Re: Vs: Re: [realXtend] Performance statistics

2010-05-10 Thread Antti Ilomäki
The Beneath the Waves server at is also running on
Taiga (and we have some scripting issues there).

Anyway, this is very interesting discussion indeed and it's great to hear
about everyone's experiences using Taiga and Naali. Some issues are to be
expected at this point in development and feedback is very important. It
would of course be a great help if you could take a look at the code
yourselves as well and try to find the cause, since you are running the
environments and know exactly how to reproduce the errors.


Re: Vs: Re: [realXtend] Performance statistics

2010-05-09 Thread Jonne Nauha
Are you aware that you nees to put assets/users etc tables that you have to the 
grid (default name) db not into opensim db? Sounds to me like the grid servises 
are going to their own db and not finding anything. For my taiga setup the 
opensim db is completely empty, i dont think the sim itself stores anything 
there. It asks the grid services to store/fetch data and thats mainly done in 
the grid (again default name you might have changed this from taiga wizard) db. 
Userserver saying its not finding uuid for agent might be that the grid db is 
empty. Can you verify you have your 300mb dataset in the grid db not is opensim 

The second possibility is of course that your standalone os version is old so 
that the db schema has changed and just putting your old tables to the grid db 
wont work. But i would expect it to give error on login/whatever if this was 
the case.

Also for toni and you: I think fish and audi demos are not running taiga. Only 
thing that is running Taiga 0.1.1 (or 0.1.0 for that matter) is

We will propably convert the demo worlds using taiga ~soonish. The main problem 
is that their stanalone db is sqlite and grid cant use that as is. If you know 
how to convert os standalone sqlite into grid mysql give me a shout :) the 
thing here would be a working scene exporter and then importing that to the 
Taiga replacement.

Jonne Nauha
Gmail via the Nokia N900
- Original message -

 Thanks everyone for the helpful info. One of my problem with realxtend
 was that it is sometimes diffucult to get info because it is
 considered obvious by developers :)

   Toni Alatalo: AFAIK e.g. the fishworld demo is now running current Taiga
   though, so migrations should work? Also some other demo worlds have been
   migrated to new server versions every once in a while. Could you perhaps
   provide your problematic dataset so that people who know about the 
   could debug that

 The dataset is over 300 Mb. I can put it online and give a download
 link to someone who wants to work on than.
 So far I have following exception when starting taiga

 On Request failed with Object reference not set to an instance of an
 object at
 OpenSim.Services.AssetService.AssetService.GetMetadata(String id)

 This repeats many times

 Then, after server starts no user can login. Server log:
 [CONNECTION BEGIN] We can't user info record for
 UUID ...
 [LLUDPSERVER] Ack timeout, disconnecting

 When I replace my database name with empty database name in ini files
 everything works OK
 (I configured databases manually, in OpenSim.ini, OpenSim.Server.ini
 and modrex.ini).

   Toni Alatalo: In osgrid tests they have reached something close to a 
 but indeed then things become slow. I have heard from osgrid testers
 that something like 40 would be usable with 0.6.9, and the Wright
 weekly meetings host I think typically 20 AVs and run ok?

 Yes, I saw many reports like this on 40-80 avatars existing
 simultaneously on OpenSim. The only thing I can say, this does not
 work for me. May be they know some magic words or have custom opensim
 adaptations or may be this issue somehow related to modrex?

   Jonne Nauha : But then again you cant just say i want my standalone 
   db to be a grid db im pretty sure this is not very easy...

 Why not? I have done that before with that old 0.5-release realxtend
 server without such problems.  I'm now trying to run only one region
 simulator, all servers on the same machine and even this setup does
 not work. There should really be some easy way to transfer data
 between versions and different setups. Starting filling the world all
 over again each time new version is released is not really very
 pleasing expirience.

   Jonne Nauha: And if you do have a big world, why not
 go to grid mode and load balance your grid services and sim on

 Yes, I agree with that. The problem is I can't even get one region to
 work with Taiga. Besides, last time I tested grid mode in Taiga, it
 was not operational and since as I understand no one is actively
 working on  multiregion grid support now, I expect things to be in the
 same state. Please, correct me, if I wrong here. Simple OpenSim 0.6.9
 + modrex  100% does not work in grid mode (I have build a version that
 *does* work, just to see if it is possible, but have no time to try it
 fully, since I have been occupied with single region/standalone

   Jonne Nauha: Was an interesting read. I hope you have posted bug reports 
   these as it
 seems you know where the problems lay. Don't feel shy to post taiga/
 bug reports to github aswell :)

