Graham Chiu wrote:

>On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:48:44 +1100
>  Ashley Trüter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>"need varchar" is true if you need to store something 
>>like the email body 
>>text *and* you want the DB to operate on it with 
>>statements such as 
>>soundex, like, etc. If, however, it is the header data 
>>you need to operate 
>>on and you merely need access to the underlying body text 
>>when specific 
>>records are retrieved then storing file! references to 
>>individual text 
>>files (perhaps compressed) has its own advantages: among 
>>them the fact 
>>that incremental backups are a lot easier!
>Yes, I guess that would work as well.  But I haven't read 
>RebDB docs yet, so don't know what wonders we can do :)
>>solutions I've come across play to the strengths of both 
>>the DB *and* the 
>>underlying file system.
>well, having just moved thousands of message.r files in 
>IOS from hard drive to USB to hard drive ... I think 
>sometimes the file system can be overused!
in XBase world, fixed sized (10char) variable is used, called MEMO. Memo 
fields are stored in one binary file though, it depends upon index 
system you use. We used SixDriver, which was really a powerfull beast 
back at those days ... I think that is way to go for RebDB - to offer 
another datatype/column - MEMO ... and create driver for one-file 
storage ... that way you would get what you need for your IOS data ...

ah ... that damned copying of thousands of small files to USB pen, 
boring, isn't it? :-) Once again - we need .zip scheme or just ability 
to threat archives as ordinary dir - that would be better ... so:

exists? %/C/my-dir/

1) File Managers (most of them imo, and no - Explorer is NOT file 
manager, it is a joke!) treat archive files as ordinary directories. Our 
company bought multi-license of Windows Commander (Total Commander 
nowadays) and users are happy about that. Who needs tools like Winzip 
etc.? I will try one thing though once I get home - WinXP can do just 
the same natively, so maybe rebol will be able to read from archives 
that way naturally?

2) It is the same as with gif saver, convolution - Carl once said, that 
if we find free C code for that, he can add it into Rebol. One other app 
which uses such technique is WinAMP - it stores all that small skin 
files into one .zip per skin. I find it really usefull

So - I can imagine IOS messenger files still being plain text, still 
being separate files, but living in one physical file or several linked 
ones. I think there would be no noticable slow-down and copying to USB 
would be just instant. Would anyone else find such enhancement usefull? 
Can we find source codes?


>BTW, this is all on topic :)
>Graham Chiu

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