Re: Child Evangelism Fellowship v. Montgomery County -- the View from Montgomery County

2004-07-05 Thread Marty Lederman

I agree with Doug that unconstrained discretion to 
discriminate on the basis of viewpoint would be problematic. And Doug, who 
filed an amicus brief in the case, presumably knows more than I about the way in 
which the SchoolDistrict's policy was implemented "on the ground." 
Perhaps the exclusion of the religious club was indefensible in light of the 
other flyers the District has approved.

But I doubt it. I'm a parent in the school 
district and I receive slews of these flyers every Wednesday. I can assure 
you that the vast majority of them would occasion no controversy whatsoever and 
are entirely consistent with the curricular objectives of the schools. 
That explains the "389 out of 402" ratio. More importantly, I cannot 
recall a single instance in which we received a flyer that raised our eyebrows 
or that prompted community controversy and/or parental outrage. That is to 
say, I cannot recall a single time when we have received a flyer urging students 
to attend meetings or seminars of an advocacy group, a political party or 
candidate, a church or religious club, or any other hot-button group. No 
doubt this is because such groups very rarely even ask for access to 
the backpacks, because they presume (correctly, until now) that the School 
District would reject the request out of hand, and because in the handful of 
cases in which controversial groups have asked for access (perhaps as 
many as 13 times in an 18-month span), the District has rejected such 

Of course, if groups such as these knew that they 
had a constitutional right of access to advertise in students' backpacks -- 
which apparently they now do under the Fourth Circuit's ruling --they 
would be a lot more assertive about exercising that right and seeking such 
access. But I think the Fourth Circuit is simply wrong in concluding that 
exclusion of political, advocacy and other controversial groups is a Free Speech 
violation. The closest SCOTUS precedent is probably Cornelius, in 
which the Court held that such "avoidance of controversy" criteria would be 
permissible if they are not a pretext for exclusion based on hostility toward 
certain viewpoints. 473 U.S. at 809-12. Similarly, in Planned 
Parenthood v. Clark, 941 F.2d 817 (9th Cir. 1991), the en banc Ninth 
Circuit, relying upon Cornelius,upheld a school's exclusion of 
Planned Parenthood ads from a high-school yearbook pursuant to a policy 
excluding ads involving sensitive and controversial issues, ads that cause 
tension and anxiety in the community, and ads that were inconsistent with what 
the school itself could convey to its students. Id. at 829-30. 
Montgomery County's policy here is much more defensible than that at 
issue in Planned Parenthood, both because of the audience (elementary 
school students and their parents as opposed to graduating high-schoolers) and 
because the school districtin Planned Parenthooddid not 
abide by its policy in practice -- it permitted ads run by political candidates, 
churches, tanning salons and casinos --thus raising a much greater spectre 
of pretext and of invidious viewpoint discrimination than we have 

Doug, do you think that the Kerry Campaign, and 
Planned Parenthood, and the NRA, and the Young Socialist Workers, and NORML, 
etc., etc., ought to have a constitutional right to place flyers in our 
students' backpacks merely because the school district permits art camps and 
behavioral seminars and the Red Cross and the Shakespeare Theatre, etc., to 
place flyers in backpacks for uncontroversialcultural or recreational 
programs related to the schools' educational program? If so, then I 
suppose we simply have a principled disagreementaboutFree Speech 
Clause doctrine -- although I think we'd agree that the upshot of such a reading 
of the Free Speech Clause will be the cessation of the flyer practice 
altogether, in Montgomery County and in many others. If, on the other 
hand,you agree thatflyers for ideological, advocacy, and generally 
controversial activitiescan be excluded from the backpacks 
generally, then is there any justification -- policy or constitutional -- for 
treating any differently Good News Club notices urging parents to send their 
children to meetings in which they will pray and learn to embrace the Gospel of 
the Lord Jesus Christ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Laycock" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Law  Religion issues for Law Academics" 
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: Child Evangelism Fellowship v. 
Montgomery County -- the View fromMontgomery County
  Marty says they 
allowed 389 out of 402 requests. That is  consistent with applying 
a child-adjusted compelling interest test,  rejecting only those that 
violate Tinker or Bethel, and probably a few more  that the school finds 
objectionable on some ground that it might or might  not be able to 
defend. Approving that many is not consistent with  approving only 
those that the 

Re: Re: Child Evangelism Fellowship v. Montgomery County -- the View from Montgomery County

2004-07-05 Thread Douglas Laycock
 I'm on the road and will not address this in much detail. 

