[REBOL] System Port Trap Example

2002-10-12 Thread Carl at REBOL
Here is a short script that uses the REBOL system-port to intercept
"shutdown" types of interrupts from various operating systems.

Why?  For example, you would want to do this if you had a REBOL server
process on Linux that has internal state. You may want the chance to
write out information to files before quitting. This is the code you need
to make it happen.

The code below will detect both CTRL-C and REBOL ESCAPE key.

enable-system-trap: does [
 ; Trap OS interrupts
 if not system/ports/system [
 if none? attempt [system/ports/system: open [scheme: 'system]][
 print "NOTE: Missing System Port" exit
 if find get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes 'signal [
 set-modes system/ports/system [
 signal: intersect get-modes system/ports/system 'signal-names [
 sigquit sigterm sigint sighup
 system/console/break: 'signal
 append system/ports/wait-list system/ports/system

check-system-trap: func [port /local msg] [
 ; Process OS interrupts
 if not port? port [return none]
 if any [port/scheme <> 'system  port <> system/ports/system][return port]
 if not system/ports/system [return none]
 while [msg: pick system/ports/system 1] [
 if find [signal escape] msg/1 [
 print ["System Trap:" msg]
 ; (save files here)

print "Starting..."


forever [
 wake-port: wait 20 ; timeout period
 check-system-trap wake-port

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[REBOL] Introducing REBOL/Base - FAQ

2002-09-28 Thread Carl at REBOL

For those of you who are interested in trying new REBOL kernels... here's something to 
test out. It's the Alpha release of REBOL/Base.

Q: What is REBOL/Base?

A: REBOL/Base is a reduction of REBOL/Core trimmed down to the essential native and 
mezzanine functions and schemes. All protocols, help information, and functions are 
stripped, but can be added back on an individual basis.

Q: Why would REBOL Tech build such a thing?

A: REBOL/Base is designed for developers who want to create minimal REBOL environments 
and precisely control what functions they initialize. For instance, if you only need 
SMTP or HTTP, why take the time and space to boot all the other protocols?

Q: Why are we releasing an Alpha test version?

A: The idea of a REBOL subset is new and contrary to our rule that REBOL executables 
must include everything. We want to see what developers think of this idea.

Q: Does REBOL/Base startup faster?

A: Yes, because it has fewer mezzanine functions and schemes, it starts faster (good 
for stuff like CGI, etc.).

Q: Does it take less memory?

A: Yes, if you RECYCLE after booting, then type STATS you'll see that it takes about 
0.578 MB.  Most of this space is used by internal buffers, function spec blocks, 
critical mezz functions, and the word table.  The executable file is 235 KB.

Q: Does /Base include graphics functions?

A: No. But, there will be a similar version of REBOL/View (as of yet unnamed, got any 

Q: How can I see what's in it?

A: Open REBOL/Core and type SOURCE WHAT. Cut and paste it into the REBOL/Base console, 
and type WHAT.

Q: Where do I get source code for the missing modules, such as the TCP protocols?

A: Currently, you can obtain the source from other versions of REBOL, although that 
may not be optimal in many cases. Later this Fall (2002) we will be announcing another 
product to help answer this question. But, that's all we can say right now.

Q: Can I create stand alone executables with it?

A: No. For that you need to purchase REBOL/Encap that includes /Base. All developers 
who have purchased Encap within the last 6 months will receive a free upgrade, 
including several new tools and modules.

Q: Does REBOL/Base have any other changes?

A: Other changes are related to boot memory usage. In addition, the STATS function now 
accurately reports REBOL memory in use, and MOLD now has a /FLAT refinement that 
removes indentation (handy for smaller messaging and encapsulation).

Q: Why does it boot with a version of 2.6.0?

A: To keep existing scripts that check the version number from stopping.

Q: Where can I download REBOL/Base?

A: If you agree to abide by the /Core license, you can download the /Base Alpha 
version from http://www.reboltech.com/downloads/ If you do not agree, then do not 
download it.

Q: Where do I report bugs?

A: http://www.rebol.com/feedback.html - please make a note that you are using 

Submit any other questions to http://www.rebol.com/feedback.html.


