    Those on the list who have good memories may remember that, a few weeks
ago, I was talking about sending emails from a server with no SMTP support. 
In order to send emails I have to invoke /usr/sbin/sendmail directly,
something not possible from /core

Directly anyway ;))

My thinking was this - write a function that generated a files containing
the email header and body, then use a perl cgi script that invoked
/usr/sbin/sendmail, throwing the contents of the file at it. I gave up
with the perl part (yea Gods, that language is foul..) and wrote a standard
shell script to do it instead. The results are:

    Title:      "Email wrapper function"
    Date:       13-Mar-2001
    Version:    1.0.1
    File:       %emailer.r
    Author:     "Chris Page"
    Rights:     "Copyright (c) Chris Page 2001"
    Email:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Home:       http://www.starforge.co.uk
    Purpose:    {
        The functions in this script abstract the REBOL email facility away 
        from the reliance on a system with SMTP capability. In combination with 
        a PERL script called emailer.cgi, this can support email facilities on 
        any system with the required capabilities.

    History:    [
        1.0.0 [11-Mar-2001 { Initial code } "Chris Page"]
        1.0.1 [13-Mar-2001 { Corrected errors in the header creation, finally got a
                             working cgi script to forward emails generated by this
                             script.. } "Chris Page"]

    Comment:   {
        It is pretty obvious that this is going to have problems if a lot of emails 
        need to be send concurrently. As such it is not suitable for a very
        heavy traffic site..

; Set this to false if you do not have smtp facilities
useInternal: false

; Placed in the from: header field, change it to *your* address please :))
fromAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sendemail: func [
    "Send an email using through the abstration layer"
    recipient [email! block!]  "address(es) of the destination(s)"
    subject   [string!] "text to put in the subject line"
    bodytext  [string!] "text of the email"

    either useInternal [
        header: make system/standard/email [
            Subject: subject
        send/header recipient bodytext header
        if email? recipient [recipient: reduce [recipient]]
        dest: make string! 1024
        num: 1

        foreach addr recipient [
            if email? addr [
                either num > 1 [
                    append dest rejoin ["," addr]
                    append dest addr
                num: num + 1

        header: reduce [ {To: } dest "^/"
                         {From: } fromAddress "^/"

        write %tempdata.dat rejoin [ header bodytext ]
        read http://www.starforge.co.uk/cgi-bin/emailer.cgi
        delete %tempdata.dat

This is the emailer.cgi script:


echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
echo ""
echo ""
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t < tempdata.dat

echo "Done"

It's a bit hacky, but in the absence of a system or exec function in REBOL
this is the best I can think up.

BTW: it is possible to modify the shell script to accept a filename as a
query string parameter. That may be a possible workaround for the
concurrency problem if some form of random number is used in the filename.

New sig in the works
Explorer 2260, Designer and Coder
Sattinger's Law:
    It works better if you plug it in.

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