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2005-07-08 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
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Re: [PATCH] reiserfs: on-demand bitmap loading (testing only)

2005-07-08 Thread Jeff Mahoney
Hash: SHA1

David Masover wrote:
> Pierre Etchemaïté wrote:
>> Le Thu, 7 Jul 2005 13:59:35 -0400, studdugie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
>> écrit :
>>> I agree w/ Jeff 100%. I'm not a kernel hacker, simply a user. As a
>>> matter of fact, I was one of those people that Jeff aluded to when he
>>> said: "There have been reports of large filesystems taking an
>>> unacceptably long time to mount."
>> That also makes reiserfs uncomfortable with automount devices, specially
>> if they're bandwidth limited like external USB or firewire disks...
> USB and firewire disks already take a little long to mount anyway.
> But, it is definitely a performance enhancement, or at least a tweak.
> I'd like to see it happen -- it takes 10-15 seconds to mount my 200 gig
> Reiser4 partition, which is unacceptabe for a desktop machine -- at
> least, for a *linux* desktop machine.
> To keep Hans happy about the "default case", can we load the bitmap in
> the background during boot/mount?  Basically, if it's loaded on demand,
> then we pretend to demand each part of it, one by one.  Would that
> considerably slow normal FS operation?  Could we defer it to when the
> disk is idle?  (*disk*, not FS)

I believe there are two possible methods of delayed loading. The first
is to issue all the bitmap read requests on mount and then when we need
that particular bitmap later we can wait on it. The second is to issue
the read request the first time it's needed, and don't let go of it. For
the sake of exploring other options, I decided to implment the first
one. The results were surprising.

The disk I've been testing on lately is a 40 GB ATA/100 disk mounted in
a USB2 enclosure. I tested with a range of block sizes so that the
number of bitmaps would increase without needing a larger disk. I
realize the results won't be identical to filesystems that large, but
it's the best I can do with my storage constraints. Realistically, the
times will be even longer on the larger filesystems.

The results showed that delayed allocation was only slightly faster than
waiting on the buffers. The reason for this is that the majority of the
time is actually spent issuing the block read requests, not actually
waiting for their results. The amount of time waiting on the blocks
appears not to change radically, though the amount of time issuing the
read requests does.

Here are the actual numbers from the test runs. Between each mount
attempt, I attempted to clear the system caches by allocating and
writing to all the memory on the system, as well as the disk caches by
reading 50 MB from disk. I performed the tests with four block sizes in
order to increase the number of bitmap blocks that need to be loaded at
mount time. Note that each decrease in block size increases the number
of bitmaps fourfold. This is because when the block size is halved, it
not only doubles the number of blocks, but also halves the capacity of
each bitmap block.

4k block size:  2k block size:
10036464 blocks,20072928 blocks,
307 bitmaps (~= 39 GB)  1226 bitmaps  (~= 153 GB @ 4k)
- -opin_bitmaps   -opin_bitmaps
sb_getblk loop: 0.0ssb_getblk loop: 0.3999643s
ll_rw_block: 1.435871744s   ll_rw_block: 8.143272619s
wait_on_buffer: 0.513519144swait_on_buffer: 1.990925198s
sys 0m0.060ssys 0m0.028s

- -opin_bitmaps,delayed_bitmaps   -opin_bitmaps,delayed_bitmaps
sb_getblk loop: 0.0ssb_getblk loop: 0.3999643s
ll_rw_block: 1.443871029s   ll_rw_block: 8.97839s
sys 0m0.016ssys 0m0.020s

- -odyn_bitmaps   -odyn_bitmaps
sys 0m0.008ssys 0m0.016s

1k block size:  512b block size:
40145856 blocks,80291712 blocks,
4901 bitmaps (~= 612 GB @ 4k)   19603 bitmaps (~= 2.4 [EMAIL PROTECTED])
- -opin_bitmaps   -opin_bitmaps
sb_getblk loop: 0.19998214s sb_getblk loop: 0.95991426s
ll_rw_block: 33.727900516s  ll_rw_block: 110.98165711s
wait_on_buffer: 1.423872816swait_on_buffer: 0.749324905s
real0m36.052s   real1m51.423s
sys 0m0.124ssys 0m0.256s

- -opin_bitmaps,delayed_bitmaps   -opin_bitmaps,delayed_bitmaps
sb_getblk loop: 0.23997856s sb_getblk loop: 0.95991426s
ll_rw_block: 33.644994731

corrupted inode directory

2005-07-08 Thread ch4os
I was able to recover the hard drive partitions, thank you for your advise.

