Re: [RE-wrenches] Corrective EQ questions

2012-06-02 Thread dave
Is the electrolyte temperature elevated above 78f?
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From: Allan Sindelar
Sender: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Corrective EQ question

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Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP

2012-06-02 Thread Bill Loesch

Hi Chris, et al,

As I remember, at least one of our colleagues on this list signs his 
email with the UL solar certification. I hope I don't put him on the 
spot, but I would be interested in his comments on the subject. As I 
remember, the UL blessing requires an electrician license, (as I 
remember, that detail is absent from the NABCEP blessing) wouldn't 
that also lend just a bit of competency to the conversation, too.

I note (again) the absence of any official NABCEP commentary on the 
subject. I thought having vendors on the list for prompt response was 
the major reason for their inclusion.


Bill Loesch
Solar 1 - Saint Louis Solar
314 631 1094

On 01-Jun-12 7:14 AM, Chris Mason wrote:
I really appreciate the effort that NABCEP takes to ensure the 
certification has value. Being in the Caribbean, I find that having a 
NABCEP PV certification ends the conversation on competency before it 
begins, as no international company expects to find capable people 
here. Being NABCEP certified makes a hugh impression on investors and 

Chris Mason
President, Comet Systems Ltd
Cell: 264.235.5670
Skype: netconcepts

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Re: [RE-wrenches] Corrective EQ question

2012-06-02 Thread bob ellison
It might matter if they are high capacity batteries, some run a stronger
electrolyte to get more out of the batteries, this results in a lower cycle
life. Ie: 350 cycle life v/s 400 cycles.  I have seen factory cells that are
fully charged at 1.315 - 1.325


To give them an EQ charge they have to finish the bulk and absorb before
they will go into an eq charge normally the control box may say eq but until
the conditions are met it will not actually happen. Then it can easily take
8 to 10 hours or longer to give them a full eq charge.

Typically they have to drive the voltage to the top of the eq range then
hold it there till the sg in the cells stop increasing.

You usually can't give it 3 hours charge 1 day then 3 the next day. I am
betting the voltage is not getting to the top of the eq range with such a
short charge time. 

I doubt that 3 hours a day will not even get the battery to a full charge,
much less start an equalize charge with them that low to start with,
especially with loads on the battery at the same time.


Just my usual .02 worth,



[] On Behalf Of Kent
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 11:36 PM
To:; RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Corrective EQ question



My first thought about the high s.g. measurements is that the electrolyte
level may have been low when the measurements were made. When full, there is
about a liter of electrolyte above the plates in a L16. The s.g. will rise
by 0.03 if the electrolyte level is at the top of the plates.

Kent Osterberg
Blue Mountain Solar, Inc.
t: 541-568-4882

On 6/1/2012 1:28 PM, Allan Sindelar wrote: 

A long-time off grid client has a 48V Outback VFX system, with 1,680 watts
of PV and two strings (16 batteries total) of Deka L16s, installed last
October. The array is undersized, as the system is running three households;
one efficient home and two single-person tiny homes, but still too much for
the system. We learned a few weeks ago that the system had apparently stayed
at 30-50% SOC for the entire winter (this is approximate, as her TriMetric
monitors would eventually drift away from % accuracy if never allowed to get
full and reset). Eventually the batteries became sufficiently sulfated that
the system began shutting down.

As the batteries were nearly new, we figured that the sulfation had not yet
become permanently crystallized, and they could recover. We initiated a long
corrective equalization from her combined generator (45A DC from the
single inverter) and MX60 controller, for a maximum C/12.5 charge rate; less
in proportion to any loads that were on while charging. She ran this
procedure for three hours/day for five days, and when that offered only
partial recovery (as measured by specific gravity measured with a
refractometer), ran for six hours/day for five days. During this time the
MX60 was also manually set to EQ each morning, with a 62V EQ voltage and 3
hour EQ time, so that the array would add its amperage to the gennie until
the batteries had been above this setting for three hours.

We went out there yesterday, arriving while the EQ was in process. All of
the cells had recovered, as measured by SG. SG readings were all in the
1.280 - 1.300 range, with most above 1.290. We had never seen SG readings
this high before. Given the situation and the back story, should we have any
concern about the high SG readings?

