Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Reading Molfiles with \'ambiguous\' 5-membered aromatics

2010-07-20 Thread James Davidson
Dear All,
It's been a couple of weeks since Greg first helped me with this, and
after some further help I agreed that I would do my best to summarise
things for the benefit of the Group.
The attached file '' was provided to me by Greg, and
essentially does exactly what I (thought I) wanted - ie if required,
'cleans' up an input molecule by modifying aromatic nitrogen-containing
ring systems until a 'sanitizable' form is generated.
However, having tested this a bit further, I found that N-containing
heteroaromatics (which I originally posted the question about) are only
one of many possible issues when dealing with automated atom- and
bond-typing from PDB files!  So taking this approach would require a
significantly larger set of 'rules' to cover all possible problems (I'm
sure many people more experienced than me will have been aware of this
for a long time!).  As Greg said:
 Figuring out the correct chemistry for a pdb ligand is one of 
 those challenges at I wouldn't dream of attempting. Between 
 the various sources of ligand structures out there you can 
 probably find omsething at least halfway acceptable. For in 
 house stuff, I would assume that you can use the registry 
 number to get a smiles or mol block, right?
 You could use that with the rdkit substructure matching code 
 to test the pymol-assigned structures.

And indeed, this is the way that I ended-up going for in-house
structures - a script that extracts our corporate ID from the PDB file
and searches our database to return the SMILES.  Then (again, thanks to
Greg for more help here, and steering me away from some clumsy usage of
ConstrainedEmbed!) a substructure match is conducted between an RDKit
mol from the SMILES (refered to as 'db_mol' in the function below), and
the original ligand.

The main point here is to convert the original ligand structure to a set
of non-aromatic atoms joined by 'unspecified' bond-types.  Below is the
excerpt from what I am using with PyMOL: 'molfile3D' is a temporary
molfile that has been created using the PyMOL 'save' command, that gets
converted to the required 'connectivity substructure' that carries the
3D coordinates we will need later:

def make3DTemplate(molfile3D):

mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(molfile3D, False)
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
for bond in mol.GetBonds():

return mol

Then once we have this '3D template', the substructure match can be
conducted for the molecule built from the database SMILES string
(db_mol).  If the match is successful, the original 3D coordinates for
the atoms in the 'template' are then applied back to a conformer of our
new molecule.  Finally, this new molecule + conformation is returned as
the molblock, which I then read back in PyMOL to give a 'sanitized'
version of the bound ligand for any in-house crystal structure:

def outputMolBlock(db_mol, template_mol):

matches = db_mol.GetSubstructMatches(template_mol)
if not matches:
raise ValueError,no substruct match
if len(matches)1:
print warning! more than one isomorphism found!

db_conf = db_mol.GetConformer()
template_conf = template_mol.GetConformer()

match = matches[0]

# This sets the 3D coordinates for 
for i,mIdx in enumerate(match):


return Chem.MolToMolBlock(db_mol)

It wouldn't now be too much of a leap(?) to extend the same methodology
to public PDB structures - using the LigandExpo SDF.  See this post from
Noel on Blue Obelisk for background:

Also, just for interest - I am using cx_Oracle to connect to our
corporate database from Python, which is now allowing me to add a few
extra bits - like flagging up to people if the in-house structure they
have just opened has been previously crystallised in any other targets,
etc, etc.  If anybody is trying to do similar, but has not used
cx_Oracle, then give me a shout and I will see if I can help (although
SQL is definitely also on the list of things I know only barely enough

Kind regards


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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Reading Molfiles with \'ambiguous\' 5-membered aromatics

2010-07-20 Thread nikolaus . stiefl
Thanks James,

that is really nice ... I was doing something similar but never got to the 
point that it was working in rdkit.

Maybe a word of warning for the pdb structures - I looked at the 
components.cif file which contains OEChem and Cactus structures and some 
(not a small nnumber) are actually incorrect. I am not sure about the 
ligandexpo things but I guess it will be similar. If you have some look 
through it it would be interesting to get some insight there as well ;-)


James Davidson 
07/20/2010 08:57 PM


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Reading Molfiles with \'ambiguous\' 5-membered 

