[recoznet2] Jabiluka solidarity in Spain

1999-07-18 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray

Forwarded with permission from Christine Howes:

Madrid, Spain
13 July 1999

Ecologistas en Acción, the federation of 300 environmentalist action groups
around Spain, has denounced in harsh terms the decision by the Word
Heritage Committee to reject the recommendation by its own advisory bodies
to include the Kakadu National Park in the "Endangered" list, despite the
on-going construction of a uranium mine 3 Km from the most important rock
art gallery in the Park.

"This decision by UNESCO is a humiliating capitulation to political
pressure by the Australian Government, which has spent more than 100
million pesetas (AUS$1 million) to buy approval for a uranium mine in an
area of incomparable cultural and ecological wealth. It is as if UNESCO had
authorised a mine in the heart of Doñana National Park in Spain (southern
Europe's largest migratory bird preserve) or at the gates of the Altamira
caves. The decision has made it perfectly clear that the World Heritage
Convention is not worth the paper it is written on," declared Ecologistas
en Acción representative Jaime Benyei.

Kakadu National Park contains one of the largest collections of cave
paintings in the world, and more bird species than any other single part of
Australia. In addition to the Jabiluka mine, there are 29 further mining
exploration permits in force in the Park. The World Heritage Scientific
Committee, the Australian Senate, the IUCN and the most prestigious
independent scientific bodies in the country all recommended inclusion in
the "Endangered" list at the Kyoto meeting last November, and gave the
Australian Government 6 months to stop work on Jabiluka and present its

The Government's reaction was to accelerate works and spend more than one
million dollars (105 million pesetas) on a campaign which directly
pressured the individual members of the World Heritage Committee to change
their vote.

According to Ecologistas en Acción, "The independence and impartiality of
the Committee has now clearly been placed in doubt. The decision taken on
July 12 is a precedent that places the entire World Heritage system at risk
to any sort of government-backed development."

In June, the UNESCO Racial Equality Committee catalogued the Australian
Government alongside the Ruandan and Milosevic regimes due to its racist
policies (minimising the indigenous population's right to reclaim
traditional lands, elimination of bilingual education, first sentence
jailing, the latter policy resulting in indigenous people forming 80% of
prisoners in northern Australian jails, despite their comprising 25% of the
region's population.

Más información: Jamie Benyei 918 47 12 74
Ecologistas en Accion
Marques de Leganes 12 - 28004 Madrid
Telefono: +34-91-5312739
Fax: +34-91-5312611

Contact: John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Sydney,

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Re: [recoznet2] eGroups.com: You have been added to the radical-science eGroup.

1999-07-18 Thread Ros_Bellew

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[recoznet2] The Age: The opinion business

1999-07-18 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray

July 19, 1999

The opinion business


 IT IS an illusion to believe the present John
 Laws case - where bankers were willing to pay
 a talkback radio host a secret $1.2million to
 spruik on their behalf - is the only kind of case
 where corporate money has been used in
 Australia to influence the shape of opinion on
 matters of public concern.

 In the early 1980s significant parts of business
 in this country made a far less sinister but far
 more important decision - to invest considerable
 sums in neo-liberal think tanks such as the
 Institute of Public Affairs in Melbourne and the
 Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney. The
 purpose of this corporate funding was to use
 their intellectual prestige to assist in the
 economic transformation of Australia, in the
 destruction of the traditionally protectionist,
 interventionist and regulatory state.

 From the first this intense business interest in
 public-opinion formation in Australia, which I
 experienced personally during my unwelcome
 dissent from economic-rationalist orthodoxy as
 editor of Quadrant, made me uneasy from a
 democratic point of view. No doubt the miners
 and the bankers who sank resources into the
 neo-liberal think tanks were genuinely
 convinced that the changes they advocated -
 the end of tariffs, lower corporate taxes,
 weakened trade union power - would benefit
 the Australian economy. No doubt, however,
 they also believed that such changes would
 improve their bottom lines.

 In the 1980s, within the world of big business,
 the distinction between the national interest and
 corporate self-interest became hopelessly
 confused. Moreover, by observing some of my
 acquaintances, who made new careers within
 these think tanks, certain potential conflicts of
 interest - in the new marriage of thought and
 money - became clear at least to me.

 In the late 1980s, Gerard Henderson, now a
 weekly columnist on this page, left his job as
 adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, John
 Howard, and set out upon a new career as
 columnist at The Australian and as director of
 the Institute of Public Affairs in NSW, soon to
 be reborn as the influential Sydney Institute.

 The late 1980s were the last years of cowboy
 capitalism in Australia. The great opponent of
 the cowboys was Henry Bosch, chairman of
 the National Companies and Securities
 Commission. The legal struggles between
 Bosch and the cowboys became serious
 business indeed.

 In 1988 and 1989, in his role as columnist,
 Gerard Henderson embarked on a personal
 anti-Bosch crusade. Time and again he accused
 Bosch of being a ``media groupie'', of
 conducing ''trials by media'' and of having an
 insufficient grasp of the rule of law. Against the
 bureaucratic state power wielded by Bosch,
 individuals were ``virtually powerless''.

