Re: Help Lucent amr modem driver

2003-03-25 Thread gopalan harish
The chipset for the modem is scorpio chipset.Has
anyone found drivers for this chip set to work with


Harish Gopalan
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department
Boston University

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Re: Help Lucent amr modem driver

2003-03-24 Thread gopalan harish
the linmodems web page said our drivers do not support
amr modems.


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Help Lucent amr modem driver

2003-03-24 Thread gopalan harish
 i just installed RH 8.0 on my system.I was looking
 for a driver for the modem i have on my system.It is
Lucent AMR modem and i could not find drivers in
linmodems for it.Can some one advice me how to make
the modem work or do i need to get a new one.

Harish Gopalan
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department
Boston University

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