[REBOL] Re: Commander.c adds Shell access for Rebol

2001-03-20 Thread Colin Brizell

commander looks the "business". I've compiled and got it running on my
Linux box.
I have a small question, how can I capture the output in REBOL of the
command I call?


Rebol> call "psql -d dbname -c 'select * from tablename'"

This returns all the rows from tablename on STDOUT (?) but I don't see how I
can assign then to a REBOL word.
I would like to be able to do

Rebol> results: call "psql -d dbname -c 'select * from tablename'"

I will continue to investigate 'commander'


-Original Message-
Frank Sievertsen
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:49 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Commander.c adds Shell access for Rebol


Until RT adds a launch support for /Core and /View you can try my
commander.c program.

It starts the rebol-Interpreter and adds a (very simple) 'call function to
it. You can now type

call "kedit commander.c"

to open kedit with the source-code ;)

How it works:

commander startes REBOL faking a console stream to it. It reads REBOLs
output to find character 0 (ZERO)s in it. Commands are marked


They are executed (in background).


Planned is to add full support of call like in /command and to replace
system/ports/output by a port which escapes character zero so commander
will be absolute transpartent.

Oh, use at your own risk and read the sourcecode:



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[REBOL] Re: [UPDATE] web.log data mining

2001-03-20 Thread ryan . christiansen

>> Below is an updated version of the CLF format web.log
>> file data mining
>> script, which parses CLF format web.log files and places
>> the data in .csv
>> files for use in Excel and other applications. The script
>> now calls
>> functions instead of being simply linear.

>Have you thought about saving the dns-cache between
>iterations, and loading it each time?

>I was going to do that for mine, but never got around to it.

Yes, the first time the script runs, it loads a 0-byte cache file called
%dns-library.r, as such...

retrieved-library: read %dns-library.r
dns-library: parse retrieved-library none

It then uses the following function for the DNS lookups...

dns-lookup: func [
"Convert an IP address to a domain name"
dns-cache "A cache of IP addresses and corresponding domain names"
IP [string!] "The IP address that needs to be converted to a domain"
/local domain
domain: select dns-cache IP
if ( domain == none ) [
domain: read join dns:// IP
if ( domain == none ) [
domain: "unresolved"
append/only dns-cache IP
append/only dns-cache domain

At the end of the script, it saves the dns cache back to the %dns-library.r
file, as such...

write %dns-library.r ""
foreach library-entry dns-library [
write/append %dns-library.r library-entry
write/append %dns-library.r " "

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[REBOL] Re: [UPDATE] web.log data mining

2001-03-20 Thread Graham Chiu

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 09:56:45 -0600

> Below is an updated version of the CLF format web.log
> file data mining
> script, which parses CLF format web.log files and places
> the data in .csv
> files for use in Excel and other applications. The script
> now calls
> functions instead of being simply linear.

Have you thought about saving the dns-cache between
iterations, and loading it each time?

I was going to do that for mine, but never got around to it.

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: Alien Names expanded

2001-03-20 Thread Graham Chiu

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:22:19 -0500
 "Ralph Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How powerful is REBOL? Well, I'm still using REBOL/Core
> to generate
> literally hundreds of trillions of alien names. Just
> added another pattern
> (and another 2,197,000 possible alien names) to
> my alien name generator at:

But will it write more books for you  ?

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: Alien Names expanded

2001-03-20 Thread Geo Massar

Got source code to generate Alien Names?

Geo... a curious guy as always

Ralph Roberts wrote:
> How powerful is REBOL? Well, I'm still using REBOL/Core to generate
> literally hundreds of trillions of alien names. Just added another pattern
> (and another 2,197,000 possible alien names) to
> my alien name generator at:
> http://abooks.com/alien
> This pattern (Vcv Cvc) generates short, snappy dual names for aliens, such
> as:
> Ude Phap,  Ugu Zeh,  Ole Wat,  Uthu Shal, Ipho Ren, Iphi Phush,  Ote Mas,
> Ela Wux, and so forth.
> Hey, wot about Inu Thit, an alien who's always into new  well, write yer
> own story.
> Enjoy... REBOL, the possibilities are as wide as the universe!
> And, hey, wanna learn all sorts of neat REBOL tricks, buy my book REBOL FOR
> http://www.rebolpress.com/#RFD
> Best,
> --Ralph Roberts
> --
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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[REBOL] REBOL for Dummies pg. 373

2001-03-20 Thread ryan . christiansen


Is the "Remember" tip on page 373 worded correctly under the heading on the
previous page of Configuring for Microsoft IIS.

