*2.2.0 releases*

Last week we released the realXtend Tundra 2.2.0 version as and NSIS .exe
installer. Now I have packaged the MSI version of that release, the MSI has
been the default installer we have been doing in the Tundra 2.1.x series.
The MSI installer is exactly the same with additions of AutoUpdateModule
that handles the updating funtionality so that you get notified if a new
Tundra version is available, downloads it and installs it for you. In
addition the 2.2 NSIS .exe installer is missing tundra:// protocol
registration on windows, this means web browser launched tundra:// urls
wont properly open the Tundra client for you and connect to the world. This
is quite common nowadays at least in the Adminotech hosted Tundra login
portals (eg. http://login.realxtend.org, http://www.adminotech.com), so
people who want to login from portals need to get the MSI installer. Note
that the NSIS installer will also get this feature 2.2.1 as its already
fixed into the code base of Tundra, however NSIS installer wont get the
auto update feature or at least we would need to work on it a bit to get it

At the same time I have made Adminotech Tundra 2.2.0 release. This is
identical to the realXtend Tundra 2.2.0 .msi installer but in addition it
has two features that are not yet present in the realXtend code base. The
code is pending approval and code review in our github
https://github.com/realXtend/naali/pull/337 and
https://github.com/realXtend/naali/pull/336. They (hopefully) eventually
land into the realXtend repo also and bring this functionality to everyone.
However even if its pending "approval" in the main rex repo, Adminotech has
shipped this feature since our release and it has been tested to
work under real use cases. You can read more about then in the pull request

So this 2.2 release is a nice welcome so that the realXtend quite
old release has been now update to 2.2.0 and our hosting portals can allow
realXtend clients to come into our servers. The reason why our cloud
hosting needed to reject realXtend clients previosly was due to
protocol level changes that broke scenes in the servers and in worst cases
crashed the server. We could not allow this to happen at that time and only
let the appropriate Adminotech clients into the server. This is now over
and realXtend Tundra is of course welcome to our servers now that it wont
do accidental malicious things :) This protocol level mismatch is also now
handled by our code so that even if a protocol mismatch clients comes to
the server it wont do any harm to it, but will be disconnected instead.

*2.2.0 Mac release*
Mac 2.2.0 release is being made today or latest on monday and Cvetan (our
mac guy :) will post the appropriate links here then.

*Hosting update and upcoming portal improvements*

As you might deduct from the above Adminotech Tundra hosting has been
updated to 2.2 versioning, which is a much welcome release on our server
side as well. We are currently working on updating our portals to a new and
better version. This will start the server you are requesting even faster
and return the tundra:// url even faster. This means less waiting and more
reliable logins for all you end users. Also the new login portals will have
facebook authentication, so you can login once, accept the portals facebook
app and the portal will remember you the next time. This brings cool
possibilities also to the inworld scene, as we have implemented your
profile picture to be shown in the avatars name tag and by clicking it you
can open the other avatars public facebook profile (the profile anyone can
see always anyways with a browser). Note though that this avatar tag
feature only works if the Adminotech avatar script is used but can be made
to work easily in your own custom avatar scripts too.

*Updating and testing*

Please do run the auto update on your existing realXtend or
Adminotech 2.1.3.x or use the download links. And try the new Tundra out in
the realXtend login portal http://login.realxtend.org/ or our demo test
portal at http://adminotech.com/

   - realXtend Tundra 2.2.0 MSI
   - Adminotech Tundra 2.2.0 MSI

Remember to also check out Ludocrafts Circus scene that they are hosting
with the following info. It's quite an fun experience :)

Server address: tundra.ludocraft.com:8582
> Username: <any name you want>
> Password: <empty>
> Protocol: UDP

P.S. Let me know here if you have problems with either auto updating, with
the releases or with our login portals. I will be happy to help!

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Adminotech developer


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