[REBOL] Re: Google + SOAP

2002-04-22 Thread Brett Handley

So Carl wrote (apart from the fixed typo):

> I think it's good to invent some smart way to make Web Services
> easier via REBOL. So, what's the best way to get there from here?

Are there no concrete answers to that - or did I miss something
I shouldn't have? Any road-map type answers?


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[REBOL] Re: Google + SOAP

2002-04-22 Thread Graham Chiu

Hi Andreas

> Graham, those things look great. Are the avail to for
> download
> somewhere?

Not at present.  They were just experiments to see how far I
could get parsing WSDL files using brute force :)  As such,
the scripts are a bit fragile ( fails on complex datatypes )
and very ugly, and not suitable for public viewing!

I was hoping to get back to them one day using Gavin's xml
libraries but ran out of time.

It is interesting to see ( from the list of services
available in the drop down list ) though how many SOAP
services have disappeared over the last year!

Graham Chiu
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2002-04-22 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Pat,

pat665 wrote:
> ... expressing my sadness about the recent development in
> France with two lines of rebol.

I hadn't yet heard the news when I read the original post...


My sympathies.


; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: File analysis

2002-04-22 Thread Richard Coffre

Hi Oliva

The best for me should to split it into separate files for each function but I think 
reading your mail that a first step joining the name and the code should good. I'll 
read your code.

To download a demo of Action Script Viewer go to http://buraks.com/asv/.

Message d'origine
>Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 19:39:08 +0200
>De: rebol-list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sujet: [REBOL] Re: File analysis
>Hello COFFRE,
>I'm really interested, do I understand it well, that you just want to
>write some simple parser that will join the function name to the
>propper code? I would like to try the Action Script Viewer at home
>(where to download it)...
>for some more exploration you can use my exam-swf.r script (it's part
>of the Rebol/Flash dialect zip archive at http://oldes.multimedia.cz/swf/)
>My script is not perfect because it's not complete yet and I use it
>just to hack the structure of my testing flash files, but may be
>usefull as well.
>cheers oldes
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[REBOL] Linux fonts

2002-04-22 Thread Didier Jacquemart

I've been working on Rebol under Windows.
Now, i'm trying it under Linux.
I appreciate the high compatiblity for my programs.

But the default font in VID is hardly readable. How to change it for all my programs 
and for the desktop too?

Thank you.

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[REBOL] Re: New Type of Variable

2002-04-22 Thread Philippe Oehler

Has someone made an object to create special datatypes ? 

> Phillipe, there is no way to add datatypes at this time.
> The only way is to ask Rebol Technology to add your
> datatype :) (But first you should run it through this list
> to see what others think...)
> You could make an object to do something similar, though.
> Anton.

I want to know if someone has an idea how to add  datatypes.

I like the idea of having for the pair datatype the /path x and y
to extract the first and second part of the pair, besides the X. Same thing
time datatype, with /minute and hour refinement. Is it possible to make it
the same easily for other "string".

 I.e. it should be interesting of having a x-number of part of a string
separated by a
symbol : 34,45,34,67,45,56 This "datatype" would be access like that :
thestring/6 and the result will 45..
And the modification will be easy, too thestring/6: 23

This long introduction to say that I often use the parse and the join
function to parse a string and then to rejoin only to change some of its
If someone has a easy and reliable method to "add datatype" or something
like that..


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2002-04-22 Thread pat665

Hi joel,

You are right. My goal with append [] was to force the result to be a block.
I was wrong and it is a confort to learn something from this post.
I apologize to the list for being out of topic expressing my sadness about
the recent development in France with two lines of rebol.


