Re: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block Redfern

1999-07-12 Thread Don Clark

As I have continually stated, I have asked around and have found NO ONE who
knows anything of your petition or who you represent.

I have not sighted any person's signature on your petition at any time, so
cannot verify it by that example.

And believe me it is not through want of trying.  So my question still
stands, ASK WHO??  Your reluctance to answer seems to me to give me enough
to treat your petition with suspicion - until such time as I can verify its


Don Clark
Indigenous Social Justice Association
PO Box K555
- Original Message -
From: webweave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 1999 4:47
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block

> At 22:49 12/07/99 +1000, you wrote:
> >
> > Don Clark President Indigenous Social Justice Association
> > PO Box K555 HAYMARKET  NSW  1240
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>webweave
> >> Sent: Friday, 9 July 1999 10:22
> >> Subject: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block
> >> Redfern
> >>
> >> *please note - this response is from me personally
> >>
> >>   I just like to know that I am signing a petition FROM THE PEOPLE OF
> >
> go ask them
> ---
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Re: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block Redfern

1999-07-12 Thread webweave

At 22:49 12/07/99 +1000, you wrote: 
> Don Clark President Indigenous Social Justice Association
> PO Box K555 HAYMARKET  NSW  1240
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>webweave 
>> Sent: Friday, 9 July 1999 10:22
>> Subject: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block
>> Redfern
>> *please note - this response is from me personally
>>   I just like to know that I am signing a petition FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE

go ask them
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Re: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block Redfern

1999-07-12 Thread Don Clark

Don ClarkPresidentIndigenous Social Justice AssociationPO Box 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, 9 July 1999 10:22
  Subject: [recoznet2] Stop Genocide - 
  Grandmother's Petition - The Block Redfern
  *please note - this response is from me personallyfor those have 
  doubts about the petition, and for those who responded, then qualified 
  their support after Don's postthe petition has been 
  signed by residents of The Block, who want a peaceful community, not be moved 
  out so others can develop a corporate centre or marketplace just because it is 
  on the city fringe and someone wants to make money off the backs of those who 
  think of The block as home
  You say that the petition has been signed by 
  residents of the Block.  I have never seen the signatures of those 
  residents.  The only signature (sic) I have seen is "by an official 
  interpreter for residents of the Block"  How can you call this a 
  signature and why would members of the Block need an official 
  interpreter.  I know many people who live in the Block and I have never 
  met a supporter of your petition (as yet - and I am always open to any 
  introduction).  Until I meet with yoru supporters or can see signatures 
  by Indigenous people from the Block - then I cannot believe 
  It is my understanding that the Block IS to have housing.  
  At least those are the plans that have been filed.  Do you know something 
  that the planning people do not know?
  the only way to make change is to participate in 
  bringing it about
  I agree.  But I still do not know who you 
  represent (you have been seen at meetings with your petition - but never with 
  anyone from the Block) and, as I have stated in an email directly to you, my 
  Association has taken a neutral stance due to the fact that we ahve members 
  who support the MANY differing views on what should or should not happen to 
  the Block.  So this Association is not 
  the petition asks for supportthose on this list will 
  make up their own minds about signing it or not, and about participating in 
  change by circulating the petition as i believe that just signing it isn't 
  enough - big numbers are needed to address big problems
  I believe I stated something similar.  
  Quote:  I leave it to other members of the list 
  group to make up their own minds.  Iam not trying to influence them 
  either.  I am, however, trying to giveclarification of where I and my 
  Association is with this petition.Don said in his post, many 
  don't know what is happening on The Block, which is evidently the 
  casehowever, i think many do know as well, if not details and the whole 
  picture, then they do have a general understanding - even media has picked up 
  on it by screening it on SBS 
  And many have a general understanding of Aboriginal 
  issues per se.  However, that does not give them the right to speak for 
  others without their permission - and I do not know that you ahve that 
  some issues for those who don't know ...-that 
  aboriginal people are being bulldozed (no matter who is driving it) out of the 
  black heart of oz Redfern and The Block specifically - ie racial group being 
  dispersed from land granted in the 70's
  The "no matter who is driving it" is interesting, 
  particularly when you say "racial group".  It is my understanding that 
  much of this is being done by members of that same racial group.  Is that 
  not your understanding too?  The phrase "racial group" in this instance 
  sounds like an attempt to emotionalise what I am trying to 
  -that the vision in the 70's was for a safety zone, not 
  a war zone
  Safety for drug sellers, etc??
  -that if 'a better block for a better black' is the 
  goal, then what has 'commerce' got to do with this
  Until indigenous people can create their own 
  commerce and take control of it we will not have the power to take control of 
  our own lives.  I have nothing against commercialism, if it is performed 
  in the right maner.  but I take exception with the phrase "better 
  black".  Is this an attempt at divisiveness?
  that if 'a better block for a better black' is the goal, 
  why are the locals being moved so far away?
  Once again that divisive phrase
  -that the demolition for the comercialisation of The Block 
  continues to make,  and has made many residents homeless
  It is my understanding that no resident of the Block 
  has been made homeless - by this I mean no person who was a client of the 
  Housing Company.  Show this Association the proof of this and we will 
  take our own actions.  Do not show this Association the proof of this and 
  I will once again claim "emotionalising