 On the scope of the forum, I think that the forum  could be confined to groups 
offering programs for kids, or about kids, which would cut out the political stuff.  
If it's not so limited, including the political stuff doesn't trouble me much.

 I think confining the flyer to a description of the program, and saving the 
evangelizing material for those who show up, is a sensible compromise.  It is a little 
hard to justify in purely formalist terms, but it is easy to justify in functional 
First Amendment terms.  If the religious groups, or other controversial groups, have 
no way to communicate the fact that they exist and are offering a meeting, they are at 
a huge disadvantage.  A flyer to the parents overcomes that disadvantage, without 
giving kids the substance of the message that their parents may object to.  It 
maximizes the right of access and the protection for those who want to minimize their 
exposure to the message.

 I have never liked Corneilus.  The notion that excluding all controversal 
viewpoints is somehow neutral seems to cut the core out of the Free Speech Clause, 
leaving it in effect only where it is not needed.  I think it should take a very 
strong governmental interest to justify that.l

-Original Message-
From: Marty Lederman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Law  Religion issues for Law Academics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 13:24:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Child Evangelism Fellowship v. Montgomery County -- the View from 
Montgomery County

I agree with Doug that unconstrained discretion to discriminate on the basis of 
viewpoint would be problematic.  And Doug, who filed an amicus brief in the case, 
presumably knows more than I about the way in which the School District's policy was 
implemented on the ground.  Perhaps the exclusion of the religious club was 
indefensible in light of the other flyers the District has approved.

But I doubt it.  I'm a parent in the school district and I receive slews of these 
flyers every Wednesday.  I can assure you that the vast majority of them would 
occasion no controversy whatsoever and are entirely consistent with the curricular 
objectives of the schools.  That explains the 389 out of 402 ratio.  More 
importantly, I cannot recall a single instance in which we received a flyer that 
raised our eyebrows or that prompted community controversy and/or parental outrage.  
That is to say, I cannot recall a single time when we have received a flyer urging 
students to attend meetings or seminars of an advocacy group, a political party or 
candidate, a church or religious club, or any other hot-button group.  No doubt this 
is because such groups very rarely even ask for access to the backpacks, because they 
presume (correctly, until now) that the School District would reject the request out 
of hand, and because in the handful of cases in which controversial groups have asked 
for access (perhaps as many as 13 times in an 18-month span), the District has 
rejected such requests

Of course, if groups such as these knew that they had a constitutional right of access 
to advertise in students' backpacks -- which apparently they now do under the Fourth 
Circuit's ruling -- they would be a lot more assertive about exercising that right and 
seeking such access.  But I think the Fourth Circuit is simply wrong in concluding 
that exclusion of political, advocacy and other controversial groups is a Free Speech 
violation.  The closest SCOTUS precedent is probably Cornelius, in which the Court 
held that such avoidance of controversy criteria would be permissible if they are 
not a pretext for exclusion based on hostility toward certain viewpoints.  473 U.S. at 
809-12.  Similarly, in Planned Parenthood v. Clark, 941 F.2d 817 (9th Cir. 1991), the 
en banc Ninth Circuit, relying upon Cornelius, upheld a school's exclusion of Planned 
Parenthood ads from a high-school yearbook pursuant to a policy excluding ads 
involving sensitive and controversial issues, ads that cause tension and anxiety in 
the community, and ads that were inconsistent with what the school itself could convey 
to its students.  Id. at 829-30.  Montgomery County's policy here is much more 
defensible than that at issue in Planned Parenthood, both because of the audience 
(elementary school students and their parents as opposed to graduating high-schoolers) 
and because the school district in Planned Parenthood did not abide by its policy in 
practice -- it permitted ads run by political candidates, churches, tanning salons and 
casinos -- thus raising a much greater spectre of pretext and of invidious viewpoint 
discrimination than we have here.