- Original Message -
From: "Joel Neely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 1:41 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: OT

> Hi, Patrick,
> pat665 wrote:
> >
> > Hi rebollers,
> >
> > How to find the two best ?
> >
> > results: [2.38 1.90 0.47 6.95 19.41 17.19 2.08 4.33 5.31 15.85 1.20 3.44
> > 5.39 3.96 5.82 4.32]
> > winners: append [] copy/part sort/reverse results 2
> > == [19.41 17.19]
> >
> Why the
> append []
> part, and not just
> copy/part sort/reverse results 2
> (just curious)?
> -jn-
> --
> ; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
> REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
> do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
> | e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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ifrance.com, l'email gratuit le plus complet de l'Internet !
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[REBOL] Re: File analysis

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list


I'm really interested, do I understand it well, that you just want to
write some simple parser that will join the function name to the
propper code? I would like to try the Action Script Viewer at home
(where to download it)...
for some more exploration you can use my exam-swf.r script (it's part
of the Rebol/Flash dialect zip archive at http://oldes.multimedia.cz/swf/)
My script is not perfect because it's not complete yet and I use it
just to hack the structure of my testing flash files, but may be
usefull as well.

cheers oldes

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[REBOL] Native Url-encode

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list

Hello rebol-list,

  and... another thing I would vote as native in new Rebols -> URL-ENCODE

  We already have native DEHEX so why not to have the opposite.
  Rebol is Internet messaging language and URL-ENCODing is the basic.

  thanks Oldes

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[REBOL] Re: to pair! bug

2002-04-22 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Hi Gabriele

> >> none! : Gives none
> RPT> M, everything can become none?
> Once Jeff wrote something like: "this is a puzzle for you: what is
> to-none useful for?". I was never able to solve the puzzle.

to none:-)

> >> image! : Gives image
> RPT> But always an image sized 0x0 and I do not know ho to change
image/size, do
> RPT> you know it?
> Never tried. I think you can only make images from binaries with:
> >> img: make image! [1x1 #{00}]
> == make image! [1x1 #{00}]

>> img: make image! "00"
== make image! [0x0 #{3030303030}]

But 0x0...


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[REBOL] Re: issue-to-tuple

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list

Hello all,

>>How about
>>   to-tuple form issue

X> If I understand it well Oldes needs that function for converting hexa
X> RGB values to REBOL format so this won't work.

X> I vote for [to-tuple debase/base clr 16] :)

Yes, you are right Bolek, I need it for converting hexa RGB values in my
Rebol/Flash dialect (my first reason why to use issue datatype ever:).
I've reduced the problem just just for converting issue to binary
(because there is no problem to convert binary to proper tuple) and did some
quick test:

>> to-binary #234311
== #{323334333131}
>> issue-to-binary: func[clr ][load head insert tail insert next mold clr "{" "}"]
>> issue-to-binary #234311
== #{234311}
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:07.08
>> issue-to-binary: func[clr ][load head insert tail insert head form clr "#{" "}"]
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:07.32
>> issue-to-binary: func[clr ][load rejoin ["#{" form clr "}"]]
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:16.604
>> ;with the Brett's debase patch
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:26.608
>> ;without the patch -> CRASH

So although my solution looks like more complicated, it's much more
faster. The problem is in the DEBASE - Debase is native but with a bug
inside so it's useless:-(

cheers Oldes
PS: latest Rebol/Flash example: http://oldes.multimedia.cz/swf/swf5-clock2.html

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[REBOL] Found a bug in dbms.r!

2002-04-22 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hello all,

   just  found  a bug in dbms.r that was hiding probably since 1.x

days.  (I  wonder  how come I never saw it before...) Basically it
goes  into an infinite loop if you select with something like [col
>  1]  and  col  is  indexed.  Anyone  using  dbms.r should fix it
immediately to avoid hours of head scratching trying to understand
why his program hangs. :)

To fix it change:

select-gt: make-selector [
if not integer? val [make error! reform ["Invalid row id in spec:" mold 
result: load db/index
forall result [if result/1 > val [break]]
return copy result
] [
tmp: load join db/index. col
if empty? tmp [return []]
tmp: skip tail tmp -2
until [
if tmp/1 <= val [break]
insert tail result tmp/2
head? tmp
] [
if val < pick load db/:row col [insert tail result row]


select-gt: make-selector [
if not integer? val [make error! reform ["Invalid row id in spec:" mold 
result: load db/index
forall result [if result/1 > val [break]]
return copy result
] [
tmp: load join db/index. col
if empty? tmp [return []]
tmp: skip tail tmp -2
until [
if tmp/1 <= val [break]
insert tail result tmp/2
any [head? tmp (tmp: skip tmp -2 false)]
] [
if val < pick load db/:row col [insert tail result row]

(watch out for wrapping).

