Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery EQ question, Xantrex XW system (Dan Fink)

2013-03-04 Thread Hilton Dier III


What Alan said.

The most important client is the one you turn away. The fact that the 
previous installer fled and that the client refuses to use a generator 
makes an alarm go ah-OOO-gah! ah-OOO-gah! in the back of my head.

I just walked away from a client after five years of repairing their 
boneheaded mistakes.* I should have seen them coming on the way in. 
Having repeatedly beaten their system into a quivering heap for years 
they are now disappointed with its performance and refused to pay my 
last invoice. I was there for them on short notice, on weekends, gave 
them sympathy discounts, the works. They think I'm a bad guy. 
Conclusion: There are some people who are too mechanically incompetent 
for off grid living. You cannot make them happy.

Say, I'm sorry, but if you won't use a generator or pay for a 
maintenance contract, I can't help you. Really, walk away. Gorgeous 
and so close are the cheese in the trap.

And yes, a psychology degree would serve any of us better than an EE 
degree 99% of the time.

Good luck,


* Client: The system wasn't holding a charge when we had three toasters 
and two coffee makers going, so I added four batteries on the end of the 
pack. Me: Um, your system is 48 volts - eight six-volt batteries. 
Adding four batteries makes it a 72 volt battery pack. Your system can't 
charge that high, so that's why it died. Client: But there are four 
more batteries. That's another 50%. Me: Remember how I've asked you to 
call me before you do stuff? Let's go through this again...

Hilton Dier III
Renewable Energy Design
Partner, Solar Gain LLC
453 East Hill Rd.
Middlesex, VT 05602

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Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery EQ question, Xantrex XW system (Dan Fink)

2013-03-04 Thread Dan Fink
Thanks for the advice Hilton, and everyone else.

On the bright side, recently got a phone call from a client from way
back in the day, barely remembered his name, we did an install there
14 years ago and never heard from him since, says his batteries are
shot. I figured he had sold the place and moved away or something.

Nope -- it's just that nothing has gone wrong needing a phone call in
14 years. All he's done is add battery water and watch the voltage,
with an occasional EQ. We shall gladly set him up with some new
batteries! (note - the batteries were forklift, semi-used (1 year use,
1 year storage)

Best regards and thanks, everyone.

Dan Fink,
Executive Director;
Buckville Energy Consulting
Buckville Publications LLC
NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Hilton Dier III wrote:

 What Alan said.

 The most important client is the one you turn away. The fact that the
 previous installer fled and that the client refuses to use a generator
 makes an alarm go ah-OOO-gah! ah-OOO-gah! in the back of my head.

 I just walked away from a client after five years of repairing their
 boneheaded mistakes.* I should have seen them coming on the way in. Having
 repeatedly beaten their system into a quivering heap for years they are now
 disappointed with its performance and refused to pay my last invoice. I
 was there for them on short notice, on weekends, gave them sympathy
 discounts, the works. They think I'm a bad guy. Conclusion: There are some
 people who are too mechanically incompetent for off grid living. You cannot
 make them happy.

 Say, I'm sorry, but if you won't use a generator or pay for a maintenance
 contract, I can't help you. Really, walk away. Gorgeous and so close
 are the cheese in the trap.

 And yes, a psychology degree would serve any of us better than an EE degree
 99% of the time.

 Good luck,


 * Client: The system wasn't holding a charge when we had three toasters and
 two coffee makers going, so I added four batteries on the end of the pack.
 Me: Um, your system is 48 volts - eight six-volt batteries. Adding four
 batteries makes it a 72 volt battery pack. Your system can't charge that
 high, so that's why it died. Client: But there are four more batteries.
 That's another 50%. Me: Remember how I've asked you to call me before you
 do stuff? Let's go through this again...

 Hilton Dier III
 Renewable Energy Design
 Partner, Solar Gain LLC
 453 East Hill Rd.
 Middlesex, VT 05602
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Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery EQ question, Xantrex XW system

2013-03-04 Thread Kevin Pegg
Hi Dan, 

Indeed, sounds more a psychological issue than wrenching. Last time I took on a 
job like this it cost me nearly $100,000 for a job we didn't start and a client 
we never wanted. I won't do that again that's for sure. Some people can't be 
helped and walking away, quickly, is the best protection for ourselves. 

However if you do want to work with this client somehow and if the site had 
internet access, you could also do this EQ remotely. Connect the Xanbus USB 
Dongle, install the XWConfig software, set the computer up for remote access 
and you can control the MPPT remotely, including EQ charges. I have a few 
clients I do this for for similar reasons. 

re: Honda EU2000 - not compatible with XW. Too small, and you need 120/240. I 
was able to _just_ use a EU3000, via 240 step up, to charge using an XW4024 
with all the AC input settings at minimum. 


-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Dan Fink
Sent: March 3, 2013 6:10 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Battery EQ question, Xantrex XW system

Esteemed Wrenches;

We recently inherited a problem off-grid system from another local
Wrench. We didn't steal, he fled and said have fun. It's all
Xantrex, and impeccably installed, but we do not install Xantrex and
are just learning the menus and such.

This system gets hit pretty hard every night, and we want to do
regular battery equalizations. Though the client is pretty good on
adding battery water, we really don't like automatic equalization
routines.bad timing can mess everything up. The client refuses to
install a backup generator of any kind, so we need to EQ via solar on
sunny days.

My question...I had thought the Xanbuss system let everything talk
to each each other and get along happily. The Equalize button on the
inverter looked like a perfect solution. But according to the previous
Wrench, a sinister passage in the XW user manual and a cryptic and
disjointed phone call to tech support after over an hour on hold,
XanBuss can't make this system equalize via the PV controllers? They
*each* have to be manually set individually to do it. This is WAY over
the head of our client. It scares me. And there has been lots of
sticker shock for the client on getting everything working as well as
it has (blew thru an undersized  set of AGM batteries in a year) I
don't think I can sell a battery maintenance contract. Raised eyebrows
and a harrumph, I can just see it.

So did I miss something here about a Xanbuss system being able to EQ
via the dual PV controllers? Or do I really have to train this client
to dig into BOTH the PV controller menus every 2-3 months and
hopefully not mess anything else up? Or, should I just plan on
bringing my Honda 2000i every couple months to EQ, or hope for a sunny
day, and hope for tea and cookies, if not a maintenance contract?

Thanks in advance. I'd be shocked if the Xanbuss system was so
townie-oriented as to only easily equalize via AC mains. With an
Outback Mate I can EQ from either or both. But I've been shocked
before. And her tea was good, haven't tried the cookies yet.

Dan Fink,
Executive Director;
Buckville Energy Consulting
Buckville Publications LLC
NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers
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