[REBOL] Re: Euro and German currency

2003-10-21 Thread rebol-list

Hi Andrew,

here comes some info from a German. There might be some official
guidelines where to put the euro-sign in a currency format, but in real
life it doesn't matter if it is in front or behind the amount. Important
is the "." as delimiter for thousands and "," as decimal delimiter.
Sometimes we use EUR for the Euro when the € is not available (price
labels). As we have the euro as the only legal currency, the German Mark
is only useful for historical circumstances (as said before Note: Your
quotation is right). 



A J Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 21.10.2003, 11:12:47:
> Can people living in Europe or Germany confirm whether these formats for
> currency look right, please?
> Euro: 123.456,00 €
> German Mark: 123.456,00 DM
> US Dollar: $123,456.00
> Unfortunately, Rebol doesn't yet understand the above formats:
> >> 123.456,00€
> ** Syntax Error: Invalid decimal -- 123.456,00€
> ** Near: (line 1) 123.456,00€
> >> 123.456,00DM
> ** Syntax Error: Invalid decimal -- 123.456,00DM
> ** Near: (line 1) 123.456,00DM
> Andrew J Martin
> Speaking in tongues and performing miracles.
> ICQ: 26227169
> http://www.rebol.it/Valley/
> http://valley.orcon.net.nz/
> http://Valley.150m.com/
> ->
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[REBOL] ANN: Rebol/flash dialect updated

2002-04-29 Thread rebol-list

Hello rebol-list,

  I've done some imoprtant changes in my Rebol/Flash dialect again
   - fixed Sprite building recursion bug
   - add small support to be able compile FlashMX files as well
 (the Flash MX is mainly improved in the ActionScript so it was
 not such a problem)

   There are also some new examples...

PS: If someone know specification of the compressed FlashMX files, I
would love to know it...

Cheers Oldes

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[REBOL] Re: File analysis

2002-04-29 Thread rebol-list


Tuesday, April 23, 2002, 9:49:07 AM, you wrote:

CRF> Oliva,

CRF> When I run your script as follows : 

>>> do %flash/make-swf/exam-swf.r %appflash.swf
CRF> Script: "SWF Examiner" (17-Dec-2001)
CRF> == %appflash.swf

CRF> But I see nowhere the result of the analysis.
CRF> What should I see ?

Sorry for very late reply (I was not connected yet)

Exam-swf.r script is not just one function but more functions. The
main is the 'exam-swf

so if you have the script loaded  :
>> do %exam-swf.r
>> exam-swf
SWF file:new.swf
Searching the binary file... swf size: 56 bytes

make object! [
version: 5
length: 56
frame-size: [0 6400 0 6400]
frame-rate: 60
frame-count: 1
setBackgroundColor(9): 153.165.139
DoAction Tag(12):
 ActionPush #{006163636F756E7400} ["account"]
 ActionGetVariable #{1C} #{}
 ActionPush #{006E616D6500} ["name"]
 ActionGetMember #{4E} #{}
 ActionDelete #{3A} #{}
 END of ActionRecord #{00} #{}

I've updated the file now (because I was improving it a little bit to
show some FlashMX tags properly) and add /quiet switch so the
informations are not printed byt just swf object is returned:

>> exam-swf/quiet
SWF file:new.swf
>> probe swf

make object! [
make object! [
version: 5
length: 56
frame-size: [0 6400 0 6400]
frame-rate: 60
frame-count: 1
rect: none
data: [[9 3 #{99A58B}] [12 25 
#{96096163636F756E74001C96066E616D65004E3A00}] [1 0 #{}] [0 0 #{}]]

You may see that there are the Flash tags as block in the swf/data so
you may work with them as for example:

>> parse-ActionRecord swf/data/2/3
 ActionPush #{006163636F756E7400} ["account"]
 ActionGetVariable #{1C} #{}
 ActionPush #{006E616D6500} ["name"]
 ActionGetMember #{4E} #{}
 ActionDelete #{3A} #{}
 END of ActionRecord #{00} #{}

But these functions are done to just print informations, not to return
pure data (I've modified some of the functions to also return the data
in the %exam-swf-mod.r that replaces some of the parsing functions
(this is not complete yet) There is still a lot of thinks, that should be
fixed or improved.

cheers Oldes

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[REBOL] Re: File analysis

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list


I'm really interested, do I understand it well, that you just want to
write some simple parser that will join the function name to the
propper code? I would like to try the Action Script Viewer at home
(where to download it)...
for some more exploration you can use my exam-swf.r script (it's part
of the Rebol/Flash dialect zip archive at http://oldes.multimedia.cz/swf/)
My script is not perfect because it's not complete yet and I use it
just to hack the structure of my testing flash files, but may be
usefull as well.

cheers oldes

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[REBOL] Native Url-encode

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list

Hello rebol-list,

  and... another thing I would vote as native in new Rebols -> URL-ENCODE

  We already have native DEHEX so why not to have the opposite.
  Rebol is Internet messaging language and URL-ENCODing is the basic.

  thanks Oldes

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[REBOL] Re: issue-to-tuple

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list

Hello all,

>>How about
>>   to-tuple form issue

X> If I understand it well Oldes needs that function for converting hexa
X> RGB values to REBOL format so this won't work.

