
we meet monthly with parties doing realXtend development. To talk about
work done and coming to next release, and to design how upcoming new
things should be made. This is for organizations doing actual code
contributions -- make enough pull requests and you'll get invited :) The
community meetings that Fred organizes inworld are open for anyone -- at
least I will be participating there in the future from the dev side, if
there are code questions etc, and we are available almost all the time
on freenode irc #realxtend-dev for questions and open talks.

We'll be posting notes from the core dev meets -- here are the main
points that we discussed with Jukka (Ludocraft & realXtend association),
Jonne (Adminotech) and Jarkko (CIE / Chiru project) yesterday:

New things for next Tundra release:

* Adminotech made substantial improvements to Tundra in the Berlin
Gallery Weekend project. All those are in the realXtend Tundra repo now
(merged via pull requests) already. Highlights:
 - Voice: fixes to the new Mumble plugin which was recently rewritten
from scratch, reusing much of the code from the normal standalone Mumble
client. Is reliable and gives good quality voice now (basically same as
Mumble normally). Is also compatible with other Mumble clients, which
now exist for at least iOS (iPhone & iPad) too -- so participating in
same voice conferences with Tundra and iPhone works now!
 - Mac improvements -- Windows and OSX versions are equally well
supported now (in the current Admino builds and hopefully in next
realXtend release too). For example dealing with the now very common low
end graphics cards in e.g. Macbook airs needed care.

* Ludocraft has made a lot of bugfixes and improvements. Also a new
Entity-Component: GraphicsViewCanvas, to put 2d GUI to 3d objects as
textures, so that the drawing is efficient and mouse input events work.
Earlier EC WidgetCanvas component has allowed the same, but with a
heavier drawing mechanism and without input support.

* cie.fi's Chiru project has reorganized their Tundra codes so that
instead of a modified Tundra repo that has both core changes + Chiru's
modules, there is now a separate chiru add-ons repository for the
optional plugins which work on unmodified realXtend Tundra core too.
Jarkko can tell at some point about the highlights there.

We at Playsign had our hands full with the alternative Flash client +
XMPP backend virtual world system for the Berlin event, discussed in
other posts. We've been now doing long term roadmap planning with all
the companies where consider the alternative techs etc., that's still
going on -- plans start to come online early next week, will post about
that separately.

On-going development work:
* Chiru is continuing with the Asset Import module (using the assimp
library), which they already had working for COLLADA and .blend scene
loading with Tundra1 last year. One guy is porting it now first to
Tundra2 as is, and will then refactor it so that it fits the core and
the asset api etc. nicely. Many file types supported by assimp are
bundles which include many assets -- for example a Collada file can
optionally contain a library of meshes, materials, even texture bitmap
data, and possibly a full scene hierarchy with parenting etc. We can add
support to importing such scene files similarily to how Ogre .scene
files are imported now. Also the plan is to support referring to assets
in such bundles, for example a mesh reference like: mycollada.dae#chair
* Chiru is also testing interest management / network messaging
priorization, to support large scenes with a lot of moving objects (idea
is to use a similar technique that Sirikata does, prioritize messages
based on distance or view angle)

In the companies we typically go where projects take us -- I understood
that for Adminotech and Ludocraft it is not known yet what core
improvements or new functionality would be coming next. Admino is at
least working on their hosting backend anyway. With Playsign we have
some teaching sessions soon where have planned on using the Chesapeake
Bay scene & scripts, and I also promised to visit the Boston Immersive
Education summit to present it, so we'll continue with the Tundra2 port
of that (some of the animal walk paths code work now but not all,
hopefully we can get the games working too soon enough).

The long term roadmapping work was requested by the realXtend foundation
board -- there we basically identify possible bigger development
targets, for which the foundation guys said that even substantial
funding could be possible via some development programs etc. A major
topic there is running on current mobile platforms, iOS and Android etc.

Do ask if have any questions about status of things and what is going



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