Re: [Rdkit-discuss] one flavor of MCS

2012-12-13 Thread Andrew Dalke
On Dec 13, 2012, at 3:32 PM, wrote:
>> I think I figured out a way around that via some post-processing.
> Great!

> Now let's come to another question:
> How does one code the "complete-ring-only" variation?
> Can your code be adapated, or shall I do some post-processing?

Ideally the MCS code should be modified so that a user-defined
class can come in and replace the pruning and matching code.

Post-processing is definitely trickier for this one. I can get
what you want through a horrible bit of monkey-patching to
internal and unpublished parts of fmcs.

% python paul.smi --threshold 0.15 --complete-rings-only
frequency #atoms #bonds SMILES SMARTS
3 5 5 c1cncn1 [#6]:1:[#6]:[#7]:[#6]:[#7]:1
3 8 8 NCc1c1 [#7]-!@[#6]-!@[#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:1
2 10 10 CCNCc1c1 

import sys
import re
from rdkit import Chem
import hacked_fmcs

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Find fragments")
help="SMILES filename")
parser.add_argument("--threshold", "-t", type=float, default=0.5,
help="minimum match threshold (default: 0.5)")
parser.add_argument("--min-num-atoms", type=int, default=2,
help="minimum number of atom for the match (default: 2)")
parser.add_argument("--min-num-bonds", type=int, default=1,
help="minimum number of bonds for the match (default: 1)")
parser.add_argument("--complete-rings-only", action="store_true",
help="don't match part ring in a fragment")

args = parser.parse_args()
if args.min_num_atoms < 2:
parser.error("--min-num-atoms must be at least 2")
if args.min_num_bonds < 1:
parser.error("--min-num-bonds must be at least 2")
if args.threshold <= 0.0:
parser.error("--threshold must be positive")

table = Chem.GetPeriodicTable()
_atomic_num_to_symbol = dict((str(i), table.GetElementSymbol(i)) for i in range(105))
atom_pat = re.compile("\[#(\d+)\]")
def atomic_num_to_symbol(m):
return _atomic_num_to_symbol[]

def smarts_to_unique_smiles_fragment(smarts):
fragment_smiles = atom_pat.sub(atomic_num_to_symbol, smarts)
fragment_smiles = fragment_smiles.replace("!@", "").replace("@", "")
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(fragment_smiles, sanitize=False)
# Correct the aromaticity information
for bond in mol.GetBonds():
if bond.GetIsAromatic():
return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)

## Hack in code to check the results of the complete_rings_only check

only_has_complete_rings = {}
old_check_complete_rings_only = hacked_fmcs.check_complete_rings_only

def new_check_complete_rings_only(smarts, subgraph, enumeration_mol):
result = old_check_complete_rings_only(smarts, subgraph, enumeration_mol)
only_has_complete_rings[smarts] = result
return result

hacked_fmcs.check_complete_rings_only = new_check_complete_rings_only

hacked_fmcs._maximize_options[("all-matches", False)] = (
hacked_fmcs.no_pruning, hacked_fmcs.SingleBestAtoms)
hacked_fmcs._maximize_options[("all-matches", True)] = (
hacked_fmcs.no_pruning, hacked_fmcs.SingleBestAtomsCompleteRingsOnly)

# Read in the input file

mols = []
for lineno, line in enumerate(open(args.filename)):
fields = line.split()
if not fields:
sys.stderr.write("Missing SMILES on line %d" % (lineno+1,))
smiles = fields[0]
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if mol is None:
sys.stderr.write("Could not process SMILES %s on line %d\n" % (smiles, lineno+1))

mcs_result = hacked_fmcs.fmcs(mols,
  # fmcs doesn't implement min_num_bonds; use post-processing

# Convert to unique fragment SMILES
matches = []
unique_fragment_smiles = set()
for smarts, is_match in mcs_result.matches.items():
if not is_match:  # remember, this is hacked code, and a bit ugly!
if args.complete_rings_only:
if not only_has_complete_rings.get(smarts, False):

fragment_smiles = smarts_to_unique_smiles_fragment(smarts)
if fragment_smiles in unique_fragment_smiles:
pattern = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smarts)
if pattern.GetNumBonds() < args.min_num_bonds:
matches.append( (pattern, smarts, fragment_smiles) )

def order_by_number_of_atoms(term):
return term[0].GetNumAtoms()


print "frequency #atoms #bonds SMILES SMARTS"
for pattern, smarts

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] one flavor of MCS

2012-12-13 Thread Paul . Czodrowski
> > Regarding the issues you mentioned
> >
> > - non-canonical SMARTS
> > - duplicates are not filtered out
> I think I figured out a way around that via some post-processing.