"The two %s %s must be added to make sure that it works correctly when
passing the script and command line arguments to REBOL. You must add the
extension, or REBOL files and sets the last field to PUT, DELETE. The
script engine doesn't have to be selected."

Ryan C. Christiansen
Web Developer

Intellisol International
4733 Amber Valley Parkway
Fargo, ND 58104
701-235-3390 ext. 6671
FAX: 701-235-9940

Global Leader in People Performance Software


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[REBOL] Alien Names expanded

2001-03-20 Thread Ralph Roberts

How powerful is REBOL? Well, I'm still using REBOL/Core to generate
literally hundreds of trillions of alien names. Just added another pattern
(and another 2,197,000 possible alien names) to
my alien name generator at:


This pattern (Vcv Cvc) generates short, snappy dual names for aliens, such

Ude Phap,  Ugu Zeh,  Ole Wat,  Uthu Shal, Ipho Ren, Iphi Phush,  Ote Mas,
Ela Wux, and so forth.

Hey, wot about Inu Thit, an alien who's always into new  well, write yer
own story.

Enjoy... REBOL, the possibilities are as wide as the universe!

And, hey, wanna learn all sorts of neat REBOL tricks, buy my book REBOL FOR



--Ralph Roberts

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[REBOL] Commander.c adds Shell access for Rebol

2001-03-20 Thread Frank Sievertsen


Until RT adds a launch support for /Core and /View you can try my
commander.c program.

It starts the rebol-Interpreter and adds a (very simple) 'call function to
it. You can now type

call "kedit commander.c"

to open kedit with the source-code ;)

How it works:

commander startes REBOL faking a console stream to it. It reads REBOLs
output to find character 0 (ZERO)s in it. Commands are marked


They are executed (in background).


Planned is to add full support of call like in /command and to replace
system/ports/output by a port which escapes character zero so commander
will be absolute transpartent.

Oh, use at your own risk and read the sourcecode:



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[REBOL] [UPDATE] web.log data mining

2001-03-20 Thread ryan . christiansen

Below is an updated version of the CLF format web.log file data mining
script, which parses CLF format web.log files and places the data in .csv
files for use in Excel and other applications. The script now calls
functions instead of being simply linear.


You must begin with a 0-byte %dns-library.r file in the same directory as
the script.
Change username, password, domain.dom and path to web.log file in ftp
protocol statement.

The script will write separate .csv files in the same directory as the
script, each .csv file named for the date of the data for which it
contains. If you run the script a second day, it will append to a .csv file
for a given date if that .csv file exists in the directory. The script is
designed to mine a web.log file which has been rotated to a 0-byte log file
on a daily basis.


log-file: read/lines ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/logs/web.log

retrieved-library: read %dns-library.r
dns-library: parse retrieved-library none

assemble-date: func [
"Parse one line in CLF web.log format and return the date as a REBOL
date! datatype"
log-line [string!] "One line in CLF web.log format"
/local date-line date-string return-date
date-line: parse log-line none
date-line/4: remove date-line/4 {[}
date-line/5: remove date-line/5 {]}
date-string: rejoin [date-line/4 " " date-line/5]
return-date: make date! date-string

assemble-time: func [
"Parse one line in CLF web.log format and return the time as a REBOL
time! datatype"
log-line [string!] "One line in CLF web.log format"
/local date-line date-string return-time
date-line: parse log-line none
date-line/4: remove date-line/4 {[}
date-line/5: remove date-line/5 {]}
date-string: rejoin [date-line/4 " " date-line/5]
parse date-string [thru ":" copy text to end (return-time: make time!

dns-lookup: func [
"Convert an IP address to a domain name"
dns-cache "A cache of IP addresses and corresponding domain names"
IP [string!] "The IP address that needs to be converted to a domain"
/local domain
domain: select dns-cache IP
if ( domain == none ) [
domain: read join dns:// IP
if ( domain == none ) [
domain: "unresolved"
append/only dns-cache IP
append/only dns-cache domain

parse-log-line: func [
"Parse one line in CLF web.log format and return the IP address, hit
date, hit time, file hit, bytes used, referring page, and browser type"
log-line [string!] "One line in CLF web.log format"
file-to-save [file!] "The name of the target file to write returned
/local current-line
current-line: parse log-line none
IP-address: make string! current-line/1
domain-address: dns-lookup dns-library IP-address
hit-date: assemble-date log-line
hit-time: assemble-time log-line
hit-file: current-line/6
hit-bytes: current-line/8
referring-page: current-line/9
browser-type: current-line/10

