[Repeater-Builder] Zetron Model 66

2009-07-08 Thread Peter P J
I got one from the Pager equipment Junk.

Any use for this in a amateur repeater site?

Can we convert it into a Rpt controller for VHF?


[Repeater-Builder] Do you know Any Kenwood TKR 720 in Junk? to salvage MPC......

2009-05-10 Thread Peter P J
Further to my earlier posting, I tried to locate the Microprocessor Chip for 
the TKR 720- IC uPD 75104G-604-1B, from all known sources in US to Hongkong! 
Pacparts and Kenwood HK clearly said it is out of production and no more 
available, AND no substitutes!!. 

Two requests:

Can any one help me with a junk collected Display board with the above IC? 
D75104G-J99 (NEC) in TKB-720 can also be utilized. OR any other source for a 
salvaging of this chip?

All other PCBs and the PSU are made OK in this Amateur VHF repeater,
It delivers 50W!
Any modifications? or can we separate the RX and TX circuits and add some other 
repeater controller to eliminate the  above IC.  It is so sad to discard a 
beautiful equipment just on need of one chip!!



2009-04-26 Thread Peter P J

Last week I received a Kenwood TKR 720 VHF HAM band repeater for repair.
It was traveling all over the country for the last five years to get a proper 
repair! On this travel it lost many spares, which includes the EEPROM chip 
(94LC 46)from the IC socket and the shielding covers.

Comparing with another TKR 720, I could set right most of the Boards.
The earlier experts who tried to remove the various modules from the double 
sided TX-RX card, taken away few SMD resistors also, may be unnoticed.  Two of 
the 1K resistors were from the RX and TX line, which made the equipment deaf 
and dumb (=dead)!

The front panel also have another  94LC 46 soldered, near the micro controller 
uPD75104G-604-1B. My present problem is to replace the micro controller which 
is not functioning,( I replaced it from the other set along with the 94LC46 to 
confirm the defect!)

Can I procure the micro controller from any source and replace it simply by 
soldering?  OR

Need a pre-programmed one from the KENWOOD?  Very remote chance for us.

Can any of our supporters  locate one for me on payment?

Do we have to replace the nearby 94LC 46 also? How to program it?

I have the KPT50 for the EEPROM programming of the TKR 720, but it can only be 
used for the frequency and other parameters set inside of the KPT 50.

Commends are thankfully welcome


[Repeater-Builder] Yaesu / Icom spare parts-source wanted.

2008-02-07 Thread Peter P J
Three VHF rigs of mine need spares:

Yaesu FT 2600-LCD display broken
Icom ic V 8000 -Transistors 2SK 3074 and 2SK3075

Any help on sourcing these NEW OR OLD, is highly appreciated.



2008-02-01 Thread Peter P J
I am in need of few spare parts for my Yaesu VHF equipments.  After the 
merge to Standard Vertex, our old YAESU dealer is not able to provide 
me any spare parts.

Immediate need is LCD display units for FT 2500 and 2600.

Can any of our readers provide me a source, for international purchase?


[Repeater-Builder] Pager antenna-Amateur Band modification II

2007-12-29 Thread Peter P J
In response to my earlier posting on the RB few quarries are there,
hence I wish give the following for further thought:

The antenna is CELWAVE PD340-TP2 with 4 Separate folded dipoles on a
big aluminum pipe mast.  The connecting harness is routed through the
pipe mast.  This particular antenna is with 12Mhz bandwidth and tunned
for 162-174 MHZ. All the specs. are available in the website

Scaling the dipole elements as per ARRL Antenna handbook are possible.
It is made of 10mm rod and the length of the dipole is 80cm.,  cutting
and adding another 5-6 cm in four lengths of the folded dipole (to
make the length to 91cm approx), can be done with best craftsman, to
bring it tuned to 145.5Mhz.  

My present concern is with the harness inside the pipe mast. Will it
join happily with my modification? or have to modify the harness also?
HOW ???  HELP!!


[Repeater-Builder] RPT Antenna trimming -Length to RX or TX freq?

2007-12-23 Thread Peter P J

Our new Diamond F22 antenna elements to be trimmed as per the enclosed
cutting chart for the 145.650 with -600 shift.

What length is best from the cutting chart is in doubt.

Whether it should be the length for the Tx freq-145.650 or for
145.050-the Rx?

Peter VU2PJP

[Repeater-Builder] Pager Antenna-Possible to convert for 145Mhz?

2007-12-23 Thread Peter P J

Recently I got one  Celwave antenna from junk market, with 3inch dia.,
thick long aluminum pipes as mast and many folded dipoles inter
connected with thick coax-may be harness.  Total length may be more
than 20 feet. Heavy flanges and rubber pads in a kit.

I am sure our expert supporters can suggest a way to bring this giant to 
145MHZ. -for our repeater in the 145.650 with -shift.

If-then we can beam our precious 3watt of RF power to most wanted
operators far off, avoiding the radiation on to the hillock on the
back side of the RPT site.

Peter VU2PJP

[Repeater-Builder] TNX-RPT.BLDER! Our RPT now sounds fine NOW!.

