Quota Issue

2003-06-23 Thread Leonardo Rodriguez

Hi List,

Since a long time ago I've been trying to configure Quota on my RedHat 7.2 box
so I've done all the steps that appear in the Quota mini-Howto but I haven't had any success yet...

Here you are what I've done:

In my fstab file I put this:

/dev/hda1                     /                               ext3                  defaults                                1 1
/dev/hdb1                     /hdb                          ext3                  defaults                                1 2
none                                    /dev/pts                devpts        gid=5,mode=620                  0 0
/dev/md0                        /home                           ext2                  defaults,usrquota,grpquota     1 1
none                                    /proc                           proc                  defaults                                0 0

After edit the fstab file I created the files aquota.user and aquotar.group in the /home filesystem ( /home ) like this:

#touch /home/aquota.user
#touch /home/aquota.group
#chmod 600 /home/aquota.user
#chmod 600 /home/aquota.group

And then I reboot my machine and here is when I start to cry

I get these messages at the booting moment:

Enabling local filesystem quotas: quotaon: using /home/aquota.group on /dev/md0 : Invalid argument 
quotaon: using /home/aquota.user on /dev/md0: Invalid argument [FAILED] 

And I don't know what I'm doing wrong 'cause I've done exactly what appear in the Howto manual,
By the way, I DO have quota support installed.

If anybody here knows how to fix this or has any clue about it I'll appreciate it so much

Thanks in advance...


Quota Issue

2003-06-23 Thread Leonardo Rodriguez

Hi List,

Since a long time ago I've been trying to configure Quota on my RedHat 7.2 box
so I've done all the steps that appear in the Quota mini-Howto but I haven't had any success yet...

Here you are what I've done:

In my fstab file I put this:

/dev/hda1                     /                               ext3                  defaults                                1 1
/dev/hdb1                     /hdb                          ext3                  defaults                                1 2
none                                    /dev/pts                devpts        gid=5,mode=620                  0 0
/dev/md0                        /home                           ext2                  defaults,usrquota,grpquota     1 1
none                                    /proc                           proc                  defaults                                0 0

After edit the fstab file I created the files aquota.user and aquotar.group in the /home filesystem ( /home ) like this:

#touch /home/aquota.user
#touch /home/aquota.group
#chmod 600 /home/aquota.user
#chmod 600 /home/aquota.group

And then I reboot my machine and here is when I start to cry

I get these messages at the booting moment:

Enabling local filesystem quotas: quotaon: using /home/aquota.group on /dev/md0 : Invalid argument 
quotaon: using /home/aquota.user on /dev/md0: Invalid argument [FAILED] 

And I don't know what I'm doing wrong 'cause I've done exactly what appear in the Howto manual,
By the way, I DO have quota support installed.

If anybody here knows how to fix this or has any clue about it I'll appreciate it so much

Thanks in advance...