> >> Or do you mean the number of molecules which contain that structure,
> >> in which case "CC" exists in 3 of the structures.
> Okay. You want a (say) 15% threshold, and the threshold MCS isn't
> yet ported over to RDKit. It is in that hacked module I sent the
> other day.
> > Following up on the example from the above section:
> > "
> > CCNCc1c1
> > c1ccc(cc1)CN
> > CCNCc1c1
> > c1cnc[nH]
> > "
> BTW, that last SMILES isn't complete.

Yep, you are absolutely right!
Here comes a slightly updated version of small data set:

> > => I would be more than happy to finally have this output:
> > "
> > newflavorOfMCS   frequency
> > ##
> > c1ccc(cc1)CN 3
> > c1cnc[nH]1
> > "
> That script is attached. Here's an example of it in use:
> % python --min-num-bonds 7 paul.smi

Cool, the script does exactly the job! I'm really grateful to your help!

For the above described dataset, the "most common sub-structures" (aka
mcss) are found:
3 5 5 c1cncn1 [#6]:1:[#6]:[#7]:[#6]:[#7]:1
3 8 8 NCc1c1 [#7]-[#6]-[#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:1

Now let's come to another question:
How does one code the "complete-ring-only" variation?
Can your code be adapated, or shall I do some post-processing?

Cheers & a big thanks!


> A non-hacked solution could hook into the information about
> "complete-ring-only". That would give you structures more like
> what a chemist would expect, though not the scaffolds that Christos
> and Peter suggested.

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] one flavor of MCS

2012-12-13 Thread Andrew Dalke
On Dec 13, 2012, at 9:18 AM, wrote:
> Regarding the issues you mentioned
> - non-canonical SMARTS
> - duplicates are not filtered out

I think I figured out a way around that via some post-processing.

>> Or do you mean the number of molecules which contain that structure,
>> in which case "CC" exists in 3 of the structures.

Okay. You want a (say) 15% threshold, and the threshold MCS isn't
yet ported over to RDKit. It is in that hacked module I sent the
other day.

> Following up on the example from the above section:
> "
> CCNCc1c1
> c1ccc(cc1)CN
> CCNCc1c1
> c1cnc[nH]
> "

BTW, that last SMILES isn't complete.

> => I would be more than happy to finally have this output:
> "
> newflavorOfMCS   frequency
> ##
> c1ccc(cc1)CN 3
> c1cnc[nH]1
> "

That script is attached. Here's an example of it in use:

% python --min-num-bonds 7 paul.smi
[11:13:31] SMILES Parse Error: unclosed ring for input: c1cnc[nH]
Could not process SMILES c1cnc[nH] on line 4
frequency #atoms #bonds SMILES SMARTS
3 7 7 Cc1c1 [#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6](-[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:1
2 8 7 ccc(CNC)cc [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]
3 8 8 NCc1c1 [#7]-[#6]-[#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:1
3 8 7 ccCN [#6](:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:[#6]-[#6]-[#7]
2 8 7 (CNC)c [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
3 8 7 c(CN)c [#6](:[#6]:[#6]:[#6](-[#6]-[#7]):[#6]):[#6]
2 8 7 cCNC [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 8 7 ccc(c)CNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]
2 8 7 CNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
3 8 7 (CN)cc [#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 9 8 c(CNC)c [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]
2 9 8 ccc(CNCC)cc [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]
2 9 8 (CNC)cc [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 9 8 (c)CNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]
2 9 9 CNCc1c1 [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:1
2 9 8 ccCNC [#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 9 8 cCNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 10 9 c(c)CNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 10 9 (cc)CNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6](:[#6]:[#6]):[#6]:[#6]:[#6]
2 10 10 CCNCc1c1 [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:1
2 10 9 ccCNCC [#6]-[#6]-[#7]-[#6]-[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]

You can see that 'c(CNC)c' and 'ccc(CNCC)cc' are rotations
around the same ring. That's a limitation of the current approach.

A non-hacked solution could hook into the information about
"complete-ring-only". That would give you structures more like
what a chemist would expect, though not the scaffolds that Christos
and Peter suggested.