X> I vote for [to-tuple debase/base clr 16] :)

Yes, you are right Bolek, I need it for converting hexa RGB values in my
Rebol/Flash dialect (my first reason why to use issue datatype ever:).
I've reduced the problem just just for converting issue to binary
(because there is no problem to convert binary to proper tuple) and did some
quick test:

>> to-binary #234311
== #{323334333131}
>> issue-to-binary: func[clr ][load head insert tail insert next mold clr "{" "}"]
>> issue-to-binary #234311
== #{234311}
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:07.08
>> issue-to-binary: func[clr ][load head insert tail insert head form clr "#{" "}"]
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:07.32
>> issue-to-binary: func[clr ][load rejoin ["#{" form clr "}"]]
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:16.604
>> ;with the Brett's debase patch
>> t1: now/precise loop 100 [issue-to-binary #234311] t2: now/precise t2/time - 
== 0:00:26.608
>> ;without the patch -> CRASH

So although my solution looks like more complicated, it's much more
faster. The problem is in the DEBASE - Debase is native but with a bug
inside so it's useless:-(

cheers Oldes
PS: latest Rebol/Flash example: http://oldes.multimedia.cz/swf/swf5-clock2.html

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[REBOL] Align bytes in the new Rebols

2002-04-22 Thread rebol-list

Hello rebol-list,
 writing my previous post about the bug in the debase, I've
 recalled one thing I would like to see in the new Rebol versions

>> ;now using
>> debase/base "1100" 2
== #{FC}
>> ;but:
>> debase/base "11" 2
== none
>> ;so what about something like:
>> debase/base/align "11" 2
== #{FC}

Of course in the native debase function, so I would not have to use my
own byte-align functions as:

byte-align: func[bits [string!] /local p][
p: (length? bits) // 8
if p > 0 [insert/dup tail bits #"0" 8 - p]
>> debase/base byte-align "11" 2
== #{FC}


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[REBOL] issue-to-tuple

2002-04-15 Thread rebol-list

Hello all,

Does anybody know, if there is better way how to convert issue to
tuple then this one?

issue-to-tuple: func[clr ][
to-tuple load head insert tail insert next clr: mold clr "{" "}"

Thanks Oldes

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[REBOL] Re: write a text in vertical way ?

2002-04-11 Thread rebol-list

Hello Stéphane,

Wednesday, April 10, 2002, 10:43:37 AM, you wrote:

SD> Hello,

SD> I would like to know if it's possible to write a text
SD> in vertical way.
SD> What I want to do is to write a text for each value of
SD> a table, but the text is too large. See the example of
SD> what I want to do below.
SD> I also don't understant why I can't change the
SD> font-size option of the text in this draw fonction.

SD> Thanks in advance for your help.

SD> Stéphane

SD> statistiques: layout/size [
SD> tableau: box 550x500 coal effect [ draw [] ]

SD> appel: button "Appel" [
SD> clear tableau/effect/draw
SD> for i 1 40 1 [  
SD> j: i * 10
SD> k: i * 10 + 10

SD> emp1: to-pair reduce [j random 470]
SD> emp2: to-pair reduce [k 470]

SD> append tableau/effect/draw reduce [
SD> 'fill-pen 'blue
SD> 'box emp1 emp2 'white
SD> 'text emp2 "text"
SD> ;This don't work ->
SD> 'text emp2 'font-size 5 "text"
SD> ]
SD> ]
SD> show tableau
SD> ]
SD> ] 600x600
SD> inform statistiques

This is not solution for your problem (i'm not a draw guru), but you should rather use
'compose instead of 'reduce:
compose [
   fill-pen blue
   box (emp1) (emp2) white
   text (emp2) "text"
   text (emp2) font-size 5 "text"
It's a little bit faster bacause it evaluates only parens...
>> t1: now/time/precise loop 500 [reduce ['number random 100]] t2: 
>now/time/precise t2 - t1
== 0:00:12.959
>> t1: now/time/precise loop 500 [compose [number (random 100)]] t2: 
>now/time/precise t2 - t1
== 0:00:12.067

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[REBOL] Re: Core 2.6 - Last minute requests - take your chance!

