[REBOL] Re: write a text in vertical way ?

2002-04-11 Thread rebol-list

Hello Stéphane,

Wednesday, April 10, 2002, 10:43:37 AM, you wrote:

SD> Hello,

SD> I would like to know if it's possible to write a text
SD> in vertical way.
SD> What I want to do is to write a text for each value of
SD> a table, but the text is too large. See the example of
SD> what I want to do below.
SD> I also don't understant why I can't change the
SD> font-size option of the text in this draw fonction.

SD> Thanks in advance for your help.

SD> Stéphane

SD> statistiques: layout/size [
SD> tableau: box 550x500 coal effect [ draw [] ]

SD> appel: button "Appel" [
SD> clear tableau/effect/draw
SD> for i 1 40 1 [  
SD> j: i * 10
SD> k: i * 10 + 10

SD> emp1: to-pair reduce [j random 470]
SD> emp2: to-pair reduce [k 470]

SD> append tableau/effect/draw reduce [
SD> 'fill-pen 'blue
SD> 'box emp1 emp2 'white
SD> 'text emp2 "text"
SD> ;This don't work ->
SD> 'text emp2 'font-size 5 "text"
SD> ]
SD> ]
SD> show tableau
SD> ]
SD> ] 600x600
SD> inform statistiques

This is not solution for your problem (i'm not a draw guru), but you should rather use
'compose instead of 'reduce:
compose [
   fill-pen blue
   box (emp1) (emp2) white
   text (emp2) "text"
   text (emp2) font-size 5 "text"
It's a little bit faster bacause it evaluates only parens...
>> t1: now/time/precise loop 500 [reduce ['number random 100]] t2: 
>now/time/precise t2 - t1
== 0:00:12.959
>> t1: now/time/precise loop 500 [compose [number (random 100)]] t2: 
>now/time/precise t2 - t1
== 0:00:12.067

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[REBOL] Re: write a text in vertical way ?

2002-04-10 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Stephane,

<< I also don't understant why I can't change the
font-size option of the text in this draw fonction. >>

I haven't gone through your code to answer the first question, but DRAW
doesn't support a font-size attribute AFAIK. You need to set a complete FONT
object for use. Easy Draw contains an example of how to do it. Holler if you
can't find it.


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