Dear All,
It's been a couple of weeks since Greg first helped me with this, and
after some further help I agreed that I would do my best to summarise
things for the benefit of the Group.
The attached file '' was provided to me by Greg, and
essentially does exactly what I (thought I) wanted - ie if required,
'cleans' up an input molecule by modifying aromatic nitrogen-containing
ring systems until a 'sanitizable' form is generated.
However, having tested this a bit further, I found that N-containing
heteroaromatics (which I originally posted the question about) are only
one of many possible issues when dealing with automated atom- and
bond-typing from PDB files!  So taking this approach would require a
significantly larger set of 'rules' to cover all possible problems (I'm
sure many people more experienced than me will have been aware of this
for a long time!).  As Greg said:
 Figuring out the correct chemistry for a pdb ligand is one of 
 those challenges at I wouldn't dream of attempting. Between 
 the various sources of ligand structures out there you can 
 probably find omsething at least halfway acceptable. For in 
 house stuff, I would assume that you can use the registry 
 number to get a smiles or mol block, right?
 You could use that with the rdkit substructure matching code 
 to test the pymol-assigned structures.

And indeed, this is the way that I ended-up going for in-house
structures - a script that extracts our corporate ID from the PDB file
and searches our database to return the SMILES.  Then (again, thanks to
Greg for more help here, and steering me away from some clumsy usage of
ConstrainedEmbed!) a substructure match is conducted between an RDKit
mol from the SMILES (refered to as 'db_mol' in the function below), and
the original ligand.

The main point here is to convert the original ligand structure to a set
of non-aromatic atoms joined by 'unspecified' bond-types.  Below is the
excerpt from what I am using with PyMOL: 'molfile3D' is a temporary
molfile that has been created using the PyMOL 'save' command, that gets
converted to the required 'connectivity substructure' that carries the
3D coordinates we will need later:

def make3DTemplate(molfile3D):

 mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(molfile3D, False)
 for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
 for bond in mol.GetBonds():

 return mol

Then once we have this '3D template', the substructure match can be
conducted for the molecule built from the database SMILES string
(db_mol).  If the match is successful, the original 3D coordinates for
the atoms in the 'template' are then applied back to a conformer of our
new molecule.  Finally, this new molecule + conformation is returned as
the molblock, which I then read back in PyMOL to give a 'sanitized'
version of the bound ligand for any in-house crystal structure:

def outputMolBlock(db_mol, template_mol):

 matches = db_mol.GetSubstructMatches(template_mol)
 if not matches:
 raise ValueError,no substruct match
 if len(matches)1:
 print warning! more than one isomorphism 

 db_conf = db_mol.GetConformer()
 template_conf = template_mol.GetConformer()

 match = matches[0]

 # This sets the 3D coordinates for 
 for i,mIdx in enumerate(match):

 return Chem.MolToMolBlock(db_mol)

It wouldn't now be too much of a leap(?) to extend the same methodology
to public PDB structures - using the LigandExpo SDF.  See this post from
Noel on Blue Obelisk for background:

Also, just for interest - I am using cx_Oracle to connect to our
corporate database from Python, which is now allowing me to add a few
extra bits - like flagging up to people if the in-house structure they
have just opened has been

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Reading Molfiles with 'ambiguous' 5-membered aromatics

2010-07-05 Thread Greg Landrum
Dear James,

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 12:31 PM, James Davidson wrote:

 I have been exploring some interactivity between PyMOL and RDKit recently,
 and at the moment am ferrying molecules between the two in MOL format.
 However, I have come up against a bit of a problem that I wondered if anyone
 could help with?

 PyMOL does a pretty good job of setting bond valences automatically for
 ligands read-in as part of PDB files, and most of the time these ligands
 exported in MOL format are recognised fine by RDKit (a little bit of parsing
 is necessary to change things like 'Cl' being capitalised in some PDB files,
 etc!).  However, it seems that when there is ambiguity about how to
 tautomerise 5-membered heteroaromatics, RDKit fails to create a mol object
 from the molfile.  I have included an example Molfile below (a

 Ideally (from my point of view at least!) it would be great if in these
 situations RDKit yielded an arbitrary explicit H to 'mend' the problem.
 However, I am definitely open to workaround suggestions (including go post
 on the PyMOL lists :-)  ).  Maybe this is something that is relatively
 trivial to tackle using PyMOL's ChemPy module? (which I know very little

As long as it's really ok that the tautomer you get is arbitrary, the
following code snippet might help :
def AdjustAromaticNs(m):
matches = [x[0] for x in m.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmarts('n'))]
for idx in matches:
nm = Chem.Mol(m.ToBinary())
if foundOne:
return nm
return None

Use it like this:
m = Chem.MolFromMolBlock(mb,False)
except ValueError:
if nm is not None:
print Chem.MolToSmiles(nm)

One could imagine making this more efficient or adding heuristics to
try and find the right answer more efficiently, but this ought to at
least get you started.


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