As many people will know, the Yorta Yorta people's appeal on native title
has opened in Melbourne at the Federal Court. The Yorta Yorta are fighting
the Victorian, NSW and South Australian state governments and nearly 500
other organisations.

The outcome of this fight will impact on native title rights for indigenous
people in eastern Australia.

The Yorta Yorta are resisting, despite having been told that their culture
"has been washed away by the tide of history" by a judge.

Monica Morgan, the main spokeswoman for the Yorta Yorta, will be talking
about the case at Marxism for the New Millennium, the conference hosted at
Trades Hall in Melbourne from August 27-29 by Socialist Worker.

Monica will speak at 2pm on Sunday, August 29. This is likely to be the
first opportunity to hear in detail about the conduct of the appeal and the
issues behind it.

For a full timetable and registration details, email a MAILING ADDRESS to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or ring 03 9386 4815 (24-hour message service).

Other speakers at the conference include:

* Jack Mundey, legendary former NSW BLF leader
* Mike Salvaris, Swinburne Uni
* Craig Johnston, AMWU
* Alison Stewart, editor of Socialist Worker
* Ellen Kleimaker, Vic Trades Hall women's officer
* Michele O'Neil, TCFUA
* Andrew Scott, AMWU
* Andrew Rowe, Mayor of Moreland
* Tom O'Lincoln and Adrian Skerritt, recently returned from Java and Aceh
* Andrew Milner, Monash Uni
* Ian Rintoul, ISO national organiser
* Joaquim Santos from Fretilin

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