 I have reported one bug to opensim mantis (the one, that I tracked
 down to the exact code line where the problem happens), but they seem
 to have many bug reports and few time. The other issues, I'm not sure
 why exactly they happen. Sometimes I don't 

Re: Vs: Re: [realXtend] Performance statistics

2010-05-07 Thread Denis Tarasov

We are basically working on similar project - virtual education
environment and have some expirience working with
realxtend-based worlds. If you want to build a large realxtend-based
world, be prepared to confront seriuos issues.
The specter of problems is different from version to version. We are
currently using OpenSim 0.6.9 RC1 + approriate modrex, all
compiled from sources on 64-bit windows server + MSSQL Server as
database engine. Overall database size ~ 300 MB

Hardware: Dual  CPU  SMP Xeon Quad Core -based Server, 8 GB of RAM

The setup is multiregion standalone, but almost all content is
now contained within single region. We uploaded ~ 250 meshes (polygon
count 900-3, average 7000), ~ 100 textures and about 1-minute
length 50 sounds.

Problem 1.
Most of the time, the server uses 50-150 MB of memory, but peak memory
consumption could easily go over 1.3 Gb. When this happens 32-bit
version crashes with OutOfMemoryException. 64-bit version is
incompatible with 32-bit ODE physics. Recompling ODE for 64 bit on
windows produced weird physics behavior.

Our solution: - compile the program with /LARGEADRESSAWARE flag

Problem 2. World never loads fully. Only about 50-60% of all meshes is
visible in 0.42 viewer, with Naali, the situation is even worse.
Sometimes you also have few prims missing and rectangular holes in the
ground. This is due to the way LLUDPClientStack is implemented in
0.6.9. There is also a bug there (see problem 3). Older
implementations (Opensim 0.6.7) are better in a sense that 90-95  of
all meshes will eventually be uploaded to client, provided you set
ReliableIsImportant=true in opensim.ini. But 0.6.7+modrex is unstable
when it comes to handling of large number of avatars simultaneoulsy
(see Problem 4)

Possible solutions:
a. distrubute world viewer to users with all meshes already placed in
cache (improves situation a lot, but not solves the problem completly.
Increases client size, make difficlut to update your world)
b. Use old Opensim 0.6.7
c. I have read that new Taiga server supports http assets downloading.
This might improve situation (only when using new Naali viewer). When
I tried to test, this, I was unable to run Taiga with my database
(example installation with empty database works well, but useless).
With our data set, it throws multiple exceptions on startup, have
problem with logging users in, and a number of other issues.

Problem 3. The code that handles resend of lost UDP packets in opensim
0.6.9 has threading-related bug, that lead to server continuolsly
throwing Index out of bounds exception (every second of so) when
user is logged in. This also makes Problem 2 worse.

Solution: We have implemented a custom workaround, that seems to work

Problem 4.
The maximum number of avatars that can login to the region is 16.
Anything more makes world absolutely unusable. Every five minutes
somebody is thrown out, and every 15 minutes the server crashes and
must be restarted. The maximum number of avatars that can work
comfortably is 8.

Solution: I don't know any solution here yet, we are working on it.
Any help from anybody would be greatly appriciated

Problem 5
realxtend Voice chat is not operational with multi-region setup
Solution: Fix the code voice chat server code (we only have partial
solution so far)

I hope, this summury could help you. Good luck with your project.
Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.

Best regards,
Denis Tarasov

On 7 май, 09:07, Mikko Liukkonen wrote:
 Thx, Keep me updated, I will appreciate it.



  Toni Alatalo 6.5.2010 22:49 

 Mikko Liukkonen kirjoitti:

  We are implementing realxtend based learning game during this fall. I like 
  to enquire if somebody have made some performance tests and could share the 
  results with us.

 Folks at Intel did some profiling and optimizations last year to
 Opensimulator and are now continuing to work towards allowing large
 scale mass events etc., they gave a nice presentation in a workshop
 recently and the material is on-line:


 and the presentation with more about the future plans 

 Otherwise the opensim-dev mailing list and sciencesim, osgrid etc admins
 are knowledgeable about this. Realxtend is not used as much for heavily
 used things yet, and the server side performance is probably quite
 identical 'cause modrex doesn't introduce much additional computing.

 BTW we are working on a learning environment for school kids using it
 too, pilot testing etc. will probably be done during fall in that
 project as well. There's a bit old/earlier news announcement about it 
 (maxping seems to be offline now though?), more info coming late this
 month / early july probably and