>>>>> "hp" == Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    hp> Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> "The Gyzmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >>> Hello. I've written a short shell script to change my directory and 
    >>> display the contents at once because I'm sick of having to do 'cd dir' 
    >>> then 'ls -l'. My problem is that once the program is done executing, my 
    >>> directory remains the same. Here's my script:
    >>> #!/bin/bash
    >>> cd $1
    >>> ls -lh | more
    >>> How can I solve this problem?
    >> The shell invoked by the script is the one doing the cd'ing.  Not your
    >> shell.
    >> A better faster and generally cool way to do this sort of thing is
    >> with functions in your .bashrc (or other login init files)
    >> For the the functionality you wanted above it would look like this:
    >> cdl () { cd $1;ls -lh|more; }
    >> NOTE: The spaces after/before {} are important.
    >> The `;' after `more' is vital too.
    >> NOTE: `cdl' is just an arbitrary name.  It could be anything.
    >> With that in .bashrc you would have a new command at the prompt.
    >> Type: `cdl dir'
    >> And presto: moved and listed.
    >> In order to get it into your environment as you write it, you will
    >> need to source .bashrc after inserting the line like:
    >> source ~/.bashrc
    >> You should be able to cut and paste the line above to get the idea of
    >> what it will do. 
    >> Just put it in a file named test for now, to see what it does.
    >> (remember to source what ever file you put it in)
    >> source test  
    >> or  
    >> . test

    hp> Sorry, the last part there is incorrect.  It doesn't work if you put
    hp> it in just any file.  

    hp> It has to be a dot file.  A file who's name begins with `.'
    hp> Try .test.

    hp> Maybe someone here can explain why it doesn't work in a file named
    hp> `test' but does in .test?

It sure should  work from any filename, I suspect you are a trying to
run the file test  from a bash shell where test is shell builtin and
shouldn't be used as a filename.

Try putting it into a different named file, such as "testme" .

Ray Curtis                                     
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