1. Dayton rule book as ammended for 2007 - with
complete do's and donts while attending the
hamfest (hamventiuon is copyrighted) and
specifically noting the penalties for
transgressing ANY of the regulations.

Note-For 2007 I printed 8 pages of rules and regs
and tax charts and flea market map - Plus notes
on things you should know to attend and "ENJOY"
This Year I will ATTEND personally to determine
for myself if anyone has any fun at all. Hope yo
see you there. Look for me and say HI. K9MDM 

2. The complete Ohio State Manual fire
regulations as ammended for 2007.

3. Over priced tickets and space rental tags

4. Parka - with hood and artic mittens 

5. Galoshes or waders depending on the day
   (a suggestion was made last year about
bringing 33 gal trash bags to use as rain coats
for the optomists who don't think it will rain.)

6. Dry socks 4 pair and other bits of apparel
that may get wet. 

7. Tent or canopy with several hundred pounds of
lead weights to combat the gentle 45 Knot Dayton

8. Sleeping accomodations within 75 miles of Hara
Arena and sleeping pills, eye shade, ear muffs to
combat the drunken brawl in the next room or
possibly in the same room.

9. 14 handie talkies, pagers, cellphones, GPS,
Video Camera, PDA or Blackberry, and belt large
enuf to accomodate them all at the same time.

9(a). Bandolero with spare batteries for all this
electronic paraphernalia.

10. Goofy hat with antennas sticking out for at
least 4 bands extra credit for Beam.

11. Laminated Dayton Hamfest I.D. badge (I heard
a rumor that passports may be required)

12. scrolling electronic sign front and back
telling anyone and everyone who you are what
freqs you are monitoring and your email address.

13. Bail Money

14. Map of hamfest grounds with all portapotties
marked in red.

15. Snow chains - you never can tell in Dayton.

16. SPF 55 sunscreen - you never can tell when
your in Dayton.

17 - Laser transit and 100 ft tape measure to   
align your tables to avoid reprimand from the
alignment police. Heaven forbid you should creep
over the painted yellow lines and encroach on the
footpath-driveway which you can't drive on anyway
after 8 a.m.
18 - Despite all this try to have a fun time.

19. - Remember the motto -
      "He who dies with the most toys...wins!"

                  Ted Bleiman K9MDM
  MDM  Radio                    " If its in stock...we've got it!"
P O Box 31353
Chicago, IL 60631-0353 
773.631.5130  fax 773.775.8096  
  web http://www.mdmradio.com - 

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