[Repeater-Builder] Msf5000 Low Power alarms

2010-08-29 Thread jimmylpowell
I originally posted this on the MSF5000 board but got no response. I
thought I would broaden my search.

Does anyone know a way to get a non trunking MSF with out an internal
sensor to stop giving the 7 beeps? I have tried going back to a default
and starting from scratch. This did not work. It seems that once the bit
set it won't go away. I'm sure that it happened when someone went into
screen to adjust the alarms. I know this is a common problem and they
tell you
not to do it.

I have the alarms disabled over the air, but it annoys me on the local
audio. I
would like to enable the over the air alarms, but I can't until I can
clear this

My MSF has version 4.07 SSCB and 5.04 TTRC.

Maybe there's some bit banging that can be done.

Jimmy, K5JCT

[Repeater-Builder] Duplex coax types

2008-05-12 Thread jimmylpowell
After reading all of the recent post about different types of coax 
that are acceptable in duplex service, I made my self a list. Then, I 
thought that this might be helpful to others. Here's what I came up 
with so far. Please add any that I have missed.

RG-142  Be careful that it will not move around much.
RG-214 Be sure it is the double silver braid stuff.
Any of the Andrews Superflex/Heliax sizes. 

I have always used the RG-142 and RG-214 in the past, now I have 
others to look for. There must be others that meet the specs of 
double silver braid or solid outer conductor. This list will help me 
when shopping hamfest, etc.

Jimmy Powell, KS4KX
Roanoke, VA Repeaters
443.675, 443.200, 224.780
Maintain RVARC 146.985 and 442.500

[Repeater-Builder] Maratrac without control head

2007-10-03 Thread jimmylpowell
I am trying to use a UHF Maratrac as a transmitter. I want to leave
off the control head. 
I can not get it to transmit without the control head. I have jumpered
pins 17  13 and 19  4. I have checked the fuse on the logic board. I
have tried the Ptt pin on the 16 pin. 

Are the any other jumpers that may need to be added? Any other ideas?

Jimmy, KS4KX

[Repeater-Builder] UHF Maratrac: Low power in ham bands

2007-08-25 Thread jimmylpowell
I have a Maratrac that will only make about 20 watts at 446.500 and
almost nothing a little below that. At 448.00 and above it makes full
power. I have another Maratrac that makes full power down to 440.000.
I did not check it any further. The radios look a little different
inside. The one that has low power is HUE 2189B the good one is
HUE2089B. What changes were made to the design that may be causing my
problem?  I want to put one of the radios in my service van and the
other was going to be used as my repeater transmitter backup. I need
it to transmit in the 443.000 range.

