigma, int n) {
> mat X = mvrnormArma(1, zeros(sigma.n_rows), sigma);
> return X.t() * X;
> }
> But this implementation does not take into account the degree of freedom.
> In fact, I’m very fuzzy on how to incorporate df into the sampling process:
> I also checked the R code from baysm, namely rwishart, which samples from
> rchisq instead (code pasted below). But I’m not sure how to relate the
> simple naive code I have above with the baysm code below …
> function baysm_rwishart(nu, V)
> {
> m = nrow(V)
> df = (nu + nu - m + 1) - (nu - m + 1):nu
> if (m > 1) {
> T = diag(sqrt(rchisq(c(rep(1, m)), df)))
> T[lower.tri(T)] = rnorm((m * (m + 1)/2 - m))
> }
> else {
> T = sqrt(rchisq(1, df))
> }
> U = chol(V)
> C = t(T) %*% U
> CI = backsolve(C, diag(m))
> return(list(W = crossprod(C),
> IW = crossprod(t(CI)), C = C,
> CI = CI))
> }
> Yue
> ___
> Rcpp-devel mailing list
Rcpp-devel mailing list

Re: [Rcpp-devel] Difference between runif and unif_rand?

2013-07-12 Thread Neal Fultz
I use the debian packages. Upgrading r-cran-rcpp from testing to unstable 
seems to have fixed this for me, so good call.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 10:25:17PM -0400, Krzysztof Sakrejda wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 8:50 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel  wrote:
> >
> > On 12 July 2013 at 12:28, Neal Fultz wrote:
> > | I've been updating the C in an r package to use Rcpp and started seeing
> > | so odd results from a function that samples from a discrete
> > | distribution.
> For what it's worth, I can't reproduce this so it may be specific to
> your versions of R/Rcpp. Krzysztof
Rcpp-devel mailing list

[Rcpp-devel] Difference between runif and unif_rand?

2013-07-12 Thread Neal Fultz
I've been updating the C in an r package to use Rcpp and started seeing 
so odd results from a function that samples from a discrete

I think I've narrowed it down to the sugar runif. The two programs below
are identical except f_works uses unif_rand and f_broke goes through runif. 



int f_works(NumericVector p) {

  int i = 0;

  double u = unif_rand();

  do { u -= p[i++]; } while(u  > 0);

  return i;

int f_broke(NumericVector p) {

  int i = 0;
  double u = Rcpp::runif(1)[0];
  do { u -= p[i++]; } while(u  > 0);
  return i;


When I run f_broke, sometimes there is a number that doesn't belong:

R>p <- 1:4 / 10;
R>table(replicate(1, f_works(p)))

 961 2045 2984 4010 

R>table(replicate(1, f_broke(p)))

0.427225098479539 0.458629200235009 0.687304416438565 0.735608365153894 
1 1 1 1 

1 2 3 4  
 1053  2010  3021  3911  

I'm pretty stumped about why I consistently see odd numbers every couple
thousand draws, becuase runif just wraps unif_rand anyway. My
functions are declared as int, so it should be impossible to
return a double. 

What is happening here that I don't get?

Thanks much,


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