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] checksum methods

2002-04-22 Thread Gregg Irwin

This is a non-critical question.

Is there a list, or a method to interrogate, what method values are
supported by CHECKUM? I know 'md5 and 'sha1 work, but are there others as
well (e.g. 'crc32)?



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[REBOL] import-mail

2002-04-22 Thread Mat Bettinson


import-mail doesn't actually extract the name from the From: header
field or am I missing something?


Mat Bettinson

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[REBOL] Align bytes in the new Rebols

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list

Hello rebol-list,
 writing my previous post about the bug in the debase, I've
 recalled one thing I would like to see in the new Rebol versions

>> ;now using
>> debase/base "1100" 2
== #{FC}
>> ;but:
>> debase/base "11" 2
== none
>> ;so what about something like:
>> debase/base/align "11" 2
== #{FC}

Of course in the native debase function, so I would not have to use my
own byte-align functions as:

byte-align: func[bits [string!] /local p][
p: (length? bits) // 8
if p > 0 [insert/dup tail bits #"0" 8 - p]
>> debase/base byte-align "11" 2
== #{FC}


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[REBOL] Re: refinement for whois protocol

2002-04-22 Thread Ronald Gruss

Hi none,

Monday, April 22, 2002, 12:56:08 AM, vous avez écrit:

n> Does anyone know how to set the server refinement for the whois scheme?
n> what I want to do is build a view interface so I can do a  whois lookup 
n> on the
n> name entered. The problem I`m having is specifying the @rs.internic.net
n> when I try to join whois:// + variable [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I get a malformed
n> email address error. Can I do a refinement to pre-specify the whois server
n>  resource ?

n> Adrian

n> --
n> Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: http://www.email.it/f

n> Sponsor:
n> Puglia Pocket: le ultime notizie, gratis, sul tuo sito; devi solo prenderlo 

n> Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=314&d=22-4  
Try this :

whois: func [
"Retrieves 'whois' information from Network Solutions' server"
domain "Domain to Look Up" [string! word!]
whois-domain "Alternative Whois Server" [string! word!]
if not server [whois-domain: 'whois.networksolutions.com]
read join whois:// [domain "@" whois-domain]

print whois "rebol.com"

Taken from script called whois.r that could perharps
help you (view/desktop/sites/Automation/whois.r from Christopher Ross-Gill)


Best regards,


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[REBOL] Re: How to access files ' properties under Windows

2002-04-22 Thread Coussement Christophe

Thanks a lot, fellows REBOLians :)

How could I think REBOL couldn't handle it directly ? Shame on me ;-P


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[REBOL] Re: Google + SOAP

2002-04-22 Thread Andreas Bolka

Sunday, April 21, 2002, 2:48:04 PM, Graham wrote:

> I could have attempted to programmatically discover the syntax for
> the soap body as in the form displayed here ...

> http://www.compkarori.com/soap/index.shtml

> If you plug in the google wsdl file, my script does seem to produce
> something. But as it was, I had forgotten I had written the above,
> and did it manually!! :(

Graham, those things look great. Are the avail to for download

Best regards,
 Andreasmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] Text-List Slider Question (reply to a lost email)

2002-04-22 Thread Brett Handley

Someone emailed me directly about a slider question for text-list.
Unfortunately I lost the message when my machine crashed. So if the
sender happens to be subscribed to this list - you're best off posting
your question here - it is not as likely to be lost! :^)

Nevertheless, I think it was something like  - given an element how do
you set the slider to show it?