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[REBOL] List Glitches

2002-09-25 Thread Carl at REBOL

We had minor glitch in this list server. Should be fine now, but keep your eyes open.


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2002-09-12 Thread Carl at REBOL

The REBOL Language FAQ is alive again.
Check it out at http://www.rebol.com/faq.html.
Now that the FAQ is stored in REBOL format, it will get updated more often.


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[REBOL] Re: Sort in REBOL

2002-09-10 Thread Carl at REBOL

Yes, sorry, I oversimplified it for the email... Normally the data would be such that 
you would use a /skip/all combination. You are correct.

Here's a better example:

data: [ abc ["name" 123] def ["fred" 345] ]
sort/skip/compare/all data 2 func [a b] [a/2/1 < b/2/1]

At 9/8/02 03:05 PM +0200, you wrote:
> > > 3) The /ALL refinement allows you to sort more complex data,
> > > for example, by data fields within blocks:
> > >
> > >data: [ ["name" 123] ["fred" 345] ]
> > >sort/compare/all data func [a b] [a/2 < b/2]
> > >
> > > Perhaps you already know all this... but, I figured, what the
> > > heck...
> >
> > I did not and yes that's very cool.
>Or there is something i do not understand, or the Carl example is wrong (!).
>I do not see here any difference in using ALL.
>Like changes doc of Core 2.5 explains, ALL must be used with SKIP:
>"/all Used in combination with the /skip refinement. [NEW] By default only a
>single field in a record is used for comparison. If the /all refinement is
>used then all fields in a record are used for comparison."
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2002-09-07 Thread Carl at REBOL

More info on REBOL Preprocessor:


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2002-09-07 Thread Carl at REBOL

Noticed the thread on SORT, but I don't have time to read it all.
A few notes:

1) SORT in recent versions of REBOL is much more reliable. It is
also quite fast, but that depends on what you're sorting and the
function you use for comparison. We use it all the time.

2) If you want a stable sort, return 1, -1, and 0 from a
sort subfunction, rather than true and false.

   sort/compare data func [a b] [
if a < b [return 1]
if a > b [return -1]

3) The /ALL refinement allows you to sort more complex data,
for example, by data fields within blocks:

   data: [ ["name" 123] ["fred" 345] ]
   sort/compare/all data func [a b] [a/2 < b/2]

Perhaps you already know all this... but, I figured, what the


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[REBOL] Re: encap and build.r

2002-08-30 Thread Carl at REBOL


We have a handy program that we use for building REBOL distributions. It's
a sort of REBOL preprocessor. In addition to include files, it also allows
you to write macro functions in REBOL. For instance, if you want to auto
update your version number, it can do that.

I'll take a few minutes out tomorrow to doc it, then post it here. I think
we'll also include it in future releases of Encap, because it's a perfect
match for that product. We use it all the time.


At 8/30/02 12:21 PM +1000, you wrote:
>The following script tries to take the hassle out of building an optimised
>encap program. I had several goals / constraints in mind:
>1.   My applications typically have a master script that issues a "do
>%xxx.r" for each required "module".
>2.   I don't want to have to edit out these statements when running encap
>(otherwise the generated executable will fail trying to find the underlying
>source files).
>3.   I want to encap source that has all non-esential text (eg. comments,
>redundant whitespace, etc) removed.
>4.   While the build script and encap reside in the same directory, the
>file (and its modules, if any) probably reside in another directory.
>The following script was largely inspired / based on the work Carl did in
>;Obtain files to build
>if none? attempt [build-file: request-file/only/title/filter "Select file to build" 
>"Open" ["*.r"]] [
>  alert "Build file not specified."
>  quit
>path: first split-path build-file
>header: first load/header build-file
>if none? header/Needs [header/Needs: copy []]
>insert tail header/Needs second split-path build-file
>;Merge source code
>code: make string! 128000
>foreach file header/Needs [
>  script: load/all path/:file
>  insert tail code mold/only skip script 2  ;skip REBOL header
>src-size: length? code
>;Generate compressed copy
>system/options/binary-base: 64
>code: compress trim/lines code
>src-file: replace copy build-file %.r %.src
>save/header src-file compose [do decompress (code)] compose/deep [Encap: [no-network 
>secure none title (header/Title)]]
>;Encap compressed file
>exe-file: replace copy build-file %.r %.exe
>call reform ["rebolve1003.exe" src-file exe-file]
>alert reform ["Compressed" src-size "bytes to" length? code "bytes."]
>The following scripts outline the practical implementation of this:
>  Title: "Build Test"
>  Needs: [%a.r %b.r %c.r]
>if not none? attempt [system/script/header/Needs] [
>  foreach script system/script/header/Needs [do script]
>wait 2
>print "A"
>print "B"
>print "C"
>Running build-test.r and build-test.exe should yield the exact same
>results. I have successfully used this on a fairly complex 148K app with no
>issues to date (all of two days that is ;) ).
>A good approach or not? (I was toying with the idea of further reducing the
>source size by tokensing user-defined words, but the cost / benefit didn't
>seem justified).
>  Ashley
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[REBOL] Core Guide Update - Minor Changes

