Re: [TANKS] Re: ASCII Tanks...part II

2012-10-17 Thread Buck Cronk
hahaha, chris

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Michael Butts wrote:

> Lol... Magic Eye references. Makes me want to go buy a Sunday paper:)
> Mike B
> On Oct 17, 2012, at 8:21 AM, wrote:
>   In a message dated 10/17/2012 8:18:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> dunno how u get dolphins, but thats pretty cool
> sorry, your right i stared a bit longer and saw whales and
> seagulls
> Chris
> --
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Re: [TANKS] Re: GoPro HERO3

2012-10-17 Thread Buck Cronk
gopros are really cool, ill get one someday maybe lol

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 7:53 AM,  wrote:

> **
> not sure why my posting turned out as a dark background?
> as to links, there are several throughout it, they are in blue text, other
> than that, not that i know of.
> one thing i didn't see was if it had the wide screen (think GoPro2 offered
> it), will have to look it over again
> Chris
> --
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Re: [TANKS] Re: ASCII Tanks...part II

2012-10-17 Thread Michael Butts
Lol... Magic Eye references. Makes me want to go buy a Sunday paper:)
Mike B

On Oct 17, 2012, at 8:21 AM, wrote:

> In a message dated 10/17/2012 8:18:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> dunno how u get dolphins, but thats pretty cool
> sorry, your right i stared a bit longer and saw whales and seagulls
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: [TANKS] Re: GoPro HERO3

2012-10-17 Thread OdysseySlipways
not sure why my posting turned out as a dark background?
as to links, there are several throughout it, they are in blue text, other  
than that, not that i know of.
one thing i didn't see was if it had the wide screen (think GoPro2 offered  
it), will have to look it over again

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2012-10-17 Thread Aaron
was there suposed to be a link?
I would love a GoPro camera for all sorts of my activities.

On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 5:08:40 AM UTC-7, wrote:

>  Just received this and thought it might be of some interest to anyone 
> who has been thinking of getting one of them GoPro camera's for their tank 
> (or anything else)
> Chris

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Re: [TANKS] Re: ASCII Tanks...part II

2012-10-17 Thread OdysseySlipways
In a message dated 10/17/2012 8:18:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

dunno  how u get dolphins, but thats pretty cool

sorry, your right i stared a bit longer and saw whales and  

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Re: [TANKS] Re: ASCII Tanks...part II

2012-10-17 Thread Buck Cronk
dunno how u get dolphins, but thats pretty cool

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 6:37 AM,  wrote:

> **
>  all i see is dolphin's or should i stare at it longer?
> In a message dated 10/15/2012 6:45:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
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Re: [TANKS] try this one on for size...

2012-10-17 Thread Buck Cronk
WOW very cool

On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Dave D.  wrote:

> **
> Well, the best I can make of it, I think it is the Japanese Type 95 light
> tank.  The twin sets of road wheels are the key...
> Dave "I think I know my ASCII tanks when I see them"  D.
> for reference...
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Dave D. 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 13, 2012 2:49 PM
> *Subject:* [TANKS] try this one on for size...
> Sweet!!
> I think I've seen that one somewhere before, but still very impressive.
> Thanks for sharing...
> I didn't look at the site behind the picture, but is it one of those
> Italian Ammaretto Carvaletto tanks, you know, the ones that Gepetto built
> in his spare time?
> With many guffaws,
> Dave D.
> --
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[TANKS] Fwd: GoPro HERO3

2012-10-17 Thread OdysseySlipways
Just received this and thought it might be of some interest to anyone who  
has been thinking of getting one of them GoPro camera's for their tank (or  
anything else)

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--- Begin Message ---
GoPro Announces the HERO3

Black Edition Smaller, lighter and 2X more powerful, again.  

The Wi-Fi enabled HERO3: Black Edition is the most advanced GoPro,
ever. No expense was spared during its development, resulting in a
GoPro that is 30% smaller, 25% lighter and 2x more powerful than
previous models.

Smaller, Lighter... Better 

Weighing in at a scant 2.6 ounces, the HERO3: Black Edition is 25%
lighter and 30% smaller than previous models. 

Learn More »

2X Faster Video Performance 

The HERO3: Black Edition captures professional, cinema-quality video
at 2X the resolution and 2X the frame-rate of previous models while
delivering 2X better low light performance. 

Slow-motion aficionados and industry professionals will love the
HERO3: Black Edition's 1080p-60, 720p-120, WVGA-240, 960p-100 and
1440p-48 high frame-rate video modes while those desiring a cinematic
look will appreciate the ultra-high resolution 2.7kp-30 and 4kp-15
video modes. 

   Learn More »

3X Faster Photo Performance 

The HERO3: Black Edition's photo performance is 3X faster, now
boasting 12MP burst capture at a staggering 30 frames per second with
2X better low light performance compared to previous models. 

HERO3 Launch Video

   Watch it »

Still Photo and Time-lapse Photo modes remain the same but are joined
by a new Continuous Photo mode that captures continuous 12MP stills
at a steady 3, 5, or 10 photo-per-second rate, up to 30 photos at a

And for those that like pulling still images from video, 4kp15 video
mode captures 8+MP video at 15 frames per second making it perfect
for pulling still images from video.  

   Learn More »

Sharper Lens, Less Distortion 

The HERO3's reduced-distortion, 6-element aspherical lens combines
with user-selectable Ultra-wide, Medium and Narrow field-of-views to
deliver more perspective-capture options than ever before. Add the
totally updated flat-lens waterproof housing that delivers stunning
image sharpness both above and below water and you've got one of the
most powerful and durable image capture solutions on the planet. 

   Learn More »

Updated Audio System 

Understanding that sound quality sound is as important as image
quality, GoPro engineers completely redesigned the HERO3's audio
system to be as adept at capturing the subtle, natural sounds of
voice and music as it is at capturing the immersive sounds of sport.
Also improved is GoPro's already famous wind-noise reduction,
ensuring that you'll hear more of your passion, be it your engine or
expletives, and less of the wind during high speed activities. 

   Learn More »

Built-in Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Remote Included  The HERO3 Black Edition
features built-in Wi-Fi and includes GoPro's Wi-Fi Remote - 
accessory. The Wi-Fi Remote is normally available as a $79.99
accessory but is included with the HERO3: Black Edition. The Wi-Fi
Remote is waterproof, wearable and can control up to 50 Wi-Fi-enabled
GoPros at a time from a range of 600'. The HERO3's built in Wi-Fi
means it can also be controlled by iOS or Android smartphones and
tablets running the GoPro App -
. The GoPro App enables full camera control and live scene preview on
any compatible iOS or Android smartphone or tablet.

The HERO3: Black Edition is compatible with all GoPro mounting
accessories and older generation BacPacs™ along with the newer
generation LCD Touch BacPac
and 2nd generation Battery BacPac
However, as all HERO3 cameras have a new size and shape they require
HERO3-specific Wrist, Skeleton and 3D housings so be sure to check
for HERO3 compatibility when purchasing any new housing accessories.
Learn More » -

GoPro App

   Download »

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