Now I have 1 folder that I need, that is not accessible...
ls -l  
states permission denied (as Root)

chown & chmod states the same: Permission Denied, as Root User.

I believe the inode is corrupt? not sure.

Is there  anyway to recover/brute this folder? or determine if inode is corrupt?


Re: [PATCH] reiserfs: on-demand bitmap loading (testing only)

2005-07-08 Thread David Masover

Jeffrey Mahoney wrote:

David Masover wrote:

Pierre Etchemaïté wrote:

Le Thu, 7 Jul 2005 13:59:35 -0400, studdugie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit :

I agree w/ Jeff 100%. I'm not a kernel hacker, simply a user. As a
matter of fact, I was one of those people that Jeff aluded to when he
said: "There have been reports of large filesystems taking an
unacceptably long time to mount."

That also makes reiserfs uncomfortable with automount devices, specially
if they're bandwidth limited like external USB or firewire disks...

USB and firewire disks already take a little long to mount anyway.

But, it is definitely a performance enhancement, or at least a tweak.
I'd like to see it happen -- it takes 10-15 seconds to mount my 200 gig
Reiser4 partition, which is unacceptabe for a desktop machine -- at
least, for a *linux* desktop machine.

To keep Hans happy about the "default case", can we load the bitmap in
the background during boot/mount?  Basically, if it's loaded on demand,
then we pretend to demand each part of it, one by one.  Would that
considerably slow normal FS operation?  Could we defer it to when the
disk is idle?  (*disk*, not FS)

Hi David -

The main issue I have with this is that I don't think bitmaps should be
treated specially. They are metadata, pure and simple.

This is the philosophical reason why I like on-demand loading.  There's 
also the immediate speedup of boot.

But, I think Hans has a point that it may be better for performance to 
pre-cache them.  I would rather the default behavior be to load them on 
demand, but I can see situations where people would choose to pre-cache 
them, or even (as we do now) force them to stay in kernel memory as long 
as the FS is mounted.  But that's not a sane default.

Big hard drives on desktop machines are getting more and more common, 
and even the lowly Linux gamer doesn't want to waste the RAM he bought 
for Doom 3 on a 200 gig filesystem when he's only using 1.5 gigs of it 
at the moment.

I would guess that this is a lot more common of a scenario than massive 
2TB arrays where people can throw money (RAM) at the system to make it 
faster, in any way they can.  But even if it's not, people with 2TB 
arrays are much more likely to discover the precaching feature and turn 
it on than gamers / desktop users woud be to discover it and turn it off.

And besides, for the average desktop machine, it's latency that matters 
more than throughput.  The most noticeable latency that we can optimize 
for is boot time, the next most noticeable is launching a new app / 
changing apps.  For the average desktop user, it doesn't matter if it 
takes an extra half second to load a chunk of the bitmap in order to 
load apps, and it certainly doesn't matter if it takes an extra tenth of 
a second to load a file, but it does matter if RAM wasteage pushes an 
app into swap and it takes 5-10 seconds (at least) to switch apps, and 
it does matter if it takes 5-10-20 seconds longer to boot.

That is why I think on-demand should be default.

The root block/node sees far more activity than any bitmap and it is not
treated any differently than any other bit of metadata. It's simply
requested when it is needed. If the vm has determined that the root
block is frequently used, it stays in memory. Why should the bitmaps be
any different?

Because bitmaps are harder to seek to?  I think that's the argument -- 
the bitmap is going to be pushed out of memory because it's used less 
frequently, but it'll take much longer to load than anything else 
because it's spread over the disk.

But, you could make a similar argument about most files.

I second the request for benchmarks.

Re: reiser4 plugins

2005-07-08 Thread Hubert Chan
Did you mean to reply to the list?  I'm taking the liberty of sending 
my reply to the list.