2007-12-23 Thread Peter P J

Our VHF Repeater-VU2BCM located at a height of 4000feet MSL with a
coverage of 200km radius in the plains down, was having so many
problems after the shifting to a new QTH nearby. 

The equipment is an old Yaesu FTR 2410 ( Pl. do not laugh at us!) with
4 cavity Wacom duplexer on 145.650 -ve shift.  Whatever be the new
generation equipments this one served the HAM community for more than
20 years, as the best and popular repeater, without any major or minor
complaints. Never the equipment behaved the wrong way.

But after the change of the QTH to 20 feet away, all the Rx
sensitivity lost and on weak signal motor boating or machine-gun fire
made the installation useless. 

Then we ventured into probing the RPT builer archives and with the
available information, we made one more visit to the site day before

We changed the antenna to Diamond F22( earlier it was X510), changed
the coax feeder, changed the Repeater to Kenwood TKR 720 ( No ears!
Please help us with our other mail on this), Then looked around the
Patch cords, all he connections to the duplexer checked.
Power at the RPT TX out with Diamond SX 400-> 10Watt.The output to the
antenna is measured to 6Watts.  All fine but the early problem on weak
signal was persisted allover this trials!

Finally the suggestion to try a different length of the Patch cords
came out and since the problem was with the RX we tried all possible
combination lengths. No success.

As the last try before close down- changed the TX patch cord-Distant
weak station came in with out any gunfire! A small added change in the
length created less sensitivity. We made an exact length of the good
patch cord and tried that also worked fine. Put the old one-motor boat
came back!!

A small patch cord in the whole system- which looks fine, tests fine
created all the discomfort!

We also reduced the RPT TX power to 3Watts!(earlier 10Watts)  The
standard S meter reading of full scale came down to less 4 points in
most of the reports from the users, but no one complained about any
access issues- improved the RX sensitivity and audio quality!

Hope the above will help others also in sorting issues related with
RPT  sensitivity. Before looking into the RX, go to the TX path.


[Repeater-Builder] HELP! KENWOOD TKR 720-low Rx sensitivity.

2007-12-23 Thread Peter P J

We have a standby Repeater Kenwood TKR 720, whenever we replace this
to our old Yaesu FTR 2410 the outer foot prints are lost and no access
to weak station even at the lowest power of 15watts.

The equipment is very less used. Came to us as a new one.  No mods done.

How about connecting a separate RX ?

Any mods? please help us ...
( TKR 750K2 is different with good ears-we tried)


[Repeater-Builder] ICOM IC 310/110 2 X REPEATER CONFIG PROBELMS!

2007-11-20 Thread Peter P J
My effort to config the simple back to back repeater- using two Icom IC 
F310 or IC F110 is having a common probelm, for which I appreciate best 
suggestions from experts.

Both of the above series of equipment have provisions for connecting 
OPC cable assy to convert two of them into a repeater. The other method 
is  to interconnect the COR-PTT, Discr.audio -Discr. input. 
The horn out option and the EXPTT to be enabled in the programming.

In both the cases I am failed to provide the Tone squelch to restrict 
the access as well as to false triggering from the surrounding noise.

I prefer to have the Tone part in both the access and on the transmit 
signal from the Repeater, same as the Kenwood TKR 750 etc.

The programming software indicate provisions for this but I am doing 
some mistake somewhere, that is what I feel! 
Or will it get diabled when we enable the horn-out and EXPTT?

Peter VU2PJP

[Repeater-Builder] KENWOOD TKR 750 Installation and problems-HELP!!

2007-10-29 Thread Peter P J

Last week we installed one  Kenwood TKR 750 (Type 2)in our nearby 
airport for the use of the security organisation.

The Tx is in 143.95 and Rx is in 148.950. The antenna is Diamond F22 
without any trimming (144Mhz).  The Repeater delivers 20Watt into the 
duplexer of local manufacture and 15watts is loded to the F22. SWR 
>1.1  !!

To avoid any local noise, we done the QT/DQT with first tone (67)in 
the whole fleet (92 handies) and coutesy tone for indetifying the RPT 

The mounting is done at a height of approx 60 feet from the ground on 
the Fire watch tower in the eastern side of the runway (Runway is 
East West and on the Southern side of the building)

The coverage in the open space is excellent and extends to more than 
10km out side the Airport through the surronding thick vegitation of 
Coconut trees and buildings

When we started the coverage test inside the building, the Domestic 
terminal in the eastern side (approx two kilometersfrom the antenna)
gave very good hope.  But when we tried in the western part of the 
same building, lot of blank spots were noticed in the ground floor, 
in the  middle of the building.  If you move two feet to this side or 
other it works fine. Just get out of the building to the to the 
verenda-59 report. In many areas the the Repeater triggers and clean 
Courtesy tone is received, but the modulation is very noisy and 
beyond readability.

One suggestion is to shift  the antenna to the  top of the terminal 
building itself, which is 5 floors and of thick concrete, with lot of 
AC ducts. ( The required coverage area will be just five floors below 
the antenna)

Can you suggest solutions for extending the coverage to inside of the 
building to avoid the blank spots?


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