2002-04-08 Thread rebol-list

Just please fix possibility to load block with word: '<< (left shift)
>> load [ <<]
** Syntax Error: Invalid tag -- <<
** Near: (line 1) load [ <<]
>> load [ >>]
== [>>]
and this one is most wanted as well:
>> x: load [a,a]
** Syntax Error: Invalid word -- a,a
** Near: (line 1) load [a,a]
( rather to return: [a , b] where second x == ', )

...so we will have possibility to load whatever text file and parse it

and maybe rejoin/with
>>rejoin/with ["a" "b"] #"/"
== "a/b"

thanks oldes

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[REBOL] ANN: Rebol/flash dialect updated

2002-04-08 Thread rebol-list

Hello all..
 I've uploaded some of the updated dialect files and new examples...
 check out the new addres: http://oldes.multimedia.cz/swf/
cheers Oldes...

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[REBOL] Re: Curl

2002-04-08 Thread rebol-list

Hello Jason,

Wednesday, April 03, 2002, 6:29:41 AM, you wrote:

JC> http://www.curl.com/html/

What it should be? I downloaded some installation (plugin?) and tried
to install it offline and it was still trying to connect somewhere and
finally stop with message that I must be conected I don't like
such a software behaviours:-(


Best regards,
 rebol-listmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[REBOL] Re: designing dialects - was OWL

2002-03-29 Thread rebol-list

Hello Terry,

Saturday, March 23, 2002, 1:48:51 AM, you wrote:

TB> Ok, here ya go..

TB> Rebol []

TB> A: "Send an email to every email address there is telling people not to
TB> send emails to me unless I've asked them to..."

TB> b: ask "What do you want me to do?: "
TB> if a = b [
TB> c: read/lines 6_billion_e-mail_addresses_for_$29.95.txt
TB> foreach val c [ send val "Do not send e-mails to Carl Read unless he asks
TB> you to."]
TB> ]

6_billion_e-mail_addresses_for_$29.95.txt has to be quite large so I
would prefere:

emails: open/direct/lines 6_billion_e-mail_addresses_for_$29.95.txt
while [found? email: copy/part emails 1][
   send email "Do not send e-mails to Carl Read unless he asks you to."
close emails


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[REBOL] Re: Ready for REBOL/Core 2.6?

2002-03-29 Thread rebol-list

Hello Cyphre,

Friday, March 08, 2002, 10:34:35 AM, you wrote:

C> Holger(RT),

C> I forgot one very useful feature which would probably lot of rebolers love
C> to have in new Rebol/Core. I mean the possibility to add new words to
C> specified context...something like:

C> extend object [new-word: value]

and what about:
>> obj: context [a: 1]
>> probe make obj [b: 2]

make object! [
a: 1
b: 2

so you can have function:
>>extend: func[obj [object!] blk [block!]][make obj blk]
>>probe extend obj [c: 3]

make object! [
a: 1
c: 3

I think that should be enough in most cases.
I would rather appreciate some native for converting numbers to


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[REBOL] Re: designing dialects - was OWL

2002-03-29 Thread rebol-list

Hello Carl,

Saturday, March 23, 2002, 5:16:54 AM, you wrote:

CR> On 23-Mar-02, Terry Brownell wrote:

>> Ok, here ya go..

>> Rebol []

>> A: "Send an email to every email address there is telling people not
>> to send emails to me unless I've asked them to..."

>> b: ask "What do you want me to do?: " if a = b [
>> c: read/lines 6_billion_e-mail_addresses_for_$29.95.txt foreach val
>> c [ send val "Do not send e-mails to Carl Read unless he asks you
>> to."]
>> ]

CR> Ah - but you're a human, not a programming language.  (I hope:)

And what about this scenario:

My_boss: "David, next 2 hours 23 minutes and 3 seconds work on a program
that removes all spam from my pop box."
David: "Yes, my Lord!"

is this human programming? is it so unreal?

in my_boss dialect: [
   task "program that removes all spam from my pop box"
   for david in 2:23:03

cheers Oldes

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[REBOL] Re: Shamless request for improving function speed.

2002-03-28 Thread rebol-list

HK> Please do not post source code for cryptographic functions to the mailing
HK> list. This list is hosted in the US and some subscribers are outside of
HK> the US, so posting source code constitutes a violation of US export laws
HK> on cryptography.

reading lines like this one always reminds me that for some people we
are second class persons living on this planet [just because our
ancestors were not killing aborigines in America or Australia?]

I now that you just had to write this mail as I wanted to write this

-[you never know who is observing you!]

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