On 2005-07-06 17:50:07 -0400 Horst von Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 16:33:23 -0400, Horst von Brand 

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you can store the parents, then finding cycles (relatively)
quickly is pretty easy: before you try to make A the parent of B,
walk up the parent pointers starting from A.  If you ever reach B,
you have a cycle.  If not, you don't have a cycle.  (Hmmm.  Do I 
a proof of correctness for this?  It's just depth-first-search, 

everybody learned in their first algorithms course.)

Correct. And you need space for potentially a huge lot of up 

for each file.

Which space are you talking about?  Disk space, or memory space?

Anyways, for disk space, you're basically just doubling the size of 
the tree -- two pointers per link instead of one.

As for memory space, the DFS only takes a couple of words times the 
depth of the tree.

People (that I know of) don't normally have a huge lot of hardlinks 
to a

single file.

Can't rely on that...

And then there is the (very minor) problem is that meanwhile 

can touch the filesystem to do any change...

If the DFS is quick, it shouldn't make much difference.

Lock nodes as you walk up the tree, and people can change unlocked 

without harming anything.  All you need to do is make sure that no up
pointers get added to nodes that you've already looked at.

If somebody meanwhile tries to link an ancestor of (one of) your 
node(s) to
a descendent, you've got two DFSes going at once through the same 

a single lock won't help.

Good point.  You would need to use a counter instead of just a flag 
for the lock.

There's another problem with my proposal though (finding it is left as 
an exercise for the reader ;-) ).  I think it can be avoided, but I 
don't have the time right now to properly write it up.  (No time to 
properly write out what the problem is either.  I'm already behind on 
my work as it is!)  Maybe next week...  (Out of town this weekend.)

Anyways, you only really need to prevent creating other hard links 
while doing the DFS.  Unliking won't cause a problem -- worst that can 
happen is that the DFS gives you a false positive.  (OK, you need to 
make sure that the new parent that you're linking the child node to 
doesn't disappear from under you.)  Creating new files/directories 
won't case a problem -- they're new files/directories; they can't 
cause cycles.

Besides, you lost the nice property of top-down lock ordering that 

the traversal of Unix filesystems naturally deadlock-free.

Yes, I don't know much about what locks the filesystem/VFS does 
already.  I'll need to look into that.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
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Key available at   Encrypted e-mail preferred.

Re: reiser4 plugins

2005-07-08 Thread David Masover

Hubert Chan wrote:

On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 23:42:50 -0700, Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Oh no, don't store the whole path, store just the parent list.  This
will make fsck more robust in the event that the directory gets
clobbered by hardware error.

I don't think it affects the cost of detecting cycles though, I think
it only makes fsck more robust.

It doesn't affect the worst-case cost of detecting cycles; by necessity,
any (static [1]) directed cycle detection algorithm must take O(n) time,
n being the size of the tree (nodes + links).  However, under
"reasonable assumptions" (where the reasonableness of those assumptions
may be questioned, but I think they're reasonable), I think that doing a
depth-first-search through the parent links makes the algorithm
not-too-terrible.  Namely, the "reasonable assumptions" are that a node
doesn't have "too many" parents, and the filesystem hierarchy is not
"too deep".

And, remember, there are other things affected by depth of the tree 
anyway.  For that matter, most of the time, when you push a system past 
"reasonable assumptions", you hit performance issues, if not stability 
ones.  Most everything but Reiser assumes that you won't have "too many" 
files in a directory, or "too many" small files in the FS as a whole.

I think it's fair to assume people will keep things "reasonable", 
especially if we tell them what "reasonable" means.  As in, "This is the 
kind of organization which Reiser4 handles really well, and this is the 
kind of organization which will absolutely kill your performance."

Re: how to use compression with reiser4

2005-07-08 Thread Edward Shishkin

Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:


I just converted a server to reiser4 for a big speed gain. Thanks, this
looks really promising.

How can I activate compression on certain parts of the filesystem? (I
digged google for this without finding anything).


Reiser4 will support a special kind of regular files - so called 
objects. Unfortunately this is not for product using for a while, but 
really show a speed gain for some conditions (if cpu is powerful, 

algorithm is fast, and data is compressible).


how to use compression with reiser4

2005-07-08 Thread Louis-David Mitterrand

I just converted a server to reiser4 for a big speed gain. Thanks, this
looks really promising.

How can I activate compression on certain parts of the filesystem? (I
digged google for this without finding anything).

surprise your woman

2005-07-08 Thread Manhood Products
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Franz K., Bonn, Germany