 Which individuals did Henderson have in mind?
 In a column of 24 October 1988, the individual
 whose cause he defended was one of the
 businessmen Bosch was at the time
 investigating, Larry Adler of FAI Insurance.
 Adler's solicitors had complained about an
 NCSC media release. With ``enormous
 arrogance'' Bosch had refused to respond. The
 dispute between Bosch and Adler over this
 media release seemed to Henderson a matter of
 ``utmost importance''.

 In a column a little over a year later, Henderson
 turned to the defence of another virtually
 powerless individual - Christopher Skase. In a
 radio interview Bosch had described the
 practice of company directors paying
 themselves vast sums without reference to their
 shareholders as ``probably unethical and
 probably illegal''. Henderson commented thus:
 ``As a youth, I studied law and learnt very early
 on how to distinguish between British justice
 and rough justice.'' Bosch had created an
 entirely ``new form of legal process''.

 ``Bosch justice'' had the capacity to inflict on
 Skase's company, Qintex, very considerable

 In 1988 and 1989 Henderson wore two hats -
 as an independent intellectual writing an opinion
 column and as a director of a new think tank
 seeking considerable corporate support. I have
 no idea which corporations supported the
 Sydney Institute in its early days. Henderson's
 anti-Bosch campaign, however, highlighted for
 me the potential for conflicts of interest in a
 regime where donations to think tanks did not
 have to be disclosed.

 So, in a different way, did the case of another
 old acquaintance, Ron Brunton. In 1981,
 Brunton, an anthropologist, left Macquarie
 University to fashion for himself a new
 think-tank career. For most of the 1990s he has
 been director of indigenous affairs at the IPA.
 In this post he has both wielded considerable
 influence and displayed considerable courage as
 the bete noire of most academic anthropologists
 in the field of Aboriginal affairs.

 Since the late 1980s support for Aboriginal land
 claims, interest in Aboriginal 

[recoznet2] Re: NT will be hardest hit by GST, says Beazley

1999-07-18 Thread QCC

Hi Trudy,

due to the large of number of e-mails this list generates QCC would like to
be taken off the list. (for now anyway - we are establishing a new e-mail
system here, so will be in touch when everything is sorted).

Laura Parsons

- Original Message -
From: Trudy Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: news-clip [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 1999 4:29 PM
Subject: AAP: NT will be hardest hit by GST, says Beazley

 NT will be hardest hit by GST, says Beazley
 Source: AAP | Published: Thursday July 15 3:17:55 PM

 Northern Territorians would become the most heavily taxed people
in Australia when the GST bites, federal opposition leader
 Kim Beazley said today.

 Mr Beazley told reporters here prices would rise despite
expectations that freight costs would fall as a result of the GST.

 "The Northern Territory people will become the most heavily taxed
people in Australia with the introduction of a goods and
 services tax," he said.

 Price rises for houses would be double those in the south, he

 He said goods generally would be more expensive in the NT because
"you have got to pay Northern Territory distant prices".

 Mr Beazley said the GST would be a horrible experience for the
National Party and for the NT's ruling Country Liberal Party
 which he branded "the newest branch of the Liberal Party".

 He said the election of former NT chief minister Shane Stone as
federal Liberal Party president showed the CLP was just
 another branch of the Liberal Party.

 He also criticised the NT's Parliament House, saying its cost
could have been used for the building of the Adelaide to Darwin

 Pointing to the giant white building known here as the 'Wedding
Cake', he said:

 "That ought to be the Darwin to Alice Springs railway line or it
ought to be improvement in the road system elsewhere in the
 Northern Territory ... anything but housing someone like me."

 Mr Beazley threw his support behind NT Labor leader Clare Martin
ahead of two by-elections called yesterday by the CLP.

 He said federal MP Warren Snowdon's victory at the 1998 election
showed it was possible for Labor to win government in the Northern Territory
 despite never holding power.

 "This government has run out of puff," he said.

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1999-07-18 Thread Trudy and Rod Bray

 Forwarded from:
 Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (WA) Inc



1.  A Public Forum is to be held in the Christ Church at
Claremont at 2 Queenslea Drive, Claremont, on Wednesday 28th
July 1999 commencing at 8pm.

· Peter Foss - Attorney General  Minister of Justice of WA
· Glenn Shaw - Chair of the Deaths In Custody Watch Committee of

2.  All interested groups and people are invited to attend.

3.  If you are attending, please advise the Secretary of the
Parish, Maria Barry on 9384-9244 or leave a message on the
answering machine.

Kath Mallott

"To monitor and work to ensure the effective implementation of
the recommendations of the Royal Commission Into Aboriginal
Deaths In Custody"

Deaths In Custody Watch Committee (WA) Inc)
119 Mathieson Road, REDCLIFFE, Western Australia,  6104

"The beginning of the cause of deaths in custody does not occur within the
confines of police and prison cells or in the minds of the victims.
Initially it starts in the minds of those who allow it to happen."
Elder Dr. Jack Davis (OA, MBE)

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.omen.net.au/~dicwc *

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