To which I believe the answer is that you need to ensure the textual
part is scrolled properly and the slider can then be synchronised with
that change.

In the text-list style (TL) there is a field TL/LC ("line count") that
holds the number of lines that can be displayed. Another field TL/SN
(perhaps "scroll number") that is equals the number of lines scrolled
off the top.

To be consistent with the default text-list functionality, TL/SN should
be less than or equal to (1 + length? head TL/LINES)

Finally to change the slider position modify TL/SLD/DATA.

This example code will scroll the line you click on to the top and
synchronise the slider to match. 

tl-scroll-to: function [
face line-num
max-scroll-num: (1 + length? head face/lines) - face/lc
face/sn: line-num - 1
face/sld/data: face/sn / max-scroll-num
show face

view layout [
text-list 200x50 data copy system/locale/months [
if not empty? face/picked [
num: index? find face/lines first face/picked
tl-scroll-to face num


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[REBOL] Re: makespec.r

2002-04-22 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

For example, the use of the tag FONT is deprecated and IMO it will be better
to create some styles at the beginning of the HTML file and to use them
through all the document. There are 3 advantages : the file is lighter, it
respects the new W3C standards and it is easier to change the format of the
file if needed.

My version is dated 8-Jun-2000.


-Message d'origine-
De : Robert M. Muench [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : samedi 20 avril 2002 15:09
Objet : [REBOL] Re: makespec.r

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> COFFRE Richard FTO
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 3:38 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: makespec.r

> I try it (the version downloaded from Rebol.com) and it works well.

Hi, well of course ;-)) but it might not be the latest one. Which verison is

> I have just a remark : in your conversion you use deprecated tags, do you
> plan to change this ? I plan to think about it really soon.

What tags do you mean? Robert

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[REBOL] Re: File Browsers

2002-04-22 Thread Anton

Not right now. But I plan to - after I do a list style
or someone else's list does everything I need.


> Is anyone working on a file browser ? More than just a list of the
> files ?
>   adrian

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[REBOL] Re: Returning from calendar to parent script...

2002-04-22 Thread Anton

Use of launch is limited to one level.
That is; a launched rebol program cannot
launch another rebol program.
If Ronald tried his program from the desktop,
that has already been launched once already.
>From the console it hasn't, that's why there
is a difference.
Try this in the console:

write %test-launch.r {
rebol []
print "attempt launch"
launch %test-launch.r

launch %test-launch.r

Only the first launch will work.

Launch is good for starting another
rebol process, though. So if a script
has permission, it could modify %user.r
just before using:

launch ""

to start a new rebol process.
The new rebol process will use the modified %user.r


> > I tested (as you adviced me to) the 'launch way, but got a dialog
> > box telling me : "Launch can only be used by launcher programs."(I
> > use View)
> That's odd.  I tested it with View (not View/Pro) and it worked fine. 
> Try just...
> launch %calendar.r
> from the Console.  It should run the calendar script while returning
> control of the Console to you immediatly.

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-22 Thread AUVERLOT Olivier

It is the translation of the French book : 
> Core 2.5   
> View 1.2
> Command 2.0

Olivier ;-)

- Original Message - 
From: "Carl Read" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

> On 22-Apr-02, AUVERLOT Olivier wrote:
> > the book is announced on the page
> > http://www.wileyeurope.com/cda/product/0,,0470846755,00.html
> "August 2002".  How up-to-date will it be?  Will it cover View 1.3 for
> instance, (perhaps written to coincide with its release), or just
> 1.2?  (And has it an index?;)
> Glad it's coming to the English-speaking world, anyway.
> -- 
> Carl Read
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: pwd cd ls - anyone ??