[recoznet2] Stop Genocide - Grandmother's Petition - The Block Redfern

1999-07-08 Thread webweave

*please note - this response is from me personally

for those have doubts about the petition, 
and for those who responded, then qualified their support after Don's

the petition has been signed by residents of The Block, who
want a peaceful community, not be moved out so others can develop a
corporate centre or marketplace just because it is on the city fringe and
someone wants to make money off the backs of those who think of The block
as home

the only way to make change is to participate in bringing it about
the petition asks for support
those on this list will make up their own minds about signing it or not,
and about participating in change by circulating the petition as i
believe that just signing it isn't enough - big numbers are needed to
address big problems
Don said in his post, many don't know what is happening on The Block,
which is evidently the case
however, i think many do know as well, if not details and the whole
picture, then they do have a general understanding - even media has
picked up on it by screening it on SBS 
some issues for those who don't know ...
-that aboriginal people are being bulldozed (no matter who is driving it)
out of the black heart of oz Redfern and The Block specifically - ie
racial group being dispersed from land granted in the 70's
-that the vision in the 70's was for a safety zone, not a war zone
-that if 'a better block for a better black' is the goal, then what has
'commerce' got to do with this
that if 'a better block for a better black' is the goal, why are the
locals being moved so far away?
-that the demolition for the comercialisation of The Block continues to
make,  and has made many residents homeless
-that a building owned by the council, that spans half a street, stays
empty year after year, instead of providing desperately needed crisis
accommodation - even just access to toilets and running water would be a
-that 24 hour police surveillance puts this community in the 'outdoor
prison' category which if inspected by the prisons 'people' would be
criticised for not providing toilets, showers, running water, adequate
food etc
-that saturation surveillance has not stopped the drug trade, nor
violence, nor theft ... ie that police are ineffective in the control of
these activities
... there is more but it has all been said before - anyone who wants
information can see The Block page at
which has an 'issues' list on it derived from the public meeting in november on the block and from concerns raised since that particular community speakout

i respect and support the women who got the petition going 
- they live there and do know details and still had the courage to speak out and seek support to make change
they are providing leadership for their community and in my opinion, should be put up for some award or something like it - but maybe they would think more of signatures and action than awards is my guess

fyi: amonst support from the nonBlock community was this:
"Attention. THE BLOCK REDFERN. I support the Grandmothers Petition to Save Homes in Redfern. I believe it is now long overdue for the residents, ATSIC and the N.S.W. Government to resolve this conflict through independent mediation and I trust such a process can be expedited in the spirit of reconciliation.  With best wishes, Margaret Reynolds"

it is up to each of us individually to address genocide, but please don't wait too long to decide 
susanne martain