write/append csv-file-name (rejoin [IP-address "," domain-address ","
hit-date "," hit-time "," hit-file "," hit-bytes "," referring-page ","
browser-type newline])

checksum-date: assemble-date log-file/1
csv-file-name: make file! (rejoin [checksum-date ".csv"])
log-directory: read %.
either find/any log-directory csv-file-name [
foreach log-line log-file [
current-line: parse log-line none
hit-date: assemble-date log-line
either not-equal? hit-date checksum-date [
csv-file-name: make file! (rejoin [hit-date ".csv"])
write csv-file-name {User IP Address, User Domain Address, Date
Hit, Time Hit, File Hit, Bytes Transferred, Referring Page, Browser Type}
write/append csv-file-name (newline newline)
if error? try [parse-log-line log-line csv-file-name][next
checksum-date: hit-date
if error? try [parse-log-line log-line csv-file-name][next
next log-file

write csv-file-name {User IP Address, User Domain Address, Date Hit,
Time Hit, File Hit, Bytes Transferred, Referring Page, Browser Type}
write/append csv-file-name (newline newline)
foreach log-line log-file [
current-line: parse log-line none
hit-date: assemble-date log-line
either not-equal? hit-date checksum-date [
csv-file-name: make file! (rejoin [hit-date ".csv"])
write csv-file-name {User IP Address,  User Domain Address,
Date Hit, Time Hit, File Hit, Bytes Transferred, Referring Page, Browser
write/append csv-file-name (newline newline)
if error? try [parse-log-line log-line csv-file-name][next
checksum-date: hit-date
if error? try [parse-log-line log-line csv-file-name][next
next log-file

write %dns-library.r "

[REBOL] Re: Shell access for Rebol, was: zip file support

2001-03-20 Thread Michal Kracik

Me too :-)

I'll give an example why I want shell access in Core. I could write a
rather cool programmer's tool in REBOL.

The script could: checkout a project from CVS server, run make
(which runs C++ compiler and linker), run unit tests, send log via
email, pack distribution files with zip, tar and gzip, upload it to
a web site, send all subscribers notification email, all from REBOL
in one step.

Writing such application in REBOL with shell access would take several
hours. And it would be even portable between Windows, Linux, and,
for example, Solaris, because all used tools are already ported and
behave identically on different platforms.

I know that sending email with SMTP protocol is more portable than
calling /usr/bin/sendmail, and 'parse is more portable than calling
awk. But the application I described cannot be written portably in
REBOL without shell access, because REBOL does not contain CVS
client, make functionality, C++ compiler and linker, tar, zip
and gzip.

Michal Kracik

GS Jones wrote:
> From: Mat Bettinson
> >  Yet
> > I'd have a hard time evangelising it as it currently stands.
> >
> > Which is a shame. I like to evangelise things like Rebol because
> > they're speechlessly cool. But this is a holding it back for much
> > useful applications and a wider acceptance imo.
> Also expresses my thoughts exactly (I didn't see the change in thread names
> before I rambled on elsewhere).  --Scott Jones
> --
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[REBOL] Re: Shell access for Rebol, was: zip file support

2001-03-20 Thread ryan . christiansen

Me, too. :)

I'd like shell access in /Core to be able to use the BeOS file system's
attributes as a data storage facility. It's not a true relational database,
but it can store ANY type of file in attributes, meaning images, sounds,
etc., perfect for serving dynamic web pages. This is being done with perl
at http://www.betips.net


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[REBOL] Re: Antwort: Small Admin Interface

2001-03-20 Thread Falk Stefan, ITS-SL

thanks for the input. 

The user is saved directly under "Add User", and in the List users part, the
save is if you want to edit your info.
Btw, the code is bloated, and could probably be improved greatly, but at
least it's a start.

