Re: [Repeater-Builder] Johnson question

2006-11-18 Thread Dan KC2BEZ
While I don't have the schematic I do have the pinout. Here it is:
1 -- 8 volt
2 -- Clone
3 -- AFO
4 -- PTT
5 -- MIC Earth
6 -- MIC
7 -- GND
8 -- Hanger

I picked up one of these off of E-bay for the very same purpose so
please let me know how you make out.


It's modular and the box says it's for the 7600 radios.

Dan Simmons
President North Country Amateur Radio Club W2LCA

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Johnson question

2006-11-18 Thread Dan KC2BEZ
While I don't have the schematic I do have the pinout. Here it is:
1 -- 8 volt
2 -- Clone
3 -- AFO
4 -- PTT
5 -- MIC Earth
6 -- MIC
7 -- GND
8 -- Hanger

I picked up one of these off of E-bay for the very same purpose so
please let me know how you make out.


It's modular and the box says it's for the 7600 radios.

Dan Simmons
President North Country Amateur Radio Club W2LCA

[Repeater-Builder] IFR 7550 Schematic Required

2006-11-18 Thread DAN SHACK
 I am in need of a schematic for the Processor PC Board Assy of a IFR 7550. It 
is labeled as “figure 5-16” Sheet 2 of 2. The diagram I have is too small and 
impossible to read the pin #’s or any of the text.
  If I could obtain an exploded view of this schematic it would be greatly 

Re: [Repeater-Builder] IFR 7550 Schematic Required

2006-11-18 Thread Mike Morris WA6ILQ
At 06:08 AM 11/18/06, you wrote:
  I am in need of a schematic for the Processor PC Board Assy of a 
 IFR 7550. It is labeled as figure 5-16 Sheet 2 of 2. The diagram 
 I have is too small and impossible to read the pin #'s or any of the text.

If I could obtain an exploded view of this schematic it would be 
greatly appreciated,


It may come out blurry, or it may do what you need, but take
the book to someone with a scanner and have them scan
and enlarge that section.  In my case I had a photoreduced
schematic pasted inside an equipment case. I dissolved the
glue and floated it free, then scanned it at 600dpi and printed it,
Came out a little blurred and pixelated, but a helluva lot more
readable not something I'd put in a
article without a lot more digital massaging.

If you don't have (or know someone with) a scanner you can
go to the local FedEx-Kinkos shop,...


Re: [Repeater-Builder] Motorola Test Set(Panel) Model TEK 5f

2006-11-18 Thread Richard W W Bazell Jr
Thanks Neil for your Help.
Went to Fort Wayne Hamfest today  picked  up an Relatively new Motorola
test set Model S1059A, with the cable  plus Motrac extension for $60.00,
which is what I need. Hope to get the Micor extension cable in the

Wesley AB8KD

[Repeater-Builder] Re: GMRS UHF Ham Repeaters Sharing an Antenna

2006-11-18 Thread Dan Hancock
Get one of Sinclair's offerings similar to this model. It will take care of the 
the broad frequency range problem.
  Sometimes the obvious problem isn't a problem at all.
  Dan N8DJP
  4c. Re: GMRS  UHF Ham Repeaters Sharing an Antenna
Posted by: Eric Lemmon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wb6fly
Date: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:01 pm ((PST))


Most of the posted replies seem to ignore the obvious 
incompatibility issue:
GMRS and 70cm Amateur transmitters operate in different 
bands!  Generally, a
repeater antenna should be resonant at the transmitter 
frequency, since the
receiver is usually much less picky.  So, the issue is 
really one of finding
an antenna that is equally efficient at a GMRS frequency of 
462.575 MHz as
it is at 444.200 MHz, and THEN finding a way to properly 
match the antenna
for two disparate services.

I am not aware of any antenna that will work efficiently on 
two such
widely-spaced frequencies.  Even though it may be possible 
to jury-rig two
repeaters so that they can share an antenna that is a poor 
match to either,
is this a good idea?  A properly-engineered system would 
likely use two
antennas, one for each system.  My concern is that the 
respective duplexers
will not be driving similar or even properly-matched loads.  
I guess I'm
just not used to solving complex design issues with a 
cheap 'n' dirty
solution...  But hey, it's worth a try, right?  Please 
report the results.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

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