[Repeater-Builder] RE:MoSlo

2008-07-16 Thread John Reid
Thanks for posting that, I have downloaded it. I have a 386 coming and
think that the 386 in combination with the MoSlo should do the trick,
we have gone through our funds too quickly only to end up needing to
replace your repeater and the R100 was found at a real bargain price
otherwise we would be just doing without. The Eval version that is
currently on the web has a 15 day cut off feature built in or I would
have downloaded it for our use.
It is difficult to find a lot of information on the R100 but from
everything I can see it appears to be a reliable machine for out purpose.

[Repeater-Builder] ISO Slow Computer for R100 repeater programming

2008-07-13 Thread John Reid
Where does one fine a CHEAP but reliable old computer for this
purpose. I understand that if the clock speed is too fast it can turn
the machine into an expensive doorstop. I am not seeking the RSS
software, just a slow computer with DOS on it to run the software
with, I am located in Southeastern Indiana does anyone know where one
can be found? A laptop would be the best and I assume one could be
mailed, or a desktop in the Cincinnati or southern Indiana area could
be picked up.
We do not have a lot of money as we have been rebuilding our repeater
system and the membership of the club isnt too enthusiastic about
contributing till the repeater is fixed ( Catch 22 )

Thanks in advance for you assistance.

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Another frequency grab.

2007-11-16 Thread John reid
I fear that it would be fruitless to fight this one too, there isnt a 
politician out there that would not side with those who want to do 
things to make medicine safer and more efficient. The question is 
though, when there is a medical side to it, Ham cant be where it could 
interfere with life and limb. It looks like the 900Mhz band will be a 
thing of the past. Too bad we cant get another slice of the pie to 
compensate for it. Or is this a case where two uses can coexist?
Also, in the olden days they cut off limbs as opposed to operating to 
save them. People live much longer and yes the procedures are far more 
complicated. Today if a man is seriously injured at the Logging Camp, he 
would be helicoptered to a trauma center, and most probably not only 
live, but live intact. It just isnt a good argument.

Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:

 While the hams only use the top and bottom megahertz
 of the 900mhz band, and we are secondary there, I think
 we all might be interested in this waiver request of Part 15
 rules for the 902-928 band.


 What's wrong with a pencil and paper tally system that has worked
 since my great grandfather did appendectomies, treated gunshot wounds,
 slipped axe wounds and other surgery on logging camp mess hall tables
 over 90 years ago ? He was a physician that took care of 5 logging camps
 and the surrounding towns in the area around the California-Oregon border
 from the coast to about 15 miles inland.

 All he had in the way of instruments and drugs was what he could carry in
 his saddlebags and maybe a pack mule if it was going to be an extended 
 He drafted loggers or other locals as operating help. And he never left a
 sponge or an instrument in a patient.

 This sound like an un-necessary technical solution for non-existent 

 We have about 5 weeks to file our comments with the FCC on this one.

 Mike WA6ILQ

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Motorhead (Motorola) 16 pin conn Maxtrac, GM300, M120 programming information?

2007-11-16 Thread John reid
Not sure, is this what you are looking for?

skipp025 wrote:

 Motorhead (Motorola) 16 pin conn Maxtrac, GM300, M120,
 Radius programming information?

 Is there a place on the web that describes how the 16 pin jack on
 the above listed Motorola Mobile Radios can be assigned and for
 what I/O Functions.

 Some radios appear ready made for the rick controller and
 the many back-to-back cables sold on Ebay. But I'm sure not
 all the mentioned radios can be configured for repeater and
 link service.

 Some of the software for various radios comes up with an option
 section to assign the pins to various logic in/out functions. It
 all looks quite messy trying to figure out what every radio can
 do. Has someone already done the job and posted it on the web
 for public viewing?

 Thanks in advance for your replies.


Re: [Repeater-Builder] Heliax

2007-10-31 Thread John reid
Where are you located, 50 foot of half inch isnt all that hard to come by
If you are near Southeastern Indiana I would give you some. I probably
have that much sitting around.


 2M and it's a 50' run of LMR400 with a short coax jumper
 at the antenna.


 On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 18:54:46 -0400
 Dexter McIntyre W4DEX [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:dmcintyre%40att.net 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:mung%40highwayusa.com wrote:
  I just picked up some Andrew LDF4-50A at a good price
  it has a cut in the cable about 1/2 of the legnth. Do
  they make splices for this cable and if so am I better
  with that than putting on connectors and using a barrel
  connector between them to make the repair? Is this
  to be a good replacement for the LMR400 for my repeater
  What frequency is your repeater on and how long is the
  LMR400 run?

Re: [Repeater-Builder] An interesting article request...

2007-10-29 Thread John reid
With RingFlare connectors it is basically the same procedure
for 1/2 and 7/8, DIN and N.

The main thing is to strip the correct amount of insulation off and the 
center conductor needs to be the proper length. Although when you first 
look at the instruction sheet it is confusing, once you read them over 
again it should all come to light. It isnt hard, guys change them out 
300 feet up on towers every day.

One thing that often gets overlooked is to make sure that the foam is 
clean of any metal filings, I use the sticky side of some tape to remove 
that. It is amazing to look at the tape once you have done it and see 
how much metal was on the foam.

Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:

 Repeater-builder received an interesting article request...
 Too many of the folks that have been doing it for a while
 forget that we all had to start somewhere.

  Everybody seems to know how to install Heliax connectors but
  us newbies. And sometime the newbies don't know who to ask.
  And sometimes the local repeater builders don't seem to have time
  to help a newbie.
  It seems like the the directions packed with the new connectors
  are oriented as a refresher to hose that have done them before,
  or maybe I'm just a little unsure of myself, never having done one
  before, and as expensive as the connectors are new I'm scared
  of screwing it up
  Has anybody thought of doing a photo article for us newbies on
  how to install a 1/2 or 7/8 connector on Heliax? Something like
  the W4ZT article but for the larger cables?
 BTW has he done one for N connectors?
  And since hams are cheap, is there any place to order replacement
  parts (like center pins or rubber seals)? Sometimes when you can
  aquire cut-off-connectors at Dayton (the ones with a few inches of
  cable in them) you find dried-out rubber seals...

 The W4ZT article that the sender is referring to is at

 Anybody up to doing one set of photos for 1/2 cable and a second set
 for 7/8 cable? And a text commentary on each?
 And maybe a third set on putting an N connector on superflex?
 Or any other common (or uncommon) feedline connector (like a DIN 

 Mike WA6ILQ



[Repeater-Builder] RE:1 5/8 Heliax plus transmitter question

2007-09-12 Thread John reid
Due to the number of replies, I am sending this here . It is gone, 
thanks for the interest.
We have what seems to be a real good site for an Amateur Repeater, 190 
feet up the tower and 1 5/8 all the way to the antenna.
So far it looks like we will have a first class station.
For now we are using two GM300s, I hope to find a 100% duty cycle 
transmitter eventually, what do you guys think I should keep my eyes 
open for. It has to be fairly economical as we did spend a bit on 
everything else.
Or, if we keep a nice fan on the GM300, will it be acceptable? I guess 
that only time will tell.
Thanks again.

[Repeater-Builder] 1 5/8 Andrew Heliax

2007-09-10 Thread John Reid
We just installed our feedline and antenna for a new UHF repeater in
Southeastern Indiana. We have approximately 180 feet of 1 5/8 Andrew
Heliax left over. If anyone is interestd, we would sure like to recoup
$360 of our expenses, I cant deliver or ship, but it is available for
pick up. Let me know off list in interested.