Thank you,

Allan Sindelar
NABCEP Certified Photovoltaic Installer
NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder and Chief Technology Officer
Positive Energy, Inc.
3209 Richards Lane (note new address)
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
505 424-1112  



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Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP

2012-06-02 Thread David Brearley
Sorry, William. You have to be the Executive Director of a non-profit or
similar to get a month vacation. If you¹re a NABCEP Certified Installer,  it
is catch as catch can. (I can attest to that.) However, there probably
aren¹t a lot of out of work NABCEP Certified Installers.

In all seriousness, one thing that gets lost in some of these discussions is
that the relative value of ANY certification varies depending upon where one
is in the food chain, so to speak. I¹ve worked in distribution, in design
and integration, and now in technical publishing. As an employee, I¹ve found
NABCEP certification super valuable. It has distinguished my resume from
others. It sets a floor for my value in terms of compensation. In fact, when
I worked for an installation firm, we had automatic pay raises for NABCEP

If you¹re an owner of an installation firm, I think it¹s a very different
scenario. Your past work is the best part of your resume. It¹s a lot easier
to sell your company to future customers based on your long list of past
happy customers than it is to explain to them what in the world NABCEP
stands for and why they should care. I think it can be a selling point, but
if your not an employee the value in NABCEP is definitely more symbolic and

We all see a lot of mistakes that get made in our line of work. NABCEP
represents the industry¹s own desire to set and strive for a higher
standard. It¹s not the boogey man. It¹s not ³The Man.² It¹s your well
intentioned colleagues.

That¹s my experience and my 2 cents,

David Brearley, Senior Technical Editor
SolarPro magazine 
NABCEP Certified PV Installer 

On 6/2/12 9:34 AM, William Miller wrote:

 I have been debating in my own mind the merits and demerits of applying for
 NABCEP.  I see below the conclusive evidence that I should become certified.
 If NAPCEP installers get to take month long vacations, I'm all in.
 William Miller
 At 07:17 AM 6/2/2012, you wrote:
 The only person who would officially respond to Wrenches posts about NABCEP
 would be Ezra Auerbach, the Executive Director. That's part of his job, to be
 the public face for the organization. I have forwarded a few of these posts
 to him, and have gotten back a robo-response that he and his wife are away on
 vacation and will respond to emails upon return, I think around the end of

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Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP

2012-06-02 Thread JRQ
I'm in the process of NABCEP re-certification and I have two complaints about 
their process:

1. In the last year, NABCEP added a requirement for 3 customer surveys as 
documentation of projects completed. This was released just after I had left a 
job doing installations to do consulting overseas over the winter. I had all 
the permitting documentation, but having just returned to the US this spring, 
now I have to go back and try to get surveys filled out from projects that were 
done sometime ago. It has, for various reasons, has been a real hassle. 

I appreciate that NABCEP wants some customer feedback on NABCEP installers, and 
it would have been no problem to do this had it been an expectation from the 
beginning. However I feel that they changed the rules of the game midway 
through, and that's not fair. The moment you get certified, the 
re-certification process should be fixed until the next round.

2. There are three categories of continuing education credits. There has been 
no indication from the course-offerers or from NABCEP about how these courses 
fulfill the categories. I mostly took classes from inverter manufacturers that 
specifically list the number of NABCEP credits the class is worth -- so there 
clearly was some kind specific NABCEP accreditation involved. The onus 
shouldn't be on me to guess which requirements class X fulfills, especially 
when NABCEP has been involved in determining the number of credits it is worth 
(as opposed to, say, taking an OSHA course that is outside the PV industry), 
and when I've paid for these classes partly towards maintaining my NABCEP 

If NABCEP is going to have specific guidelines about such things, following the 
guidelines shouldn't be such a guessing game.

Jeffrey Quackenbush.

 From: Andrew Truitt
To: RE-wrenches 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP

