ABC TV 7:30 Report

SA takes a different approach to
Aboriginal custody

KERRY O'BRIEN: Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders make up less than 2 per cent of the Australian
population but they account for almost 20 per cent of
prison inmates.

It's now almost 10 years since the royal commission
into Aboriginal deaths in custody made over 300
recommendations designed to reduce this massive
over-representation of Indigenous Australians in jail.

A number of the royal commission's recommendations
dealt with the court system and the belief by many
Aboriginal defendants that it is loaded against them.

In South Australia, a new approach is being taken at the
Port Adelaide Magistrates Court.

The Aboriginal community, police and the judiciary are
working together to break down traditional barriers.

In part, it involves a man who has spent half his life
behind bars, sharing the bench with a magistrate who
sent him to jail.

Mike Sexton reports.

MIKE SEXTON: Tony Lindsay knows all too well the
problems facing Aboriginal men and women in jail.

Although he's only 42, he's spent almost half his life
behind bars.

SUPPORT SERVICE: Well, it's not easy for anybody in
prison, let alone Aboriginals.

When you're trying to adjust to one society and you
don't yet know where your own society is, you become
accustomed to prison, you become institutionalised,
you depend on the system to do for you rather than you
do for you.

MIKE SEXTON: Tony's first jail experience was as an
11-year-old when he spent a night in the Port Adelaide
police cells.

His story is not unfamiliar in this blue collar area with
high unemployment and a large indigenous population.

10 per cent of the cases heard at the Port Adelaide
Magistrate's Court involve Aboriginal defendants.

like it has been for a nu mber of years.

They come in, they sit down or stand up, or whatever,
and they can't open up, they can't talk, or don't want to

MIKE SEXTON: But now that's changing with a new
court system designed for everyone to talk.

convince me why you're over heroin?

MIKE SEXTON: This case is being heard in the Special
Interest Court or the Nunga Court as it is known --
Nunga being a term for Aborigines in South Australia.

The court is restructured with the defendant and his or
her representatives and family members sitting directly
across the bench from the magistrate, Chris Vass.

CHRIS VASS: How old are your kids?


Nearly 8 and 9.

CHRIS VASS: So what are you doing to them by doing
this, by taking heroin and committing crimes, what are
you doing to your kids?

MIKE SEXTON: The court is only for those who have
pleaded guilty, but by breaking down some European
court traditions Magistrate Vass wants the community
to be involved in the sentencing process.

CHRIS VASS: We're brought up with it, we understand
it but for these people, I think they want to be able to
have their say.

They want to be a bit more emotional about it, they
want to tell their story and they want to have other
members of the family tell their story and that's an
opportunity for them to do that and I think it's proper
for us to listen.

GARTH DODD: It will help our clients, our people work
through the court system, no matter what that may be,
we try and help them out throughout their procedures
or if they want to know any questions or anything of the
sort, we'll just help them out in any way we can.

MIKE SEXTON: In this case, the defendant has
explained his heroin addiction and his grief at recently
losing his parents.

CHRIS VASS: Your wife's told me about the family, part
of your family passed away because of drugs, is that


CHRIS VASS: So, have you learned that lesson?

ABORIGINAL MAN: Just shows how easy it can be.

CHRIS VASS: I understand that.

ABORIGINAL MAN: I feel I haven't got the right t o
take my life or take myself away from the kids.

CHRIS VASS: That's right.

ABORIGINAL MAN: I mean, it would be different if it
was my own decision, but whatever decision I make
now is for my kids' sake as well.

MIKE SEXTON: During the hearing, Tony Lindsay sits
next to the magistrate who once sentenced him to a
prison stretch.

Now he advises him and talks to the defendant.

CHRIS VASS: Do you know this man?

TONY LINDSAY: Yeh, I know Joe.

What support people are you going to use out there,

ASG, ADAC , people like that?

Support group.


ABORIGINAL MAN: Yeah, because I feel like.

TONY LINDSAY: Because it's easy to say, brother, but
we need to make a move.

Because my face is known around the system, the
prison system and community, if guys see me sitting up
there it probably makes them feel more comfortable to
say things, to be more open about it, and I usually talk
to them before court and after court and you know
encourage them to have their say.

MIKE SEXTON: In one particular case, the mother of a
defendant was asked if she wanted to say something in

CHRIS VASS: The mother said yes but she didn't speak
to me, she spoke to her son, and addressed him quite
firmly about where he'd gone wrong and what his family
expected of him.

She was in tears but she spoke very strongly and it was
clear that she'd had a marked effect upon him and
certainly upon me and others in the court, to the extent
where the prosecutor having heard the family speak,
indicated to me that she was not opposing a suspended
sentence whereas before, I think, she may have thought

MIKE SEXTON: In this case, the defendant is given a
nine-month suspended sentence and a direction to
follow Tony's lead on drug rehabilitation.

CHRIS VASS: Now, you've got to do it.

If you don't do it you'll be back before the court and
then you'll go to prison.

That's what we want to avoid.

I don't want to send you to jail, but it's up to you.

Are you able to do it?


CHRIS VASS: Let's try.

CHRIS VASS: I've had several people suggest that if
you're doing this for Aboriginal people why aren't you
doing it for Vietnamese people, but I think the answer
to that is that the Vietnamese people and others who
have come to this country have adopted our system
voluntarily, whereas the Aboriginal people never ever
adopted it voluntarily, it was forced upon them and I
think we owe it to them to listen.

MIKE SEXTON: The 12-month experiment is a first for
an Australian city and is being watched closely by court
authorities, police and the Aboriginal community.

But the results have already been welcomed, with some
urging other communities to take note.

LAWYER: It's the first step in empowering the Aborig
inal community to have a major input as to how they
believe young offenders or offenders as such should be
dealt with.

TONY LINDSAY: I don't think we're getting no more
fair deal than anyone else.

I think at the end of the day people are going -- it's going
to benefit the whole community, if anything.

If it works here then it's got to work for the next set of

That's the way I see it.

KERRY O'BRIEN: A story we might re-visit down the

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