Doug, do you think that the Kerry Campaign, and Planned Parenthood, and the NRA, and 
the Young Socialist Workers, and NORML, etc., etc., ought to have a constitutional 
right to place flyers in our students' backpacks merely because the school district

Child Evangelism Fellowship v. Montgomery County -- the View from Montgomery County

2004-07-01 Thread Marty Lederman

Sorry: The font on that 
post came through garbled for some reason. Here it is again. 

I agree with Eugene that there’s 
not much of a “compelled speech” problem here, for reasons the Court explained 
in Southworth. (Of course, it’s not quite as easy as 
that, because of cases such as Dale, 
Abood and United Foods, which find 
compelled-speech problems in the unlikeliest of places. But those cases are in my view wrongly 
decided.) To be sure, “carrying” a 
message presents more significant compelled-speech problems than does paying for 
it, see Wooley. But in this case, the flyer would be 
contained in a sealed envelope, which is a far cry from a license plate, 
whatever one thinks of Wooley. For similar reasons, I’m not terribly 
persuaded by Judge Michael’s dissenting view that permitting insertion of Good 
News Club flyers would coerce students to engage in religious activity, as in Lee v. Weisman.

Nevertheless, I think the case is 
not as clear-cut as it appears at first; but the reasons why that is so are 
obscured by the (questionable) way in which the case was litigated. (Disclosure: I live in Montgomery County and my 
children are students in the School District; but until reading the decision 
today I had very little inkling of the facts of the case or how it was being 

The court finds without much 
effort that the School District’s exclusion of the Good News Club flyers would 
be a Free Speech Clause violation if there were no Establishment Clause bar to 
distributing the flyers. This 
conclusion is not surprising, because the School District conceded that 
its exclusion of the flyers – which would announce Good News Club meetings -- 
was unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination “under controlling 
precedent.” Slip op. at 7. That concession was probably 
ill-advised. I think the Free 
Speech Clause question is much more complicated than the District and the court 
assumed it to be, wholly apart from Wooley and any issue of compelled 
speech. Just as did the Supreme 
Court in Rosenberger, the court in 
this case incorrectly assumed 
that the school permits virtually all types of nonprofit speech (except 
religious speech), including most any controversial _expression_, to be conveyed 
to students and parents in the relevant “program.” That assumption is mistaken.

The School District policy in 
question does not permit all nonprofit groups to 
distribute whatever literature they choose. That is to say, it is not a public 
forum, nor analogous to one. The 
policy states that “[a]nnouncements of educational services or cultural or 
recreational programs directly related 
to the educational program may be made available to students” provided 
that the organization sponsoring the announcement is not-for-profit “and 
the announcement is approved for distribution by either the director for 
School Administration or the deputy superintendent of schools.” Thus, groups may distribute literature 
only if (i) it is “directly related to the educational program,” and (ii) 
it is “approved” for distribution by a school official, who is presumably 
entrusted with some discretion 
in the matter.

Under any reasonable 
understanding, announcements of religious meetings are not “directly related to the educational 
program,” because, whatever else that criterion means, it must not encompass invitation to 
participation in religious activities – _expression_ that the School District 
itself is constitutionally forbidden from conveying as part of its “educational 

That, frankly, should be end of 
the Free Speech claim, and thus the end of the case, except that it appears that 
in practice, the School 
District’s enforcement of the “directly related” criterion is a bit 
counterintutive. According to the 
DOJ Brief (which is the only brief I could find online --, “[m]aterials distributed under this policy (or 
under any of the other written or unwritten policies followed by the Board) have 
included advertisements for a variety of activities, including adult education 
classes, cultural events such as plays and ‘Earth Day’ celebrations, athletic 
league try-outs, and charitable activities such as clothing and food drives.” 
I suppose that perhaps those advertisements are in some 
attenuated sense “directly related” to our schools’ educational program -- 
although frankly, they seem to me indirectly related, at best. Nevertheless, if “directly related” 
simply means the sort of speech that school teachers themselves would be 
permitted to make to their students – which is how the criterion appears to 
have been understood in practice -- then these school-approved advertisements 
satisfy, at least for the most part, the criterion in a way that invitation to 
bible study would not. See Mergens, 496 U.S. at 265-66 (Marshall, 
J., concurring in the judgment) (“although a school may permissibly encourage 
its students to become well rounded