I've recently added a second hard drive to my pc onto which I've installed
RH6.  On my pre-existing drive I have SUSE linux 5.1 which eventually I will
trash.  I booted to this from loadlin on my windoose partition.  Suse
(2.0.34) recognises my LS120 drive as hdc (not fd0) with some errors on boot
but formats etc a normal floppy.  RH6 (kernel 2.2.5) doesn't seem so happy
with it.  On installation it fell over at the make boot floppy bit (surprise
surprise) as did suse since both were looking for fd0.  This led me with a
problem, how was I to boot to my new system?  Suse did allow me during
installation to set up loadlin (it didn't do it correctly but I solved that
myself, RH seems less loadlin aware).  The only way to get it to do was to
boot with my old kernal image on my windows partiton.  It boots OK.  

Having access to it I've tried to cp or dd or mkbootdsk to a normal floppy
on dev/hdc.  cp doesn't seem to work for some reason, almost like I haven't
permission as root to do it.

dd tried 

dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/hdc bs=1440k

and a few variations on it in the bs line such as bs=8192 - any way the
machine starts to decompress the kernel and then comes up with (err=1)
cannot decompress kernel message.

mkbootdsk 2.2.5 /dev/hdc 1440k

doesn't work, the system copies stuff to the disk, but on boot the machine
sails thru it completly!  I did suceed in making an installation disk from
the cd-rom using the dd method, so presumably I could make a rescue disk,
but I don't see how this could help me.

After a long spiel these are my questions.

In the boot directory there a multiplicity of files vmlinuz, vmlinuz.2.2.5,
2.2.5BOOT etc which one is the right one to use for a boot disk and how do I
do it?

Why does the hdc drive come up with partition errors every time I use it
(mkfs, mkbootdsk dd etc) and what is the kernel image called I need to copy
to my loadlin directory which is what I want to do on a permanent basis?

Could the fact that I'm booting via an older suse derived kernel give me my
"cannot find dev/mouse" error (on startx and in var/log/messages) which
means I cannot start X ( I copied my existing XF86Config file across)?

There is one further puzzle on runing redev to try to determine the
whereabouts of the kernel I was informed it was in /dev/sdc1.  I as far as I
now have no such device.

Sorry this is a long post, but I wanted to try to explain the background to
my request.  Ta in advance. Neil.

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