2002-08-09 Thread Carl at REBOL

The REBOL/Core Guide at http://www.rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore.html has had some 
minor changes, including eliminating bad links and adding newer version change docs to 
the table of contents.

Also, Chapter 6 and 11 have been converted and reformatted with makedoc.r. I would 
very much appreciate it if someone could look over these chapters for formatting 
errors. It's hard to catch them all.  Email me directly if you find something. Thanks.


PS: Appendix 1 conversion still pending.

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2002-08-04 Thread Carl at REBOL

Regarding REBOL on OSX:

Yes! We are very interested in supporting OSX better!

Problem is, we need more information from someone who is an
OSX developer (with regard to how to upgrade our developer
release and tools.)  During our office move back in Jan,
we lost track of the OSX developer information.

If you can help, please contact me directly.



REBOL Founder

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[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.5.3 Released

2002-08-02 Thread Carl at REBOL

A new REBOL/Core has been released for testing purposes.
Check out the list of changes and find out where to get
it at:


Some of the changes include:

 MAKE-DIR Rewritten
 New Bitset Functions: CLEAR, LENGTH?, EMPTY?
 Changes to SKIP Function
 ARRAYs Initialized with Block Values
 Fix to OPEN on Network Ports
 Fixed Crash on Modified Functions
 Unset Object Variables (on Exit)
 Added BUILD-MARKUP Function
 Revised BUILD-TAG Function
 Revised DECODE-CGI Function
   and more...

Some of the changes to functions like BUILD-TAG might be
worth discussing... because the old function was pretty bad,
and the new one is not that compatible with it (if anyone
was in fact using the old one.)

Let me know what you think. There's more to do, but we didn't
want to hold up some of the nicer changes to wait for everything.

Newer versions of /View, /Command, /Encap, /Link, and /Serve
will be made available soon.


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[REBOL] I've had it with email.

2002-07-28 Thread Carl at REBOL

Hello fellow REBOLers,

[flame: on]

Email has become useless to me. After 24 years of email, I think I'm qualified say 
that the situation with spam has recently grown totally out of hand. Each month I add 
ever more email filters to keep my email useful. Currently, there are over 300 filters 
preprocessing my email. But, as you know from the REBOL web site, we think there are 
much better ways to communicate.

Email reminds me of general delivery postal mail. Anyone can send email to anyone. 
Plus, it's not reliable, it's not secure, it's easy to spoof, viruses poison 
attachments, it's limited in power (e.g. compare with X-Internet here), and there's no 
way to stop the flood of spam.  It has become a tedious chore to deal with email 
(those of you who run web sites or openly post your email address know what I mean).

At this rate, I think email will be "dead" in a few years. In fact, let me go on 
record saying that. A venture capitalist recently commented that this was a bold 
statement... but just watch. You watch.  I'm not saying email will go away 
permanently. I'm saying that we'll have much better ways to communicate.

Those of you who've tried IOS have a good idea what I'm talking about. IOS has been a 
great learning experience. Now, after more than 18 months of using IOS, the future has 
become more clear.  But, this is not intended to be an ad for IOS...

[flame: off]

So... my new email address can be found on the contacts page of the REBOL.com web 
site. And, as always, if you've got something important to say about REBOL or IOS, I'm 
always interested in hearing it. Contact me.


The REBOL guy.

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