import sys
import re
from rdkit import Chem
import hacked_fmcs

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Find fragments")
help="SMILES filename")
parser.add_argument("--threshold", "-t", type=float, default=0.5,
help="minimum match threshold (default: 0.5)")
parser.add_argument("--min-num-atoms", type=int, default=2,
help="minimum number of atom for the match (default: 2)")
parser.add_argument("--min-num-bonds", type=int, default=1,
help="minimum number of bonds for the match (default: 1)")

args = parser.parse_args()
if args.min_num_atoms < 2:
parser.error("--min-num-atoms must be at least 2")
if args.min_num_bonds < 1:
parser.error("--min-num-bonds must be at least 2")
if args.threshold <= 0.0:
parser.error("--threshold must be positive")

table = Chem.GetPeriodicTable()
_atomic_num_to_symbol = dict((str(i), table.GetElementSymbol(i)) for i in range(105))
atom_pat = re.compile("\[#(\d+)\]")
def atomic_num_to_symbol(m):
return _atomic_num_to_symbol[]

def smarts_to_unique_smiles_fragment(smarts):
fragment_smiles = atom_pat.sub(atomic_num_to_symbol, smarts)
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(fragment_smiles, sanitize=False)
# Correct the aromaticity information
for bond in mol.GetBonds():
if bond.GetIsAromatic():
return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)

# Read in the input file
mols = []
for lineno, line in enumerate(open(args.filename)):
fields = line.split()
if not fields:
sys.stderr.write("Missing SMILES on line %d" % (lineno+1,))
smiles = fields[0]
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if mol is None:
sys.stderr.write("Could not process SMILES %s on line %d\n" % (smiles, lineno+1))

mcs_result = hacked_fmcs.fmcs(mols,
  # fmcs doesn't implement min_num_bonds; use post-processing

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] one flavor of MCS

2012-12-13 Thread Paul . Czodrowski
Dear Andrew,

thanks a lot for the quick hack and sorry for my late answer! I'm still
interested in that issue, but I had no access to coding facilities for
almost two days, what a shame!

> The current hooks in the MCS code don't make that possible. If you
> tweak the code a bit, I think you can get something working.
> % python sample_files/benzotriazole.sdf --maximize
> [#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:2:[#7]:[#7]:[#7]:[#6]:2:[#6]:1 9 atoms 10
> bonds (complete search)
> == Successful matches ==
> [#7]:[#7]
> [#6]:[#6]
> [#6]:[#7]
> [#6]:[#6]:[#7]
> [#7]:[#7]:[#7]
> [#6]:[#6]:[#6]
> [#6]:[#7]:[#7]
> [#7]:[#7]:[#6]
>  ...
> [#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6]:2:[#7]:[#7]:[#7]:[#6]:2:[#6]:1
> [#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6](:[#6](:[#6]:1):[#7]:[#7]):[#7]
> [#6]:1:[#6]:[#6]:[#6](:[#6](:[#6]:1):[#7]):[#7]:[#7]
> I've attached both a patch against the current version of
> plus the full, hacked modification. It adds a new '.matches' field
> to the MCS result. The key is the SMARTS pattern tested, the value
> is if the pattern was in enough of the molecules. (In a non-hacked
> solution I would likely return only the valid matches.)

I tried your hacked script on the example you described below as well as on
a this small data set:

Regarding the issues you mentioned
- incomplete, untested & awkward naming
- rather slow speed
- non-canonical SMARTS
- duplicates are not filtered out
=> these restrictions are OK for me!

> > In addition, I would like to output the frequency of the found
> > substructures
> That's much harder from fmcs. Then again, I don't know what you mean
> by frequency.
> Consider the compounds   CCOCC  CCNCC  CCPCCSCC
> The MCS is "CC". The "CC" exists twice (uniquely) in the first
> structure, twice in the second, and three times in the third.
> Is the frequency of "CC" 2 or 3?
> Or do you mean the number of molecules which contain that structure,
> in which case "CC" exists in 3 of the structures.

That's exactly what I meant.

> In either case, I don't think the right solution is to do this in
> fmcs. You have the SMARTS patterns and the molecules, so do a SMARTS
> match yourself and get the exact statistics you want.

Following up on that topic - and also taking into account the comments by
Peter and Christos - it become clearer to me that fmcs might be not
appropriate for that kind of question.

You may be interested how such a question came by my mind:
Table 6 of this publication sparked my interest:
>From a conversation with Andreas Bender, it was explained to me that they
did a brute-force all-against-all MCS search in pipeline pilot. It's a
miracle for me how to code something similar in RDKit.

Following up on the example from the above section:
=> I would be more than happy to finally have this output:
newflavorOfMCS   frequency
c1ccc(cc1)CN 3

Cheers & Thanks for all your input so far!


> Cheers,
> Andrew

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] one flavor of MCS

2012-12-11 Thread Paul . Czodrowski

Dear RDKitters,

given a data set of let's say 2000 compounds, how do I extract the most
common substructures rather than the maximum common substructures?
In addition, I would like to output the frequency of the found

E.g., the output would look like that
N(CCc1c1)C, frequency: 12
Nc1c1, frequency: 10

Is such an analysis only possible via a brut-force approach?
Or can one do it smarter?

Cheers & Thanks,

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