Cheers Stefan

> -Original Message-
> Sent: den 20 mars 2001 13:22
> Subject: [REBOL] Antwort: Small Admin Interface
> Hi!
> When listing added users, one is presented with two buttons, 
> "save" and
> "Remove" . I thought that a user is saved directly when 
> filling out the
> form under "sdd user"?. I think  "delete user" should als have its own
> menupoint just like add user. Cool :-)
> Cheers
> Sharriff Aina
> "Falk Stefan, 
> ITS-SL"  An: 
> slg.se>  Thema:  [REBOL] 
> Small Admin Interface 
> Gesendet von: 
> rebol-bounce@ 
> rebol.com 
> 20.03.01  
> 11:40 
> Bitte 
> antworten an  
> rebol-list
> Hi list,
> I kinda wonder why I'm writing this mail but anyways.
> I've created an admin interface for my website (although it's 
> not quite
> finished, since the entire site isn't done), but there's a  
> small Forum
> sorta thing and some user handling.
> The forum doesn't seem to work, but I think it's got 
> something to do with
> the server, anyways, take a look if you want, and feel free 
> to come with
> suggestions, criticism, whatever. You'll find it at:
> www.amigaextreme.com/admin.html
> /Regards Stefan Falk
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
> subject, without the quotes.
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[REBOL] Re: mysql scheme port

2001-03-20 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Petr Krenzelok wrote:

> No, it is not. You have basically two ways of how to work with mySQL (or
> even other SQL databases) in general - 1) direct access - it would require
> Rebol to have mySQL "driver" inside, but it is not the case even with Linux
> Command. You could also use Command's ability to call libraries ... 2) some
> of SQL database servers listen on TCP port, which is the case with mySQL
> too.

Actually, MySQL always uses TCP/IP. There is no "direct" access
(if not maybe using Unix sockets, but this is not the case for
Windows and I didn't check if MySQL actually supports them;
anyway, they would be accessible by REBOL too).

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/
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[REBOL] Antwort: Small Admin Interface

2001-03-20 Thread Sharriff . Aina


When listing added users, one is presented with two buttons, "save" and
"Remove" . I thought that a user is saved directly when filling out the
form under "sdd user"?. I think  "delete user" should als have its own
menupoint just like add user. Cool :-)


Sharriff Aina


"Falk Stefan,  

  Thema:  [REBOL] Small Admin Interface 

Gesendet von:  








antworten an   




Hi list,
I kinda wonder why I'm writing this mail but anyways.

I've created an admin interface for my website (although it's not quite
finished, since the entire site isn't done), but there's a  small Forum
sorta thing and some user handling.

The forum doesn't seem to work, but I think it's got something to do with
the server, anyways, take a look if you want, and feel free to come with
suggestions, criticism, whatever. You'll find it at:


/Regards Stefan Falk
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[REBOL] Antwort: Small Admin Interface

2001-03-20 Thread Sharriff . Aina

I think its nice!! good work

Sharriff Aina

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[REBOL] Small Admin Interface

2001-03-20 Thread Falk Stefan, ITS-SL

Hi list,
I kinda wonder why I'm writing this mail but anyways.

I've created an admin interface for my website (although it's not quite
finished, since the entire site isn't done), but there's a  small Forum
sorta thing and some user handling.

The forum doesn't seem to work, but I think it's got something to do with
the server, anyways, take a look if you want, and feel free to come with
suggestions, criticism, whatever. You'll find it at:


/Regards Stefan Falk 
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[REBOL] Re: mysql access denied for user

2001-03-20 Thread Michal Kracik

> So does that mean the mysql:// protocol will only work using scripts
> executed on the server where the database resides?

With default MySQL privileges, yes. It's not specific to mysql://
protocol, it's the same with PHP, Perl, ODBC driver or any other

But MySQL administrator can grant access to specific or all users,
domains or IP addresses. I tried it with Nenad when testing
the mysql:// protocol and it worked. But it took some time to set up
the privileges, and I don't remember the exact commands. This should
allow connection and grant all privileges to all databases to user
with name rebtest and password reb from any domain. It's good for
testing, but it's insecure since it allows the user to accidentally
delete all databases on the server.

telnet as any user
shell> mysql -uroot -p
The only MySQL user with administrative rights is root by default.
His password is by default empty, it's different from root's UNIX
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO rebol@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'reb';
mysql> quit;

Hope this helps,

Michal Kracik
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[REBOL] Re: zip file support wanted - help needed

2001-03-20 Thread Anton


I think rebol would benefit a lot from a simple shell
facility. I vote for shell access. It's a quick way
of getting all sorts of stuff done.
At the same time, I fear the mess we could create. :)

It's the diversity versus standards argument again.

Messy diversity and good, clean standards.
I don't think there will ever be a winner.

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