2002-04-22 Thread Anton

Interesting, I hadn't noticed 'cp was already used.
But, you can't say editor is equivalent to vi ! :)


> Some more trivial additions for you:
>mv: :rename
>rm: :delete
>vi: :editor
>cp: func [from to] [write/binary to read/binary from]
> Note that 'cp is already used by REBOL. Seems to be the same as 
> 'copy and I
> haven't found any places where 'cp is used instead of 'copy . . . but you
> never know!? ;)
> Regards,
>  Ashley

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2002-04-22 Thread AUVERLOT Olivier

Please, let's not speak about very bad news :-(


- Original Message - 
From: "Carl Read" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: OT

> On 22-Apr-02, pat665 wrote:
> > Hi rebollers,
> > How to find the two best ?
> > results: [2.38 1.90 0.47 6.95 19.41 17.19 2.08 4.33 5.31 15.85 1.20
> > 3.44 5.39 3.96 5.82 4.32]
> > winners: append [] copy/part sort/reverse results 2 == [19.41 17.19]
> > Lots of people here were expecting [19.41 15.85].
> Ummm - is this something to do with the French elections... ? (:
> -- 
> Carl Read
> -- 
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2002-04-22 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Patrick,

pat665 wrote:
> Hi rebollers,
> How to find the two best ?
> results: [2.38 1.90 0.47 6.95 19.41 17.19 2.08 4.33 5.31 15.85 1.20 3.44
> 5.39 3.96 5.82 4.32]
> winners: append [] copy/part sort/reverse results 2
> == [19.41 17.19]

Why the

append []

part, and not just

copy/part sort/reverse results 2

(just curious)?


; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-22 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Olivier,

On Monday, April 22, 2002, 8:07:47 AM, you wrote:

AO> the book is announced on the page
AO> http://www.wileyeurope.com/cda/product/0,,0470846755,00.html

Is it already available?

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] View 1.3 ... Re: Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-22 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Carl Read wrote:

>On 22-Apr-02, AUVERLOT Olivier wrote:
>>the book is announced on the page
>"August 2002".  How up-to-date will it be?  Will it cover View 1.3 for
>instance, (perhaps written to coincide with its release), or just
>1.2?  (And has it an index?;)
>Glad it's coming to the English-speaking world, anyway.
The question is, if View 1.3 will add any change to VID itself. Maybe it 
is just product re-release, featuring Core 2.6 capabilities. Maybe 
Holger could in few words say, what is supposed to be part of View 1.3, 
and Command 2.2?


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[REBOL] Re: to pair! bug

2002-04-22 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Romano,

On Sunday, April 21, 2002, 9:34:48 PM, you wrote:

>> symbol! : Gives symbol
RPT> Interesting.

Yup. But I was never able to understand what it is, and why it is
available in system/words as IIRC Holger once said is an internal
thing only (like end!, context! etc.).

>> none! : Gives none
RPT> M, everything can become none?

Once Jeff wrote something like: "this is a puzzle for you: what is
to-none useful for?". I was never able to solve the puzzle.

>> image! : Gives image
RPT> But always an image sized 0x0 and I do not know ho to change image/size, do
RPT> you know it?

Never tried. I think you can only make images from binaries with:

>> img: make image! [1x1 #{00}]
== make image! [1x1 #{00}]

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-22 Thread Carl Read

On 22-Apr-02, AUVERLOT Olivier wrote:

> the book is announced on the page

> http://www.wileyeurope.com/cda/product/0,,0470846755,00.html

"August 2002".  How up-to-date will it be?  Will it cover View 1.3 for
instance, (perhaps written to coincide with its release), or just
1.2?  (And has it an index?;)

Glad it's coming to the English-speaking world, anyway.

Carl Read

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2002-04-22 Thread Carl Read

On 22-Apr-02, pat665 wrote:

> Hi rebollers,

> How to find the two best ?

> results: [2.38 1.90 0.47 6.95 19.41 17.19 2.08 4.33 5.31 15.85 1.20
> 3.44 5.39 3.96 5.82 4.32]
> winners: append [] copy/part sort/reverse results 2 == [19.41 17.19]

> Lots of people here were expecting [19.41 15.85].

