7:30 Report ABC TV
Weipa youth stage second Croc

MAXINE McKEW: The Rock Eisteddfod is a
well-established event on school calendars throughout
Australia's big cities. 40,000 pupils from 400 schools
perform their music and dance routines each year,
culminating in eight TV specials which are viewed by
one in three teenagers. The events promote alcohol and
drug education, well and good, of course, if you go to
school in the big smoke, but what about young people in
remote areas?

Well, a little-known spectacle called the Croc
Eisteddfod was born last year in Weipa, on the far west
coast of Cape York. It's an event with a positive lifestyle
message pitched at indigenous kids. After a nervous
launch, a second successful Croc has just ended. Murray
McLaughlin reports.

MURRAY MCLAUGHLIN: They travelled huge
distances to get to Weipa, by boat, bus and light plane,
from remote communities in Torres Strait, Cape York
and Far North Queensland. 750 children from 23
schools. But unlike its big-city counterpart, the Rock
Eisteddfod, this Croc Eisteddfod is not a competitive

challenge was just to get here and to put on a show,
which was great. So in effect, that they're being
challenged to do their best within the context of a 100
per cent tobacco, alcohol and drug-free environment.
That's what's worked and we're just delighted with the

MURRAY MCLAUGHLIN: No 20-hour bus ride on
bumpy dirt roads for the swag of VIPs who came to
Weipa for the festival. As diverse as the festival acts
were the messages from Aboriginal Affairs Minister,
John Herron, and Federal Court Justice Marcus Einfeld,
who each opened a night of events under the stars.

JUDGE: We continue to deny indigenous people the
very equal opportunity to a fair chance in life, which we
Australians like to call "a fair go for all".

MINISTER: I say to all t he performers, it's up to you to
realise your dreams. I did it and so can you.

MURRAY MCLAUGHLIN: But these kids from Jessica
Point State School at Nepranum are unlikely, on
present trends, to realise their dreams in their home
town. Nepranum adjoins Comalco's huge mine at Weipa.
Comalco gave generously to this festival. It housed and
fed all the participants and gave money, as well. But the
company's record of Aboriginal employment is not as
exemplary. After 30 years of mining bauxite here, its
workforce of 500 is less than 10 per cent Aboriginal and
most of them come from beyond these parts.

There's hardly any men from here, a few of them are
Torres Strait.

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: Did the men from here want
to work at Comalco?

JANE GEORGE: Oh yes, yeah. But they choose which
one they want.

MURRAY MCLAUGHLIN: What have been the
inhibitions to having more Aboriginal people in the

include the difficulties that we have on occasions with
training programs. I think the cultural differences.
We're seeking to address all of these through mentoring
and buddy programs and we're also seeking to address
these through an increased level of cross-cultural
training for our workforce in general.

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: With unemployment for
Aborigines around 40 per cent and rising and 18 times
higher for Aboriginal youth than the rest of the youth
population, career development was a dominant feature
at this year's Croc Eisteddfod. And with truancy a big
problem in remote schools, the festival itself is helping
to get kids to school.

PETER SHOWQUIST: The teachers have used the
festival as a carrot, saying, "Tomorrow, we're going to
do design of the set "and the day after, we're going to
paint the backdrop, "Thursday, we're going to make
costumes, "by the way, what theme are we going to do?"
All that sort of educational process.

MURRAY MCLAUGHLIN: The festival this year was a
useful one-stop shop for the Equal Rights and Equal
Opportunities Commission. Chris Sidoti is running an
inquiry into rural and remote education and he had a
ready opportunity in Weipa to question children,
teachers and parents about their problems.

OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION: The one that regularly
comes up is the question of race relations, tensions in
schools between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
students. Sometimes not even tensions, but almost a
complete separation, socially and in terms of activities,
between the two groups.

And other questions relate to the isolation that country
kids face, their inability to have even the basic contact
with other schools that is taken for granted in city areas.
So country kids can't be involved in interschool sport as
much or debating or other forms of activity. And
cultural events like this, the Croc Eisteddfod, become
especially important for them as a way of making
contact with other kids.

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: Two other remote
communities are about to experience the Croc
Eisteddfod, Kunnunurra, Western Australia, next week
and Moree, NSW, in September and the whole concept
is garnering powerful support.

JUSTICE MARCUS EINFELD: The first thing that's c
ome to my mind is how we're going to get all this down
to mainstream Australia in Sydney and Melbourne and
the triangle. People really do have to understand that
reconciliation comes from the hearts and minds of
ordinary people, not from government.

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