Wrenches - I'd like to address some of the aforementioned concerns about 
NABCEP.  I do not claim to present the official NABCEP company line, but I 
have been a certificant since 2007, have been involved with a 
few programmatic committees, and currently sit on the board of directors.
* I certainly sympathize with Dana's frustration with having to drive a 
full day to get to a testing center.  There are many others in a similar 
situation and it is one of the complaints about NABCEP that I hear most often 
(along with exam frequency).  Unfortunately NABCEP is still a very small 
certification body relative to trade licensing and, as a voluntary 
certification, we just don't have the resources that states do.
* Allan is correct about the processes the Exam Committees have to 
undergo in order to follow defensible psychometric principles and maintain 
NABCEP's ANSI accreditation.
* What additional resources would people like to use at the exam?  I 
would be happy to take suggestions to the Board.
* I think most certificants would agree that there would be a value in 
multiple, specialized NABCEP PV certifications.  If fact there has been 
numerous internal discussions about exactly that and I think the next 
certification that NABCEP develops will fall into this category.  However, 
certification development takes time and money, and some of the programs that 
NABCEP has developed have not received the interest that was anticipated, so we 
need to perform our due diligence before committing the sizable resources that 
it takes to create a new certification.  As the PV Installer certification 
stands now, it is intended to test a broad variety of knowledge, largely 
because historically companies were smaller and employees were more likely to 
be generalists.  The industry has obviously grown very rapidly with one result 
being increased specialization and NABCEP does intend to keep up with this 
trend.  With all that in mind NABCEP welcomes targeted
 donations for developing new credentials. 
* Certification certainly is a business, though I think that its worth 
noting that NABCEP was created by installers who were concerned with the 
workmanship of RE system installations and didn't want to see a repeat of what 
happened to the solar water heating industry in the '70s.  Since its inception 
NABCEP has been a volunteer-driven non-profit entity, guided by some of the 
most knowledgeable and dedicated people in the industry (many of whom are on 
this list-serve). 
* We are well aware of the fact that NABCEP certs often get promoted 
off the roof and find themselves in design, sales or managerial rolls.  
Obviously this reflects well on NABCEP certificants, but it is a problem for a 
program that requires ongoing field work for re-certification.  This is yet 
another challenge that we hope to address with future, more specialized 
certifications.  Note that it takes somewhere between 12 and 18 months to 

Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP

2012-06-02 Thread Allan Sindelar

Jeff, these are legitimate complaints, well and clearly stated. I
have forwarded them on to Ezra and others at NABCEP. (I'll forward
others too.)

  Allan Sindelar
NABCEP Certified Photovoltaic
  NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional
  New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
  Founder and Chief Technology Officer
  Positive Energy, Inc.
  3209 Richards Lane (note new address)
  Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
  505 424-1112

On 6/2/2012 4:48 PM, JRQ wrote:

I'm in the process of NABCEP re-certification and I
have two complaints about their process:

1. In the last year, NABCEP added a requirement for 3
customer surveys as documentation of projects completed.
This was released just after I had left a job doing
installations to do consulting overseas over the winter. I
had all the permitting documentation, but having just
returned to the US this spring, now I have to go back and
try to get surveys filled out from projects that were done
sometime ago. It has, for various reasons, has been a real

I appreciate that NABCEP wants some customer feedback
on NABCEP installers, and it would have been no problem to
do this had it been an expectation from the beginning.
However I feel that they changed the rules of the game
midway through, and that's not fair. The moment you get
certified, the re-certification process should be fixed
until the next round.

2. There are three categories of continuing education
credits. There has been no indication from the
course-offerers or from NABCEP about how these courses
fulfill the categories. I mostly took classes from inverter
manufacturers that specifically list the number of NABCEP
credits the class is worth -- so there clearly was some kind
specific NABCEP accreditation involved. The onus shouldn't
be on me to guess which requirements class X fulfills,
especially when NABCEP has been involved in determining the
number of credits it is worth (as opposed to, say, taking an
OSHA course that is outside the PV industry), and when I've
paid for these classes partly towards maintaining my NABCEP

If NABCEP is going to have specific guidelines about
such things, following the guidelines shouldn't be such a
guessing game.

Jeffrey Quackenbush.



Andrew Truitt
Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:15 PM
Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP

  Wrenches - I'd like to address some of the
aforementioned concerns about NABCEP. I do not claim to
present the official NABCEP "company line", but I have
been a certificant since 2007, have been involved with a
fewprogrammaticcommittees, and currently sit on the
board of directors.

  I certainly sympathize with Dana's frustration
with having to drive a full day to get to a testing
center. There are many others in a similar
situation and it is one of the complaints about
NABCEP that I hear most often (along with exam
frequency). Unfortunately NABCEP is still a very
small certification body relative to trade licensing
and, as a voluntary certification, we just don't
have the resources that states do.
  Allan is correct about the processes the
ExamCommitteeshave to undergo in order to follow
defensiblepsychometricprinciples and maintain
NABCEP's ANSI accreditation.
  What additional resources would people like to use
at the exam? I would be happy to take suggestions
to the Board.
  I think mostcertificantswould agree that there
would be a value in multiple, specialized NABCEP PV