Ummm - is this something to do with the French elections... ? (:

Carl Read

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2002-04-22 Thread SunandaDH

> Lots of people here were expecting [19.41 15.85].

Maybe 'Sort needs a Gallic refinement 

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-22 Thread atruter

This site: Relative-Expression Builder Object Language

RT site: Relative Expression-Based Object Language

A typo perhaps? ;)



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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-22 Thread philb


On 1 & 3 ...
Multiple accounts should be working  I have 2 seperate email acccounts here
and I can fetch email for both accounts.

On pressing the Fetch Mail button I just wanted to display the Account Name 
in the Pop-up window  this shouldnt be input capable.
The popup is only there to fetch the password.
(The user name used is derived from the account name on the rotary button.)

I could display the user name if required.
(This I have been meaning to fix for a while but havent got around to it ... will 
look at it tonight ... but its easily fixed).

The POP scheme the program uses is taken from 
My ISP doesnnt support APOP so I cant test it :-(

As I am the only person to be uding this Mail program the testing hasnt been 
really extensive.

If you are still having problems  then let me know.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Thank  you Phil, the mail client is good.  I spotted a few issues.
1.  Fetchmail should use user name instead of account name.
2.  Sendmail dosen't authenticate.  This can be done by opening and closing the pop 
server before and after the send.
3.  Multiple account seems not working.

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2002-04-22 Thread pat665

Hi rebollers,

How to find the two best ?

results: [2.38 1.90 0.47 6.95 19.41 17.19 2.08 4.33 5.31 15.85 1.20 3.44
5.39 3.96 5.82 4.32]
winners: append [] copy/part sort/reverse results 2
== [19.41 17.19]

Lots of people here were expecting [19.41 15.85].


ifrance.com, l'email gratuit le plus complet de l'Internet !
vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...

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[REBOL] Re: refinement for whois protocol

2002-04-22 Thread Charles

   I've got a script on my website for executing whois through my web browser.
I'm sure it can be done more elegantly, but this was still early for me.  And
it works, so why mess with it? ;)  Anyways, here's what the script says:

; service: "internic.net"
service: "whois.geektools.com"

print "Content-Type: text/plain^/"
if not query: system/options/cgi/query-string [
print "Usage: whois?"
print "For instance, whois?chalz.net"
; print "Uses InterNIC.  If you want to use"
print "Uses whois.GeekTools.com.  If you want to use"
print "  another service, use @."

id: first query: parse query "@"

if (length? query) = 2 [
service: second query

print read rejoin [whois:// id "@" service]

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-22 Thread AUVERLOT Olivier

the book is announced on the page

- Original Message -
From: "Dr. Louis A. Turk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:35 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

> Oliver,
> When is your book going to be available in English?
> Louis
> At 08:19 AM 4/17/2002 +0200, you wrote:
> >Thank you for your compliments ;-)
> >
> >Regards
> >Olivier
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Geza Lakner MD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Gawain MacMillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 11:24 PM
> >Subject: [REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide
> >
> >
> > > Hello Gawain,
> > >
> > > > Other good documentation is unfortunately rare.
> > > > There only are 4 books  ...
> > > Olivier Auverlot: Programmation REBOL.
> > > A french book from Edition Eyrolles. From the Eyrolles site you can
> > > download some sample chapters and the source code of the examples.
> > >
> > > I've just bought it in Bruxelles and I think it is worth every euro
> > > :-) (40 or so).
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Best regards,
> > >  Gezamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > --
> > > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> > > subject, without the quotes.
> > >
> >
> >--
> >To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> >subject, without the quotes.
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-22 Thread kenlo

Thank  you Phil, the mail client is good.  I spotted a few issues.
1.  Fetchmail should use user name instead of account name.
2.  Sendmail dosen't authenticate.  This can be done by opening and closing the pop 
server before and after the send.
3.  Multiple account seems not working.

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