Encouraging Others

Have an opportunity to encourage others?

Step up and run with your opportunity. Just a few simple words of encouragement 
can change someone's life. Your words. A moment of your time can change a life.

It's simple. Choose those words, give them to someone and you'll encourage 

A good friend once passed along to me words of wisdom from his father... He 
told me: "Words cost nothing. Give them away!"

Give away the words that give a person a reason to pursue their goal or their 

You're telling that person, with your words, that you believe in them... that 
their dream is not a pipe dream that will never happen. You're telling them 
that heir dream is worth going after, worth their time and very real.

When the opportunity to encourage someone comes you're way, say those words 
they need to hear. Use your chance to make a difference. When you do, you'll 
inspire them and give them the confidence to move forward. To take the steps to 
go for their dreams.

Showing your support to someone whom admires you, looks up to you, or even 
might consider you a role model helps them see that you care. Just think, you 
might well be the one person to open the door to their dreams. Just a moment of 
your time and a few words was all it took.

When you notice someone with talent, make a point to take the time and 
compliment them. Let them know you care and recognize their ability.

I believe that when you encourage others, when you inspire others, the good you 
give away, will come back to you... Over and over again. And as you know, I am 
living proof.

Go out and encourage everyone you meet today!

A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up 
an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
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