Hello All,

I'm looking for input on the Hamtronics TB901 900mhz exciter.

I have two 900mhz repeaters that are responsible for the linking of 
14 other UHF machines together. I would like to have an "on the 
shelf" backup exciter. The exciters that I presently use are Quintron 
/ Glenayre Universal exciters (200mw) and I haven't been successful 
in finding anymore.

I have access to a TB901 and would like to order some crystals from 
Bomar. (not interested in the crystal company debate, that's just who 
I use) Does anyone have the particulars for ordering replacement 
crystals for these exciters? Also, does anyone have experience with 
adding PL to the TB901?  I believe I read on RB that some mods were 
needed on the 2 meter, 220, and UHF versions.

Thanks in advanced...

Adam N2ACF

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